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French Kings. By: Kelly Orr and Jillian Schweizer. Louis IX. Led the last 2 crusades Came to the throne when he was 12 assisted by his mother Ruled from 1226 – 1270 Was a great supporter of the arts He was a devoted catholic and he built the Holy Chapel
French Kings By: Kelly Orr and Jillian Schweizer
Louis IX • Led the last 2 crusades • Came to the throne when he was 12 assisted by his mother • Ruled from 1226 – 1270 • Was a great supporter of the arts • He was a devoted catholic and he built the Holy Chapel • Jean de Joinville was a close friend of Louis and a famous author of the time, she wrote a book about him after he died • Born 1214 and died in 1270 in the last crusade • Pope Boniface VIII made Louis a saint in 1297 and he is the only French king to be declared a saint • Was made a saint because of the last 2 crusades
Philip IV • Created the position of bailiff, which meant that people resided over local courts and collected taxes which were given to him • Ruled France from 1285 – 1314 • Through land trading Phillip got King Edward I to be his vassal • Philip arrested Jews so that he could take their money to get money for the inflated costs of modern warfare
Charles VI • Nicknamed “Charles the Mad” • Ruled France from 1380-1422 • Born Dec. 3, 1368 • Inherited crown at age 11 • Assisted in early reign by uncles and the Council of 12 • Started independent rule in 1388 • Government structure rearranged, reforms made • Started being “mad” in 1392 • He was hunting and developed a fever, started having convulsions • Power weakened because of his insanity • Made pact with Richard II in 1396 • Died in Paris on October 22, 1422
Charles VII • Born Feb.22, 1403 • Married Mary of Anjouin 1413 • Received duchy of Touraine in 1416 • Became lieutenant-general of kingdom in 1417 • His power in N. France ended when John the Fearless was murdered by one who was associated with Charles • Considered king in Touraine, Berry, Poitou, Languedoc, and other provinces • Crowned in Reims in July 1429 • Joan of Arc approached him and asked for troops to lay siege on Orleans • Joan led France to victory over English
Louis XI • Ruled from 1461 to 1483 • In 1465 the nobility created the League of Public Good against Louis • He didn’t a lot of troops or money • Born in 1423 • Died 1483 • Louis was married to Margaret the princess of Scotland, in 1436, so that he could make an ally • He beat all princes and nobles who challenged him so he could now impose his rule anywhere in France • His rule was mostly about regaining power for the kings
Legacies • Created the bailiff which is an official in a court of law who keeps order, looks after prisoners, etc. • The Fleur-de-lis is the symbol they still use today for the French • Guillotine is a execution tool where a blade drops down and swiftly cuts someone’s head off
Decline of Kings • French monarchy ended with Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI • Louis was a weak and bad king so the people rebelled • They were both executed on October 16, 1793
Then and Now Economy Then: • Currency was francs • Poor were taxed more, rich people didn’t have to pay taxes • Bailiffs collected taxes Now: • Currency is euros • Poor aren’t being taxed anymore because of the prime ministers new plan • France’s government is going to get a lot poorer because of taxes
Then and Now Trade Then: • Main trade partners were India and other European countries • Exported furs, textiles, and cloths Now: • Main trade partners are Germany, Spain, UK, and Italy • Export aircrafts, plastics, chemicals, machinery and transportation equipment, pharmaceutical products, iron, steel, and beverages • Import machinery equipment, crude oil, chemicals, vehicles, aircrafts, plastics
Then and Now Government/Politics Then: • Kings • Monarchy Now: • Socialism • Presidential/republic • Republic is supreme power which is Held by the people and their elected representatives • Constitution • Legislative branch • Judicial branch • Executive branch
Then and Now Religion Then: Were devoted Catholics and religion was very important to them • Promise of heaven made people obey the church • Constant power struggle between the Pope and Kings • Everyone was catholic and any other religion wasn’t allowed Now: There is freedom of religion and people are less devoted then they were • About 43% of the population is catholic • Only about 5% of all of the people go to weekly mass
Then and Now Technology/Warfare Then: They used manual weapons and most tools were made for architecture and farming • Used bows and arrows, cannons, swords, and knights/armor • Had cathedrals with complex weight systems and they also used farming tools such as the scythe and plow Now: They have electricity and other technological advancements that make work much easier • Have electronic irrigation systems and driven plows so there is no need for horses • Have battery powered tools for building things and much easier tools for demolishing • Have guns and bombs which are easier to use while being much more effective and deadly
Works Cited • http://www.biography.com/people/charles-vi-of-france-9244850#early-years&awesm=~oEhJGaLIUTggR6 • http://www.luminarium.org/encyclopedia/charles7.htm • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/456170/Philip-IV • http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=1011 • http://people.hofstra.edu/geotrans/eng/ch5en/conc5en/tradeflows14001800.html • www.economywatch.com/world_economy/france/export-import.html • www.about-france.com/political-system.htm • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/France_100_francs_1961-a.jpg • http://www.redthreadmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/euro.jpg • http://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mtOquLJc2gyZNq6G7NSPQkg.jpg • http://cf.ltkcdn.net/tattoos/images/std/8503-200x200-Cross1.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Carlo_VI_di_Francia,_Maestro_di_Boucicaut,_codice_Ms._Fran%C3%A7ais_165_della_Biblioteca_Universitaria_di_Ginevra.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Fran%C3%A7ois_Hollande_(Journ%C3%A9es_de_Nantes_2012).jpg • http://images.abajournal.com/main_images/guillotine.jpg • http://sugarpopblue.com.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/portrait1.jpg