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DATA R US Personal Travel Data, including CTPP and NPTS Portland State University April 29, 2005

DATA R US Personal Travel Data, including CTPP and NPTS Portland State University April 29, 2005. Elaine Murakami, FHWA Elaine.murakami@fhwa.dot.gov Ed Christopher, FHWA Edc@berwyned.com. What are Personal Travel Data?. What are Personal Travel Data?. l Daily activities and travel

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DATA R US Personal Travel Data, including CTPP and NPTS Portland State University April 29, 2005

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  1. DATA R USPersonal Travel Data, including CTPP and NPTSPortland State UniversityApril 29, 2005 Elaine Murakami, FHWA Elaine.murakami@fhwa.dot.gov Ed Christopher, FHWA Edc@berwyned.com

  2. What are Personal Travel Data?

  3. What are Personal Travel Data? l Daily activities and travel l How we get to work l When do we use the bus or rail or air l What are motivations for traveling l What are cost trade-offs (value pricing)

  4. Examples using Census and CTPP data

  5. Mode to Work, 1970 - 2000Percent of WorkersU.S. Total

  6. Households without VehiclesPercent, by Race/Hisp Origin

  7. Travel Time to Work, 1990 and 2000Percent of Workers49 largest MSA’s

  8. Examples using NPTS data

  9. There were significantly more households in 2001 than in 1995 who owned a greater number of vehicles than there were drivers in the household 2001 1995 14.5 million 15 million 64.5 million 63 million 20 million 14 million 2.8 million 1.4 million

  10. The average amount of time we spent in a vehicle in 2001 was slightly more than an hour. Children younger than 5 years old spent an average of ¾ of an hour a day in vehicles

  11. Average Daily Occupancy by Urbanized Areas population and Trip Purpose Source: NCHRP 365, using 1990 NPTS

  12. Personal Travel: Main data types l Residence-based: households, persons, vehicles, person trips lWorkplace-based: employment/jobs, workers, work trips l Other: Transit surveys: on-board, rider/non-rider l Special attractors: airports, schools/universities, major shopping centers, etc.

  13. Potential types of Questions l Revealed preference – current behavior lStated preference – how might act in future under certain conditions lMotivations for travel, and scheduling changes

  14. Residence-based l Household Travel Surveys -- National -- Regional/local l Decennial Census and American Community Survey

  15. Workplace-based • lPublic Sources ES-202 files lCommercial Files Dunn & Bradstreet InfoUSA l CTPP Parts 2 and 3 l LED program (test)

  16. Today, focus on 2 main surveys l CTPP -- Historical Trends -- Small area data -- Residence, Workplace AND Flow l NHTS -- Historical Trends -- Limited to Large geography only -- Includes all trip purposes, trip chaining file available --NCHRP 365 --Data transferability project

  17. What is the CTPP? The Census Transportation Planning Package is a set of special tabulations from the long form of the decennial census designed by transportation planners for transportation planners It summarizes the data Flows between Home and Work At Workplace At Residence

  18. Decennial Census Long Form Sample is 1:6 addresses nationwide, allowing for reporting at very small geography Transportation Related Questions-- Place of Work -- Means of Transportation to Work -- Carpool Occupancy to Work -- Departure Time for Work -- Travel Time to Work -- Vehicles Available

  19. What are the CTPP Products? Main CTPP Products Tabulations at Residence Tabulations at Workplace Flows between Home and Work Part 1Part 2Part 3 Collateral Products • State and County Profiles • County Flow Data

  20. How are they packaged? CTPP Access Tool The CAT ASCII Too

  21. CTPP Access Tool l Easy to Use Software Interface -- Easy to manipulate rows and columns, including calculating new variables l .ivt files (proprietary format) l Shape files included for many Census geographic units l Exports to .shp, .dbf, .xls, ASCII l Mapping and charting components imbedded

