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Earl was unwilling to abase himself by pleading guilty to a crime that he did not commit. . Earl was abstruse when he tried to tell the judge he was not guilty to the crime. .
Earl was unwilling to abase himself by pleading guilty to a crime that he did not commit. Earl was abstruse when he tried to tell the judge he was not guilty to the crime. When the judge read Earl the verdict the court room filled up with an acrid smell of disbelief when the verdict was not guilty. (Adjective) Sharp and biting in taste or odor. 2. Deeply bitter. (Verb) To lower physically. (Adjective) Hard to understand. Abstruse Abase Acrid Synonyms: Humble, Degrade Antonym: Arrogant Synonym: Secret, Profound Antonym: Obvious Synonyms: Bitter, Harsh Antonym: Savory 9/18/09 Period: 3 Logan Echard 10th Grade CP 1984 Vocabulary #1
Earl was aloof from the public for the rest of his life because he didn’t want to be in the trouble he faced in the court room. Because of Earl’s mystique adulation the people in the court room followed him out. (Adjective) Having the characteristics of the language of the past and surviving chiefly in specialized uses. The Rosetta Stone is a very archaic piece of world language history. A austere conductor is more tough on himself than that of the orchestra. (Adjective) Removed or distant physically or emotionally. (Adverb) At a distant. (Adjective) Stern and cold in appearance or manner. 2. Morally strict. (Verb) To flatter or admire excessively. Adulation Archaic Austere Aloof Synonyms: Incurious, Detached Antonym: Attached Synonym: Old, Ancient Antonym: Modern Synonyms: Severe, Stern Antonym: Kind Synonyms: Worship, Flattery Antonym: Abuse
A young man with dreams for the future refused to be balked by the city existence that he lived for all his years. Milton Hershey’s benevolence was so great that he allowed orphan boys to go to the Hershey Industrial School. A robber has a very avarice mind because all the want is money, money, money. (Noun) A ridge of land that is unplowed and is a dividing line. (Verb) To pass over or by. (Noun) Kindly concern, interest, or support. The banker was bourgeois and was able to pay his house and car payments. (Noun) The middle class. 2. Ones conformity to the middle class. (Noun) Excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain. Benevolence Avarice Bourgeois Balk Synonyms: Frustrate, Annoy Antonym: Abet Synonym: Goodwill, Friendliness Antonym: Hatred Synonyms: Dean, Worker Antonym: Poor Synonyms: Greediness, Cupidity Antonym: Caring
The spring water cascaded down the mountain and into the stream. James Bond is very clandestine when it comes to spying on other people. The general capitulated with the enemy and they made an agreement. (Noun) A steep usually small fall of water: a series. (Adjective) Marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy. The concert seats were very commodious to sit in. (Noun) Comfortably or conveniently spacious. (Verb) To surrender after negotiation with terms. Clandestine Commodious Capitulate Cascade Synonyms: Fall, Drop Antonym: Lift Synonym: Secret, Rapid Antonym: Known Synonyms: Roomy, Spacious Antonym: Claustrophobic Synonyms: Parley, Negotiate Antonym: Loose