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Linux IPTV set top box has redefined your traditional cable TV experience by providing optimal performance in every aspect.
A re you thinking to buy IPTV stream ing devices in the GTA area? If yes, then you’ve m ade a good decision. IPTV or Internet Protocol Television is one of the best w ays to show that Internet has changed our lives and m ake cable TV obsolete. IPTV stream ing devices are garnering popularity day by day. M ost people from all around the world now prefer stream ing content and on-dem and videos by avoiding the cable TV limitations. H owever, an IPTV gives you an opportunity to get rid of expensive cable TV subscriptions, lim ited channels and their binding connections. O ut of all IPTV stream ing devices available online, you should buy Linux IPTV set top box in the G TA area. Take a look at the below discussed reasons to know w hy: Introducing Linux IPTV Set Top B ox – Linux IPTV set top boxes are designed for viewing pleasures. Their design aim s to stream contents w ithout any extras or frills. E ven if you w ant to get a traditional cable TV like experience, you should look no further than Linux IPTV set top box. In fact, Linux set top boxes can’t run apps like androids. You m ay require configuring your set top box to access portals like A m azon Prim e or N etflix. Therefore, it’s highly suggested that you should better check for specifications of every product to ensure that you are getting the right one for your optim al view ing experience. IN FO M IR M A G 322 – H igh Perform ance Linux IPTV Set Top B ox The latest upgraded version of M AG 254, IN FO M IR MA G322 simplifies content searching content w hile m aking it m ore accessible for w atching. It’s a top-end set top box featuring w ith high perform ance processor on the B CM 75839 chipset and built-in 512M B R A M . If you’re looking for an easy w ay to launch any IPTV or O TT design, IN FOR M IR MA G322 is the top choice you should go for. This version is available to use w ithout W I-FI connection w hich m akes an ideal choice to those w ho w ant to connect their IPTV s through E thernet cables. R em em ber that, M A G 322 supports H E V C h.265 video playback versions.
U seful F eatures – Quality Sound and Im age – The set top box com es w ith S/PD IF audio output that allow s you connect m ultichannel superior-end s ystem to the set top box. Its H D M I 1.4b ensures superior quality sound and im age experience. H igh Perform ance – The L inux set top box features w ith high perform ance processor on the B CM 75839 chipset. Though it com es w ith 512M B R A M , you w ill easily play high quality video contents. H E VC Support – A part from this, the set top box allow s you stream H E V C com pressed files. It m eans, the netw ork load w ill be low er even w hen providing high quality contents. 3D Video Support – The set top box is able to play advanced 2D and 3D graphics w ith its O penG L E S 2.0 support. B ottom L ine – L inux IPTV set top box has redefined your traditional cable TV experience by providing optim al perform ance in every aspect. If you really w ant to buy L inux IPTV set top box in G TA online, you should look no further than Tekinno Plus. W e have an extensive selection of IPTV stream ing devices available to upgrade your daily television experience. F or m ore details, feel free to contact us today at 1(416)318-0436. Source from - https://tekinnopluselectronicstore.w ordpress.com /2020/10/05/infom ir-m ag322-high-perform ance-linux-set- top-box/
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