In 2006, 46 year old Barbie – the largest and the most popular doll in the world
Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets Project Report and Thesis contact ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224 Marketing Management CASE STUDY (20 Marks) In 2006, 46 year old Barbie – the largest and the most popular doll in the world is struggling through a midlife crisis. The Barbie brand accounts for almost onethird of Mattel's $5.2 billion annual revenue. The Barbie doll has dominated the global toy market for more than 40 years. But in recent years, its status as queen of the toy cupboard is under threat. Mattel's financial results highlighted her plight with the gross worldwide sales of Barbie falling by 13 % in the second quarter of 2006. Little girls no longer view her as cool and trendy. Mattel decided to reinvigorate the Barbie brand, focusing on core markets, aligning more effectively with growing retail customers by entering into closer partnerships with them, investing in developing markets, and growing alternative saleschannels. Mattel has decided to concentrate on three aspects – product, brand building and distribution channel. It has extended Barbie to animation movies, launched interactive web sites, and developed new products to appeal to teens and preteens. The case discusses the challenges faced by Barbie; it traces the initiatives taken by Mattel over the years to extend Barbie's product life cycle; and debates over Mattel's current strategy for Barbie. Answer the following question. Q1. Discuss the challenges faced by Barbie in maintaining its brand image. Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets Project Report and Thesis contact ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224
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