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Explore gene expression profiles and clustering techniques for analyzing DNA microarray data, including K-Means and Hierarchical methods. Understand similarities between gene expressions and pitfalls of correlation coefficients. Learn about degradation, synthesis, chromatin, and glycolysis. Discover data mining through clustering and considerations for choosing the right method.
Clustering analysis of microarray gene expression data Ping Zhang November 19th, 2008
Outline • Gene expression • Similarity between gene expression profiles • Concept of clustering • K-Means clustering • Hierarchical clustering • Minimum spanning tree-based clustering
What is a DNA Microarray? DNA microarray technology allows measuring expressions for tens of thousands of genes at a time
equal expression higher expression in Cy3 higher expression in Cy5 Scanning/Signal Detection Cy3 channel Cy5 channel
Outline • Gene expression • Similarity between gene expression profiles • Concept of clustering • K-Means clustering • Hierarchical clustering • Minimum spanning tree-based clustering
Gene expression profiles Expression (relatively levels to reference point at 0) Time/Condition
Similarity between Profiles expression Similarity measure: • Euclidean distance • Correlation coefficient • Trend • … Correlation coefficient often works better. 0 time Expression profile
Pearson Correlation Coefficient • Compares scaled profiles! • Can detect inverse relationships • Most commonly used n=number of conditions x=average expression of gene x in all n conditions y=average expression of gene y in all n conditions sx=standard deviation of x Sy=standard deviation of y
Correlation Pitfalls Correlation=0.97
Euclidean Distance • Scaled versus unscaled • Cannot detect inverse relation ships For Gene X=(x1, x2,…xn) and Gene Y=(y1, y2,…yn)
Outline • Gene expression • Similarity between gene expression profiles • Concept of clustering • K-Means clustering • Hierarchical clustering • Minimum spanning tree-based clustering
Degradation Synthesis Chromatin Glycolysis Data-Mining through Clustering Assumptions for clustering analysis: • Expression level of a gene reflects the gene’s activity. • Genes involved in same biological process exhibit statistical relationship in their expression profiles.
Idea of Clustering Clustering: group objects into clusters so that • objects in each cluster have “similar” features; • objects of different clusters have “dissimilar” features
Methods of Clustering • discriminant analysis (Fisher,1931) • K-means (Lloyd,1948) • hierarchical clustering • self-organizing maps (Kohonen, 1980) • support vector machines (Vapnik, 1985)
Issues in Cluster Analysis • A lot of clustering algorithms • A lot of distance/similarity metrics • Which clustering algorithm runs faster and uses less memory? • How many clusters after all? • Are the clusters stable? • Are the clusters meaningful?
Which Clustering Method Should I Use? • What is the biological question? • Do I have a preconceived notion of how many clusters there should be? • How strict do I want to be? Spilt or Join? • Can a gene be in multiple clusters? • Hard or soft boundaries between clusters
Outline • Gene expression • Similarity between gene expression profiles • Concept of clustering • K-Means clustering • Hierarchical clustering • Minimum spanning tree-based clustering
K-means clustering for expression profiles Step 1: Transform n (genes) * m (experiments) matrix into n(genes) * n(genes) distance matrix To transform the n*m matrix into n*n matrix, use a similarity (distance) metric. Step 2: Cluster genes based on a k-means clustering algorithm
K-means algorithm The most popular algorithm for clustering What is so attractive? • Simple • Fast • Mathematically correct • Invariant to dimension • Easy to implement
Basic Ideas : using cluster centre (means) to represent cluster Assigning data elements to the closet cluster (centre). Goal: Minimize square error (intra-class dissimilarity) : = There is no hierarchy. Must supply the number of clusters (k) into which the data are to be grouped. K-Means Clustering 2
conditions gene K-means Clustering : Procedure (1) Initialization 1 Specify the number of cluster k -- for example, k = 4 Expression matrix Each point is called “gene”
K-means Clustering : Procedure (2) Initialization 2 Genes are randomly assigned to one of k clusters or choose random starting centers
