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A Day-1/24/2012 B Day-1/25/2012. Objective TLW trace the influence of the American and French revolutions on Latin America, including the role of Simon Bolivar through independent studies and class activities Agenda TAKS Progressive Quiz #3 Latin American Revolution Class Notes
A Day-1/24/2012 B Day-1/25/2012 • Objective • TLW trace the influence of the American and French revolutions on Latin America, including the role of Simon Bolivar through independent studies and class activities • Agenda • TAKS Progressive Quiz #3 • Latin American Revolution Class Notes • Latin American Revolution Independent Study • Work on Age of Revolution Test Review
“It takes a revolution…. to make a solution….” - Bob Marley WHAT WERE THE PROBLEMS?
CAUSES Creole discontent at being left out of government jobs and trade concessions. Enlightenment Ideas writings of John Locke, Voltaire, & Jean Rousseau; Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. Inspiration of American and French Revolutions. Preoccupation of Spain & Portugal in fighting the Napoleonic Wars.
SOCIAL HIERARCHY Creole Discontent Peninsulares: Native Spaniards Creoles: People of pure European blood But born in the New World P Mulattos: African + European blood C Mestizos: Indian + European blood M & M I & A Indians and Africans
Enlightenment Ideas • Laws of nature [NATURAL LAWS] govern natural science and human society. • Give people rights life, liberty, property! • Make fair societies based on reason possible. • Challenged the theory of “Divine Right” monarchy.
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION * The success of the American Revolution showed others that colonies could succeed in overthrowing their more powerful mother countries.
THE FRENCH REVOLUTION * Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France in 1804. * In an attempt to rule all of Europe, he puts family and friends in charge of the territories he has conquered. * In 1810, Napoleon puts his brother Joseph on the throne of Spain. The Spanish royal family flees.
Preoccupation of Spain & Portugal In Fighting Napoleonic Wars
Napoleon on the March Provides a model & a diversion!
EFFECTS Countries controlled by: CAUDILLOS - Posed as reformers, but really dictators THE MONROE DOCTRINE “The American continents….are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European Power.” Economic Imperialism One Crop Economies. Creoles at the top of the ladder with the rest of the population at the bottom
SIMON BOLIVAR • Creole leader of the revolutions in Venezuela. * Called the “George Washington of South America.” * Accomplishments: Liberated territories of modern day Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, & Bolivia * Dreamed: for a federated Latin America was crushed by political in-fighting.
Bolivar’s Accomplishment Unites Colombia, Venezuela, & Ecuador
After uniting Venezuela, Columbia, & Ecuador into Gran Columbia, he left to help free the rest of Latin America. • He died a year later, with his goal of uniting all of South America unfulfilled! Bolivar’s Failure
Revolution Leaders Video
LatinAmerican StatesAfter the Revolutions 18 Total Revolutions from 1811 - 1830