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QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT WORKSHOP INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY PROF. EDMUND KWOK, EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT OF UIC Dear Colleagues: Quality Assurance and Institutional Development As the first joint venture university between HK and Mainland China, UIC has undertaken the mission to develop a new kind of educational model for China and probably the world. Through this model, different kinds of international educational practices may be tested in the local context. We are NOT just bringing HK academic programs and an internationally accredited academic degree over here. We are trying to advocate new educational ideals, cultivate good academic and management systems and practices, and ultimately allow the international academic community to fully participate in the promotion of quality education in China. These educational experiences will hopefully make it possible for others to appreciate more of the Chinese experience. As UIC is granting Hong Kong Baptist University degrees, our programs and management are accredited and monitored by the Hong Kong University Grants Council (UGC). Since 1995, UGC has been developing a wide range of measures to enhance the quality of teaching, research and management of all the universities in HK. From the Teaching and Learning Process Quality Reviews (TLPQR) (1995-7, 2001-3) and Management Review (1998-9) to the recent Quality Assurance Council’s (QAC) audit (2008-10), all universities in HK must comply with these measures.
QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT WORKSHOP INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY PROF. EDMUND KWOK, EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT OF UIC As a new institution, UIC is in a very advantageous position to make the best out of the values and directions behind all the reviews. We can make use of the procedures and reference framework to build up our own system of teaching, research and administrative management. We are young and inexperienced. There are no precedents that we may follow. How would the HK or international systems be localized? What are our objectives? How do we go about achieving our objectives? How do we measure these achievements? What processes are in place for improvement? In the last two years, UIC has been consistently carrying out annual strategic planning. This year, with the QAC audit, we can take this golden opportunity to help us do our own quality assurance audit and carry out strategic planning following the QAC spirit and values. I sincerely appeal to you to help the College realize these objectives. Edmund Kwok April 9, 2008
QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT WORKSHOP 9 April 2008 Room B201 AGENDA • HKBU/UIC Degrees and Programmes (a) General Governance at UIC (b) Programme Accreditation Process (c) Programme Revision Protocols (d) Quality Assurance Measures (e) Institutional Objectives, Graduate Profile and Attributes (f) Whole Person Education, Experiential, Outcomes-Based, and Lifelong Learning 2. Quality Assurance Council Audit 2008-09 (a) The Quality Assurance Council (b) Structure of the Audit (c) Focus Areas (d) Important Dates 3. Implications and Significance
Academic Accreditation and Governance • A joint venture university set up by two universities governed by a Council (with 5 representatives from each university), appointing a President to manage • Academic status granted by both Ministry of Education and University Grants Council (Degrees from HK and Mainland mutually recognized) • All recognized degree programmes and institutions offering these programmes are accredited by and monitored by HK University Grants Council in order to keep up with international standards
HK UGC Management & Accreditation Policies and Processes • 1995-1997; 2001-2003 Teaching and Learning Quality Process Reviews (TLQPR) • 1998-1999 Management Review • Setting up of Quality Assurance Council (QAC) under UGC • UNESCO/QECD Guidelines on Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education (2005) • Longstanding accreditation procedures in US European Union, UK, Australian, New Zealand and other Quality Assurance Agencies or Units
General Governance of UIC Source: Self Assessment Report (2007) to HKBU– University United International College (UIC), p. 9.
Committees Senate Committees • Senate • Committee of Academic Affairs • Division Board • Academic Development and Quality Assurance Committee • College Board of Examiners for Bachelor Degrees (Honours) • Committee for Experiential Learning • Committee of General Education • Committee on Languages Enhancement
Senate Committees (Cont’d) • Course and Timetable Committee • Entrance Examination Committee • Library Committee • Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee • Committee on Student Career Development • Staff and Student Relations Committee • Student Disciplinary Committee • Committee of Cyber Campus • High Table Dinner Programme Committee
Non-Academic Committees Senior Executive Committee Executive Committee of Administrative Affairs Committee for Development, Publicity and Admission Committee for International Development Equipments, Planning and Purchase Committee College Life Committee College Wellness and Anti-Smoking Committee Space Allocation Committee Staff Review and Development Committee
CPA Australia Accreditation Accounting Programme of UIC was awarded the CPA Australia accreditation on Sep 3, 2007. Graduates of the Accounting Programme can apply for Associate Membership with CPA Australia immediately upon graduation.
