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Hosted by Dr. William J. Frey

Jeopardy. Hosted by Dr. William J. Frey. Privacy. Property. Informed Consent. Toysmart. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. Row 1, Col 1. What is one of many definitions of privacy?.

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Hosted by Dr. William J. Frey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Hosted by Dr. William J. Frey

  2. Privacy Property Informed Consent Toysmart 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

  3. Row 1, Col 1 What is one of many definitions of privacy? The right to be left alone

  4. 1,2 What is the labor theory of property and the intuition behind the notion of property? When we mix our labor with an object it becomes ours.

  5. 1,3 What is informed consent in the context of this course? Your consenting to continue on in ADEM 4016 after studying the syllabus in the first class and understanding the nature of the quid pro quo of it proposes.

  6. 1,4 How does the analogy between buying the children shoes and selling the Toysmart data base break down? Breaking the promise between the visitor and the village chief is not as harmful as breaking the promise made by Toysmart to its customers while collecting data on them to form its data base

  7. 2,1 What is protecting privacy as a (moral) right? If privacy can be protected in this way, then it must be shown as essential to autonomy.

  8. 2,2 Who is Rousseau? This political theorist claims that property is both the basis of civil society and responsible for wars, murders and suffering.

  9. 2,3 What is informed consent according to the Belmont Report? “Subjects to the degree that they are capable [should] be given the opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to then.”

  10. 2,4 What is part of the settlement between the FTYC and Toysmart? Toysmart creditors “can sell electronic assets only if the purchasing company abided by the same privacy policy.”

  11. 3,1 What is the triangle or relational theory of privacy? Information is public when directly relevant to the relation between those who have it and those who want it.

  12. 3,2 What is intellectual property or an idea? This form of property is both non-rivalrous and non-exclusive according to T. Jefferson.

  13. 3,3 What is informed consent in relation to risk and safety Mill? Consent of risk taker to the nature and breadth of the risk he or she is being asked to take

  14. 3,4 What are three TRUSTe guidelines for PII transfer? Mandated third party oversight, consumer notice and choice, and privacy policies must be honored.

  15. 4,1 What is India? In this country, a supervisor intervened when the wife of an employee under his supervision complained that he was keeping a mistress in an apartment.

  16. 4,2 What does it mean to say that intellectual property or an idea is non-rivalrous? My having an idea does not prevent you from enjoying the same idea at the same time.

  17. 4,3 What are the three conditions for informed consent as spelled out by the Belmont Report? Information, comprehension, and voluntariness

  18. 4,4 What is decision point one in the Toysmart Case? David Lord has to choose between two 20 million dollar offers for start-up funding. One of them includes access to advertising infrastructure worth an additional 25 million.

  19. 5,1 What is Rights Theory? This ethical theory is encapsulated by the reversibility test

  20. 5,2 What is it to say that intellectual property is non-excludable? Intellectual property has this characteristic that like the air, it expands and cannot be contained.

  21. 5,3 What is whistle-blowing? The BXM Police claimed to be doing this when they posted messages criticizing Biomatrix.

  22. 5,4 What are Toysmart creditors? Pan Communications and Blackstone Software are among these in the Toysmart Case.

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