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Duties of Officers

Duties of Officers. What is a SkillsUSA Officer?. Officers in the local chapter are selected to lead their chapter for a total of 1 year. If they accept the office, they assume the responsibility of doing everything they can to make their chapter better and stronger. SkillsUSA President.

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Duties of Officers

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  1. Duties of Officers

  2. What is a SkillsUSA Officer? • Officers in the local chapter are selected to lead their chapter for a total of 1 year. • If they accept the office, they assume the responsibility of doing everything they can to make their chapter better and stronger

  3. SkillsUSA President • Must be able to work with people and encourage them • Must be an impartial judge of the abilities of others • Presides over meetings • Never interjects personal opinions • Brings issues to a satisfactory conclusion • Inform members progress and sees the chapter is moving forward • The key to the whole SkillsUSA chapter

  4. SkillsUSA Vice President • First Assistant to the President • Presides over meetings in the absence of the President • Be well-informed of the issues and skilled in handling the chapter’s business • Program planning, determines topics, secures speakers, arranges for necessary facilities • Set’s up meeting room • Produces chapter’s Year-end report

  5. SkillsUSA Secretary • Keeps all chapter records • Working with president, sets tentative agenda of each meeting • Advises president about agenda • Keeps minutes during meetings • Counts votes • Keeps constitutions and by-laws • Takes care of chapter correspondences and reads all communications

  6. SkillsUSA Treasurer • Keeps records of chapter funds • Bills for annual dues • Sends out membership records • Pays all approved bills • Maintains accurate record of income and expenses • Prepares financial statements including an annual financial statement. • Has a bank book, deposit slips, and business account, checkbook

  7. SkillsUSA Parliamentarian • The chapter authority to the president on procedural matters • Has working knowledge of SkillsUSA parliamentary laws • Gives opinion based upon law and not personal opinion • Settles controversial matters • Calls attention to any error in procedure,

  8. SkillsUSA Reporter • Gets news about the chapter out to the public • Is able to write news stories on chapter activities • Contacts local media and prepares news releases to distribute to newspapers, radio, and television stations • Uses school or community bulletin boards to get news out • May collect publicity to display at state and national meetings.

  9. SkillsUSA Historian • Keeps records, photos, and information about the chapter activities • Creates a chapter scrap book

  10. Becoming A SkillsUSA Officer • Complete officer application forms • Get all required signatures • Pass written test • Complete officer interview satisfactorily • Campaign • Be elected by 50% plus one

  11. State’s SkillsUSA Pledge Upon My honor, I pledge: • To prepare myself by diligent study and ardent practice to become a worker whose service will be recognized as honorable by my employer and fellow workers • To base my expectations of reward upon the solid foundation of service • To honor and respect my vocation in such a way as to bring repute to myself • To spare no effort in upholding the ideals of Skills USA

  12. How to Make a Motion Stating a motion as recognized in “Robert’s Rules of Order” “I move that…. (make your motion)”

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