Six of the 17 colleges under the Minnesota Private College Council, after 2 years of in-depth review of UIC, agree to develop full scale cooperation with UIC UIC-MPCC Full Scale Cooperation 2005- 2007
An External Examiner system, consisting of HKBU staff, is formed to help maintain the academic standard of UIC courses. Appropriate standards are set and followed. Student performance is comparable to those taking similar courses of study at HKBU; assessments and examinations are fairly conducted. Teaching Quality Supervision Task Force External Examiner • Chairman: • Prof. Ng Ching-Fai • President, UIC and President & Vice-Chancellor, HKBU • Members: Prof. Franklin Luk Academic Vice-President, HKBU Dr. LAM, Robert Academic Registrar, HKBU Prof. KWOK, Edmund, Siu Tong Executive Vice-President, UIC Prof. ZEE, Sze Yong Associate Vice-President, Dean of Division of Science and Technology, UIC
Academic Consultation Panel An Academic Consultation Panel (ACP) set up by HKBU will visit UIC periodically to review and assess the standard of UIC academic departments/ units. In June 2007, HKBU Institutional Review was carried out to evaluate the teaching, academic research and management at UIC. In its report, the panel praised the achievements of UIC in the past two years.
Source: Hong Kong Baptist University Manual of Academic Policies Regulations & Procedures Nov 2007, p. 113, Appendix 4.
Programme Revision Protocols a) Programme revisions requiring HKBU Senate and UIC Senate approval: • Title and award of degree/associate degree • Programme duration and mode of attendance • Number of units for degree/associate degree • Adding/dropping of entire options/concentrations • Graduation requirements b) Programme revisions requiring Academic Development and QA Committee - Aims, objectives and learning outcomes of programme - Title for options/concentrations - Courses for study abroad students - Language policy
Programme Revision Protocols (Cont’d) c) Programme revisions requiring Division Board approval - Adding/dropping of courses & course categories: supporting, majors, non-majors, required & electives groupings - Assessment, weighting and methods - Number of lectures/tutorials/laboratories per week - Change of general education courses (to be endorsed by GE committee) - Title/coding/level of courses and unit credit for courses - Special requirements (visits, fieldwork, internship, placement, etc.) - Change of course from required to elective, major to non-major or supporting, etc., and vice versa
Programme Revision Protocols (Cont’d) d) Programme revisions requiring Programme Management Committee of Major Programme approval: - Aims, objectives and learning outcomes of courses - Target students - Outline of topical content of syllabus - Reading list/references/textbooks and teaching materials • Sequencing, pre-requisites and co-requisites Source: HKBU-SEN/06-07/4/A8- Annex 3
QUALITY ASSURANCE MEASURES Source: Self Assessment Report (2007) – Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC), p. 1
UIC Quality Assurance Internal Mechanism Major Programmes/Centres/GE Programme/WPE Programme Executive Committee Division Board/Coordinating Committee ADQAC CAA Senate
Whole Person Education Environment Awareness Voluntary Service Language Culture Sports Culture Artistic Experience Adversity Quotient Experiential Development Emotional Health
Tips on Writing Course Documents in Outcomes-Based Teaching & Learning Mode (OBTL) Tony Hung (17/03/08) • Traditional Course Aims and Objectives - Q: What do we try to achieve in the course or programme? • Intended Learning Outcome (ILO) • Q: What do we want students to be able to do by the end of the course? • Tip: Using “verbs of doing” to describe ILO 3. Teaching and Learning Activities (TLA’s) • Q: What teaching/learning activities do I need to conduct in order for the students to achieve the learning outcome I intend? • Tip: Aligning each TLA with one (or more) specific ILO, & vice versa 4. Assessment • Q: Assignments, tests and exams should be properly aligned to the ILO (as in the case of TLA’s) • Tip: The traditional type of assignments, tests and exams, which often test nothing more than students’ ability to regurgitate previously learned knowledge might not be appropriate.
