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Data Warehouse Accelerator

Data Warehouse Accelerator. Michael Wallace Principal Systems Consultant. Why a Data Warehouse Accelerator?.

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Data Warehouse Accelerator

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  1. Data Warehouse Accelerator Michael Wallace Principal Systems Consultant

  2. Why a Data Warehouse Accelerator? “Forces related to the new business climate may be fueling an acceleration in the growth of the data warehouse.... Doing more with less is both the mandate and the mantra across the board. “More than ever, businesses need dramatic increases in the price/performance of their systems. -Richard Winter, VLDB Expert, Winter Corporation

  3. Sound All Too Familiar? • How do I protect my revenue that is at risk? • How can I better leverage detailed (non-aggregate)data? • How can I keep more data online without incurring prohibitive storage expense? • How do I perform real-time analysis? • How do I run ad hoc queries anytime? • How do I get queries to return within seconds or minutes, not hours or days? • How do I free up my DBAs from constant warehouse tuning? • How do I add users and data without causing performance or architectural disruptions? • How can I help my business users be more independent and productive? • How do I get this project up and running this quarter? • How do I demonstrate a quick and solid return on my investment? • How do I minimize my risk?

  4. Need to get your data back under control?

  5. Hundreds of companies have benefited from the from the power, flexibility, scalability and low, low TCO of the IQ Warehouse Accelerator Use all your warehouse data…. a subset of your warehouse data…. Or a new set of data….. Here’s how.

  6. Typical Data Warehouse Architecture

  7. The IQ Accelerator enhances the performance and ROI of any existing data warehouse. Gauranteed!

  8. Sybase IQ – What is it? The Only RDBMS 100% designed for decision support It’s Faster It’s More Scalable It’s More Economic It has huge market momentum The Database for Analytic Applications

  9. An IQ Database Is a database with tables The tables have columns Uses “indexes” to speed retrieval Schema Independent Star Relational Flat Applications Connect to IQ via: ODBC JDBC Open Client An IQ Database Provides: Stored Procedures, Functions, and Batches Views On-Line Backup Concurrent Readers/Writers Transactions User Defined Functions and User Defined data types Crash Recovery and logging Common Language Processor ANSI 92 SQL Transact SQL JAVA Sybase IQ Architecture

  10. Data is Stored Vertically Each column is stored separately Bit-Mapped Index Index on every column Optimized Storage Input data is typically compressed Usually = 30-40% Database smaller than input data Even with all the indexes NOT an MPP Solution Much simpler implementation Much simpler management Query Engine Retrieves Only Columns Used in the Query Reduces system I/O dramatically Average 90% Less than competition Permits better data manipulation Schema Design Not Restricted Design based on application use Flat, Star, Relational, Snowflake Any Schema Sybase IQ – What’s Different?

  11. ASIQ Writer/Reader ASIQ Reader Data Store (SAN) IQ Multiplex Architecture Scalability • A single copy of data shared across multiple computer nodes • All data and indexes stored in the shared database • No partitioning of data required • No distributed lock management • System does not lock on queries or refresh • Individual nodes are Independent of Other Nodes. • Each IQ Node has its own local Temp Space and catalog. • Individual nodes can be different configurations (CPUs, memory, disk). Fiber Channel Backbone

  12. ASIQ Reader ASIQ Writer/Reader ASIQ Reader Data Store (SAN) IQ Multiplex ArchitectureVertical Scalability • Individual nodes can be different configurations (CPUs, memory, disk). • Each IQ engine runs independently, using all available CPUs on its own node. • Additional CPUs scale linearly when added to existing nodes • IQ is CPU, not I/O, bound Fiber Channel Backbone

  13. ASIQ Reader ASIQ Writer/Reader ASIQ Reader Data Store (SAN) IQ Multiplex ArchitectureHorizontal Scalability • No data redistribution • No change in schema • Start small and grow HUGE. • Load balancing can be used to spread out users. • Up to 120 nodes Fiber Channel Backbone

  14. ASIQ Writer/Reader ASIQ Reader ASIQ Reader ASIQ Writer/Reader ASIQ Reader Data Store (SAN) Data Store (SAN) Data Store (SAN) IQ Multiplex ArchitectureFlexible Scalability • Re-use old hardware • Grow writer node as needed • Increase disk storage without adding nodes • Up to 30+ PetaBytes of disk storage • SMP-like management & tuning • High Availability provided through multiplexing Fiber Channel Backbone

  15. Web Workgroup VLDB Enterprise IQ Multiplex ArchitectureUser Scalability Flexible Scalability = User Scalability

  16. Why Sybase IQ? • Speed: IQ speeds up queries of your existing warehouse by 10-1000X • Scalability: Scales to thousands to users with virtually no degradation of performance • Flexibility: Allows ad hoc queries anytime with no additional tuning required • Low risk: Already tested, tuned, configured to insure success (world’s largest data warehouse built and certified on IQ/Sun boasts 48.2TB input data, 22TB final size) • Simplicity and elegance: Leading-edge, patented architecture guarantees quick installation, low management and maintenance costs. • Economy: Saves approx. $1 million per terabyte of input data

  17. Need Proof? IQ scores big in TPCH benchmarks • Best price-performance in both 300GB and 1000 GB scales • Lowest disk to data ratio: 3 to 10 X better than any other system • At 1000GB, IQ used 54 disks compared to 1263 and 1408 for competing systems • Best storage efficiency by factor of 10 -- 1TB raw data = 2.4TB storage in IQ, 22TB in competitor • At 300 and 1000 GB scales, IQ is 9 to 25 times less expensive than competitive systems

  18. Need proof?GIGA study illustrates hefty ROI* “The organizations interviewed by Giga information group showed actual or expected returns on their investment ….that ranged from 72% to 175%. “Simply put, for every dollar invested in the Sun/Sybase RA (IQ running on Sun hardware), $1.63 would be returned to the organization in direct cost savings or increased bottom-line profit as a result of increased business. “Giga Information Group projects that a composite organization facing some of the same business and IT pressures will likewise achieve a return on investment greater than most standard IT hurdles, and such an investment will pay back its investment in a period of between 13 and 15 months of use.” *The Total Economic Impact of Deploying the Sun-Sybase Enterprise Data Warehouse Reference Architecture, c. 2003

  19. Need Proof? We are able to deliver one data warehouse for all of our applications at one third the storage of conventional technologies, while seeing performance gains as advertised with IQ. -Kim Ross, CIO Nielsen Media Research “Conservatively speaking, the CDW’s (Compliance Data Warehouse) Return on Investment is expected to be 200 to 1.” --Jeffrey Kmonk IRS “If you are used to queries that take 24 or more hours to run, and then you are told that you can run them in a matter of minutes with Sybase IQ, this may be hard to swallow. The truth is that using a column-based approach really can produce such performance improvements.… IT managers should be ready to fall off their chairs.” --Bloor Research, 2002 Sybase IQ reduced loading and indexing from 30 minutes to 2.5 to 3 minutes. Query speeds were 20 – 50 times faster than Oracle. Time to add a column was reduced from 4 hours with Oracle to 15 minutes with IQ. Jeff Butler Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics

  20. Need Proof?Fortis Bank “This is the strongest product I have come across in my career, something I wouldn’t admit that often. There is no doubt whatsoever that another technology would not have offered our users the same service as Sybase IQ.” --Jean-Louis Catin, IT

  21. Hard to believe? Challenge Us! Nothing to loose – Everything to Gain! Proof of Concept.

  22. Sybase IQ: The Ultimate Data Warehouse Accelerator

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