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This report highlights goals and progress in redesigning the Global Observing System to improve weather forecasting, disaster reduction, and data collection. It includes updates on the current status, activities, and future plans for the system.
Report of the president of CBS Presented by Alexander Gusev (Russian Federation) President of CBS Executive Council, Fifty-Eighth session Geneva, 20-30 June, 2006
Main goals (2005) • Redesign of the Global Observing System; • Achieve the full implementation of the Improved MTN and upgrade of the GTS through cost-effective techniques, particularly in developing regions and areas with adverse conditions; • Progress the development of the (F)WIS, including the evolution of the GTS towards the (F)WIS backbone; • Implementation of the migration to binary codes, in particular the development of pilot projects; • Development of severe weather forecasting and issue of severe weather warning; • Support to natural disaster reduction……
Current status of the WWW Global level of SYNOPS received (as a % of RSBN) has increased from 69% to 78% Global level of TEMPS has increased from 55% to 70% 4
Global Observing System (GOS) • Overall, in 2005 the implementation of observational programme in WMO Regions had shown increasing stability. • Theglobally averaged availabilityof observations reports on the MTN
Candidate Observing Systems The future GOS should build upon existing components, both surface and space based, and capitalize on existing and new observing technologies not presently incorporated or fully exploited Each incremental addition to the GOS would be reflected in better data, products and services from the NMHSs 6
Global Observing System (GOS) • Activities on the redesign and establishment of a future GOS were focused on • implementation aspects of evolution of the GOS, • satellite system utilization and products, • requirements and representation of data from AWS, • scientific evaluation of OSE and OSSE, • integration of AMDAR in WWW operations, • revision and updating of the GOS regulatory material.
Global Observing System (GOS)Specific input to the planning and implementation of the evolving integrated GOS comprised: • Revision of the content of the WMO publication Guide on the Global Observing System (WMO-No. 488); • Publishing as WWW Technical Report The Implementation Plan for Evolution of Surface- and Space-based Subsystems of the GOS; • Preparation of updates for the WMO publication Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No. 544); • Revision of the content and development the database for the WMO publication Weather Reporting, Observing Stations (WMO-No.9,Vol. A);
Global Observing System (GOS)Specific input to the planning and implementation of the evolving integrated GOS comprised (2): • Establishment of three additional CBS Lead Centres for GSN and GUAN data by NMHSs of Australia, Iran and Morocco;
ISS Key Tasks and activity • Update GTS design (incl. MTN), taking best benefits from ICT, towards the WIS core network; • Design & implementation planning for the WIS communication networks and centres (GISCs, DCPCs); • Promote & coordinate migration plan to table-driven code forms with other commissions;
ISS Key Tasks and activity • Development of the WMO metadata standard with other commissions and in liaison with ISO; • Coordination & monitoring of current operation of GTS and data management, including support to Early Warning Systems; • Coordination and protection of WMO-related radio-frequency bands, especially with ITU.
ISS - WIS Where we arein this project? Considerable efforts were made in developing the technical and operational specifications of the WIS GISCs and DCPCs, including an ad-hoc GISC & DCPC developers meeting (Langen, Germany, 29-31 March 2006). (DWD, ECMWF, EUMETSAT, KMA, Météo-France, NCAR, ROSHYDROMET and JCOMM Centre Obninsk, UKMetOffice)
ISS - WIS Where we arein this project? An initial implementation of some WIS functions could be achieved by the end of 2006 in a semi-operational mode. WIS success depends upon pilot projects.
WIS-relevant Pilot Projects • CBS RA VI VGISC project (Exeter, Offenbach, Toulouse, ECMWF, EUMETSAT) • CBS VPN Pilot Project based on the Internet in RA II and V CCl CliWare– (Obninsk, Russian Federation, portal access to climate data over the Internet) • JCOMM GISC-E2EDM prototype (Obninsk, Russian Federation) • EUMETNET UNIDART Web portal for a uniform data request inferface • CAgM WAMIS (World Agremeteorological Information Service; S. Korea) • СAS THORPEX/TIGGE • NERC DataGrid– UK e-Science project for accessing environmental information • Earth System Grid– US project that enables management, discovery, distributed access, processing, & analysis ofdistributed tera-scale climate data
ISS - TECO-WIS TECO-WIS will be held in association with the extraordinary session of CBS – 2006, November.
WIS • The WIS position and functions in the general WMO infrastructure should be precisely defined for better understanding and implementation by the Member countries.
ISS activity • GTS support to the Exchange of Multi-HazardEarly Warning, including Tsunami Warnings
ISS - Migration to Table DrivenCode Forms Only small number of countries had developed or were currently developing a national plan for the migration to Table Driven Code Forms (TDCF).