  22. What is in the CTPP? Let’s Look at the Details So how does this thing work?

  23. Tables—Lots of Tables 121 Tables of Residents’ Based Data 68 Tables of Work Place Data 14 Tables of Flow Data

  24. Variables--Lots of Variables • Person • Worker Status • Age, Sex, Race, Hispanic Origin, Disability Workers • Household • Income • Nos. Vehicles Available • Size and Nos. Workers • Journey-to-Work • Work Location and Mode • Departure and Travel Time • Arrival Time (Calculated)

  25. Sample Table List

  26. Data Issues l Rounding l Thresholds l Workers at Work vs. Jobs or Employment

  27. Disclosure Review Board

  28. Chicago CBD -CTPP 2000 Data

  29. No record threshold Must have 3 unweighted records

  30. Workers at Work Counts vs. Other Employment Sources Total jobs are HIGHER than CTPP worker counts CTPP uses NAICS, others may use SIC Multi-site businesses and job types not reported consistently Census 2000 employment estimates vs CPS Extended Allocation for CTPP small areas http://www.trbcensus.com/articles/ctppworkers.pdf

  31. With all this said and done now what can I do? l Build profiles (Part 1 example) lTrend Analysis lSurvey Weighting l Planning Process -- Environmental Justice, Title VI -- TDM programs -- Transit service planning -- Model calibration and validation

  32. Where do I get the“FREE”CTPP with the CAT Software? https://www.bts.gov/pdc/

  33. Other Census Data 100% data or SHORT-FORM information • Redistricting Summary File (PL Data) • Summary File 1 (SF1) • Summary File 2 Sample data or LONG-FORM information • Summary File 3 (SF3) • Summary File 4 Public Use Microdata Sample Files (PUMS)

  34. NHTS Basics l 28,000 households in U.S. plus nearly 44,000 households in add-on Program. l Telephone recruit, mail-out diary, telephone retrieval. l Cash incentives (recruit and diary) l 41 percent overall response rate. l March 2001 thru May 2002

  35. NHTS Basics, continued • Destination locations are only geocoded for add-on records. Otherwise, self-report for distance • Sample size is small, relative to total U.S. population, so geographic detail is very limited, e.g. MSA size, some states.

  36. What travel is included? • Assigned travel for 1 day, includes all 365 days of the year. Good resource for WEEKEND data, as 30 percent of sample is for weekends! • Long distance trips from 4-week period. • All modes of travel

  37. What travel is included?

  38. The complexity of daily travel

  39. NHTS File structure Households Land Use Characteristics (Claritas) Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Veh 1 Veh 2 Trip 1 Trip 2 Vehicle Oper- ating Char. (EIA) Trip 3 Trip 1 Trip 4 Trip 2

  40. 2001 NHTS Data Elements • Household demographics (race, age, sex, household income) • Vehicle information (age, annual miles, fuel type and use, etc.) • Commute information (mode, occupancy, time of departure, work location and occupation, distance to work) • Time of day and purpose for non-work Travel (mode, occupancy, time, miles traveled) • Who’s traveling together from same household

  41. 2001 NHTS Transferability Project • Test with 1995 NPTS data CITE for transferability paper! ADD!!!! • Assist areas without recent hhld survey data • Trip Generation Rates and VMT accounting for census-tract-level characteristics • Trips by Purpose, maybe be mode, and time of day

  42. 2001 NHTS Transferability Project • Use 2001 NHTS households (we have both detailed travel, and census tract characteristics) • Develop clustering system, and cluster all 61,000+ census tracts, except Manhattan and tracts without population. • Clustering system for 1995 had 11 clusters. • Compare the results of the “synthetic” hhlds to the “real” households from the NHTS add-ons. If this works, then….

  43. 2001 NHTS Transferability Project • User defines their “study area” by selecting census tracts. • Software returns Trip Generation Rates and VMT by census tract, and study area totals.

  44. 1995 NPTS Transferability Test:11 clusters Rural Sub Urban

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