The Quality Assurance Council Mission (a) To assure that the quality of educational experience in all first degree level programmes and above, however funded, offered in UGC-funded institutions sustained and improved, and is at an internationally competitive level • To encourage institutions to excel in this area of activities Terms of Reference (a) To advise the University Grants Committee (UGC) on quality assurance matters in the higher education sector in Hong Kong and other related matters as requested by the committee (b) To conduct audits and other reviews as requested by the UGC, and report on the quality assurance mechanisms and quality of the offerings of institutions (c) To promote quality of assurance in the higher education sector in Hong Kong (d) To facilitate the development and dissemination of good practices in quality assurance in higher education
Quality Assurance Council (Cont’d) Audit Methodology – ADRI Approach: What objectives are the institution trying to achieve and on what basis does it set the objectives? Deployment: How does the institution go about achieving its objectives? Results: How does the institution measure achievement of its objectives and what evidence is there that the objectives are being achieved? Improvement: What processes are put in place for improvement? Source: Quality Assurance Council Audit Manual, pp. 7-13 (www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/doc/qac/publication/auditmanual.pdf)
Hong Kong Baptist University Matrix of Learning Outcome at Course Level SAMPLE (data are made up for demonstration purpose only)
SAMPLE (data are made up for demonstration purpose only) Hong Kong Baptist University Matrix of Learning Outcome at Programme Level
Hong Kong Baptist University Programme outline Template 1. Programme title 2. Mode of study (duration of study) Full-time mode (4 years) Part-time mode (2 years) 3. Offering department/programme 4. Award 5. No. of total units / credits 6. Entry requirements 7. Aims & objectives 8. Programme structure (components) Required Courses ( units) Electives ( units) 9. Learning outcomes (a) Knowledge (b) Skills (c) Attitude 10. Assessment/grading criteria 11. Programme director
Hong Kong Baptist University Course syllabus Template 1. Course title 2. Course code • Level 4. Offering department/programme • No. of units/credits 6. Contact hours 7. Syllabus prepared/reviewed by 8. Aims & objectives 9. Learning outcome (a) knowledge (b) skills (c) attitude 10. Course content/description 11. Assessment 12. Textbook(s), if any 13. Reference /recommended reading: Last revised: <date>
The Eleven Common Focus Areas of Audit • Articulation of appropriate objectives • Management, planning and accountability • Programme development and approval processes • Programme monitoring and review • Curriculum design • Programme delivery, including resources, teaching mode, and the student learning environment • Experiential and other “out of classroom” learning (e.g., leadership development, overseas exchange, work-integrated learning, service learning) • Assessment • Teaching quality and staff development • Student participation • Activities specific to research degrees The above focus areas are used across all programmes, including UGC funded programmes, self-financed programmes and joint programmes. In the case of programmes offered outside Hong Kong the listed focus areas are supplemented by others which relate to activities specific to extra- territorial delivery. Last revised: <date>
HKBU-UIC Quality Assurance Audit 19-23 January 2009 Important Dates 15 April 2008 - Teaching staff submit revised syllabi to Programme/Divisions/Centres/Units 28 April 2008 - Divisions/Programmes/Centres/Units submit programme updates together with revised syllabi and matrix checklists to AR (Dr Wendy Chan, Special Adviser, Quality Assurance & Management) - All programme documents should have been revised at this stage to include: learning outcome; alignment of TLAs to ILO; alignment of assessment methods to ILOs; QA mechanism and processes 13 May 2008 UIC consolidates individual reports from Divisions/Programmes/Centres/Units into one single document as a part of HKBU’s Institutional Submission to UGC 24 November 2008 Quality Assurance Council’s Preliminary Visit to HKBU. Arrangements for any visits outside Hong Kong and Programmes for sample programme review will be discussed during this Preliminary Visit. If UIC is chosen for a visit, it will occur in the period between the Preliminary Visit and the Audit Visit, i.e., between November 2008 and January 2009 For full information of the quality assurance audit, see HKBU’s QA Audit Website: http://net3.hkbu.edu.hk/~qacaudit/. Annex D (pp. 74-76) of the Manual, “Auditing Programmes Offered Outside Hong Kong” is of particular reference to UIC. Last revised: <date>
IMPLICATIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE • Outcome-based and lifelong learning a worldwide trend: help UIC align its mission and vision internationally • The QA audit as a benchmarking exercise with universities in Hong Kong and abroad • Help UIC set up an internationally recognized system of academic and administrative (staff and student services) management • QA audit of systems, procedures, due processes and mechanism in alignment with current self-review and strategic planning