DPFS - Data-Processing & Forecasting System • Ensemble Prediction Systems (EPS) • 14 GDPFS centers are running EPS and the products continue to be of considerable interest as they are a realization of quantifying uncertainty in the numerical simulations and predictions of the atmosphere. • “Guidelines on using information from EPS in combination with single higher resolution NWP forecasts” (February 2006) was developed to assist meteorological users of EPS products.
DPFS - Data-Processing & Forecasting System • Long-range Forecasting (LRF) • 14 LRF producers • The Lead Centre for Standard Verification System for LRF (SVSLRF) stated that the Web site is operational and the exchange of verification data has started • The WMO Secretariat recently sent a letter to the PRs of the concerned countries inviting them to consider, as recommended by CBS-XIII, producing a document for the next session of CBS to seek recognition as an official Global Producing Centre (GPC) of LRF and to consider submitting their centre’s verification results to the Lead Centre for SVSLRF.
DPFS - Data-Processing & Forecasting System • Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP) • SWFDP is being organized as a regional project whose scope is to explore and test the usefulness of the products that are currently available from NWP centres, or products which could be made available from current systems, with the goal to improving severe weather forecasting services in countries where sophisticated model outputs are not currently used. • CBS, through the Project Steering Committee, decided to implement in 2006 the first SWFDP regional sub-project in south-eastern Africa.
DPFS - Data-Processing & Forecasting System • Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP)
DPFS - Data-Processing & Forecasting System • Nuclear Emergency Response Activities (ERA) • The Coordination Group on Nuclear ERA reviewed the status of implementation of the operational arrangements that involve the WMO RSMCs with activity specialization in nuclear environmental emergency response (Beijing, Tokyo, Obninsk, Montréal, Washington, Melbourne, Exeter, Toulouse), and the RTH Offenbach for operational notification via the GTS. • The review was based on the results of the international ConvEx-3 exercise (May, 2005) organized by the Inter-Agency Committee on Response to Nuclear Accidents, led by IAEA, as well as in the context of the IAEA-adopted International Action Plan for Strengthening the International Preparedness and Response System for Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies (2004-2009).
DPFS - Data-Processing & Forecasting System • Non-Nuclear Emergency Response Activities • The meeting of the CBS ET on Modelling of Atmospheric Transport for non-Nuclear Emergency Response was held in Melbourne, Australia, 19 to 23 September 2005. • Because of the predominately “localized” nature of environmental emergencies related to chemical incidents (spills or releases), the strategy and action plan should be concentrated on developing the necessary capabilities at the NMHSs. However, in the case of smoke from large fires, a regionalized approach would be appropriate, where RSMCs could provide emergency guidance and support to NHMSs and at the same time build capacity at the national level. A draft action plan was developed.
PWS Major current activities Capacity building and transfer of technology Natural disaster mitigation and public response to warnings; cross-border warnings exchange Relationships with the media, emergency management Application of new technology in PWS product development, design and service delivery Verification, service assessment and quality management Enhancement of NMS visibility and status
PWS OPAG on PWS had carried out an extensive review of the Programme, its functions and strategies. It had re-defined these in view of the emerging trends and needs in service provision and delivery.
WEB-BASED PROJECTS International exchange of public forecasts and warning • World Weather Information Service (WWIS) Web Site; provides a centralized source of official global city weatherinformation; carries climatological data for 1002 cities from 153 Members and weather forecasts for 858 cities by 90 Members; • Severe Weather Information (SWI) Web Site; provides a centralized source for media access of official tropicalcyclone warnings and information; has global coverageand participation by 19 Members.
CBS involvement to WMO cross cutting programmes and activities • DPM, • Quality Management System, • WMO Space Programme, • Climate study and GCOS-related activities, • GEO/GEOSS process, • THORPEX, • International Polar Year • ……
GEOSS • Many GEO targets are relevant to CBS and many CBS activities are relevant to GEO. • CBS proposes that the GEO Work Plan focus on two specific activities: • assessing the current data transfer & dissemination requirements and systems in all SBA; • preparing a detailed high level description of what new system would be and would do.
DPM • Over its life time, CBS has assembled a significant degree of competence and developed a broad network of expertise in matters closely related to DPM within its OPAG structure. • It will be important to ensure that the execution of the Implementation Plan for DPM and the work of CBS in this area, can proceed in a complementary fashion, so that there is no un-necessary duplication of effort and/or resources.
Integration of the WMO Observing System • Most of the WMO sponsored programmes are interconnected/ • WMO observing Systems should be developed into Integrated Observing System • WWW GOS would serve as an infrastructure for integrated observing system
WWW visibility as a core infrastructure element for most WMO programmes must be improved.
Thank you ! Executive Council, Fifty-Eighth session Geneva, 20-30 June, 2006