[(6,7) + (3,4) + …] K-means Clustering : Procedure (3) Calculate the mean of each cluster (6,7) (3,4) (3,2) (1,2)
Gene i to cluster c K-means Clustering : Procedure (4) Each gene is reassigned to the nearest cluster
K-means Clustering : Procedure (5) Iterate until the means are converged
Outline • Gene expression • Similarity between gene expression profiles • Concept of clustering • K-Means clustering • Hierarchical clustering • Minimum spanning tree-based clustering
Step 1: Transform genes * experiments matrix into genes * genes distance matrix Step 2: Cluster genes based on distance matrix and draw a dendrogram until single node remains Hierarchical clustering (1)
3 4 5 1 2 Hierarchical clustering (2)
Outline • Gene expression • Similarity between gene expression profiles • Concept of clustering • K-Means clustering • Hierarchical clustering • Minimum spanning tree-based clustering
0 1 1.5 2 5 6 7 9 1 0 2 1 6.5 6 8 8 1.5 2 0 1 4 4 6 5.5 . . . graph representation distance matrix Graph Representation Represent a set of n-dimensional points as a graph • each data point (gene) represented as anode • each pair of genes represented as an edgewith a weight defined by the “dissimilarity” between the two genes n-D data points
(a) (c) (b) Minimum Spanning Tree • Spanning tree: a sub-graph that has all nodes connected and has no cycles • Minimum spanning tree (MST): a spanning tree with the minimum total distance
4 4 4 7 5 5 3 3 3 3 (b) (c) (d) (e) How to ConstructMinimum Spanning Tree Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm Kruskal’s algorithm • step 1: select an edge with the smallest distance from graph • step 2: add to tree as along as no cycle is formed • step 3: remove the edge from graph • step 4: repeat steps 1-3 till all nodes are connected in tree. 4 8 7 10 14 5 3 6 (a)
Foundation of MST Approach • Significantly simplifies the data clustering problem, while losing very little essential information for clustering. • We have mathematically proved: A multi-dimensional clustering problem is equivalent to a tree-partitioning problem!
2 Clustering by Cutting Long Edge Hierarchical cutting 1st cut: longest edge 2nd cut: second longest edge … Work well for “easy” cases. Produce many clusters with single element for some “difficult” cases. 1
g* Tree-Based Clustering • For each edge, calculate the assessment value • Find the edge that give the minimum assessment value as the place to cut • Clustering using iterative method • guarantee to find the global optimality using tree-based dynamic programming
Clustering through Removing Long MST-Edges • Objective: partition an MST into K subtrees so that the total edge-distance of all the K subtrees in minimized • Finding K-1 longest MST-edges and cutting them => we get K clusters • This works as long as the inter-cluster edge-distances are clearly larger than the intra-cluster edge-distances
An Iterative Clustering Algorithm • Find K subtrees Ti of an MST such that to minimize: • Informally, the total distance between the center of each cluster and its data points is minimized • The center c of a cluster C is defined as: • the sum of the distances between c and all the data points in C is minimized • Does not work well if the cluster boundary is not convex
A Globally Optimal Clustering Algorithm • Given an MST T, partition T into K subtrees Ti and find a set of data points di, i = 1…k, di in D such that to minimize: • Informally, group data points around the “best” representatives rather than around the “center” • Using Dynamic Programming for this algorithm
Automated Selection of Number of Clusters Select “transition point” in the assessment value as the“correct” number of clusters.
Transition Profiles indicator[n] = (A[n-1] – A[n]) / (A[n] – A[n+1]) A[k] is the assessment value for partition with k clusters Our clustering of yeast data
Reference • [1] Ying Xu, Victor Olman, and Dong Xu. Clustering Gene Expression Data Using a Graph-Theoretic Approach: An Application of Minimum Spanning Trees. Bioinformatics. 18:526-535, 2002. • [2] Dong Xu, Victor Olman, Li Wang, and Ying Xu. EXCAVATOR: a computer program for gene expression data analysis. Nucleic Acid Research. 31: 5582-5589. 2003. • Using slides from: Michael HongboXie, Temple University (in 2006) Vipin Kumar, University of Minnesota Dong Xu, University of Missouri
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