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TRABAJO ARTE LOS PLASTICOS. by : René García Echanove. Picture of my work. Wich matirials did I use?. Plastic bottles Colour straws Blue tape Glue ( glue gun ). WHERE DOES THE IDEA COME FROM?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TRABAJO ARTELOS PLASTICOS by: René García Echanove

  2. Picture of mywork

  3. Wichmatirialsdid I use? • Plasticbottles • Colourstraws • Blue tape • Glue ( gluegun )

  4. WHERE DOES THE IDEA COME FROM? • Myfirst idea wasn´t a «biombo» itwas a decorationmadewithglassbottles and anotherstuffbutitwashardfor me togetthematerials, so i wasgoingto do thesamethingbutwithplasticbotlles , butthenextday i wenttothe hospital and i saw a «biombo» andithink in thisother idea , afterthat i loked in internet «biombo plastic» and i foundthesamethingthat i wantto do jusitdidn´thavestraws as i wonttodecorate (i justsawonepicture so i thinkthatitwasanoriginall idea . Itcamelikeaninspirationthis idea)

  5. Howdid I do it ? • I gotsomeplasticbottles , I stickthemtogetherwith a gluegun ,after i putstrawsarround de bottlestodecorateit. (I didthisjob in a smallsizebecause u didn´thaveenoughbottles)

  6. Whatdoesthatworkfor? • It,susefultoseparate a part of a roomtotheotherone , it´s a biombo ( i didit in a smallversion of whatitshould be, because i didn´thadenough material (bottles )

  7. Wasithardto do it ? • Itwasactuallyhard, I worked a lotonit , i had a problemthatitwasthatthebottlesdidn´tsticktogether and somebodybrokemyjob , thathappenedtomytwice so I worked more of what i shouldwork and ittoke me longer.

  8. AUTOEVALUATION of mywork

  9. theend of thepresentation

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