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Required SCO Reports Year End SCO Report Requirements from a CSU Perspective

Required SCO Reports Year End SCO Report Requirements from a CSU Perspective. Agenda. Required SCO Reports Important Dates for Year End Files and Documents Report Submission and Compliance SCO and CSU Contacts and Resources Submission of GAAP Adjustments Discussion and Questions.

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Required SCO Reports Year End SCO Report Requirements from a CSU Perspective

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  1. Required SCO Reports Year End SCO Report Requirements from a CSU Perspective

  2. Agenda • Required SCO Reports • Important Dates for Year End Files and Documents • Report Submission and Compliance • SCO and CSU Contacts and Resources • Submission of GAAP Adjustments • Discussion and Questions

  3. Required SCO Reports List of Required SCO Reports for Year End • Report 1 - Report of Accruals to Controller’s Accounts • Report 2 - Accrual Worksheet • Report 3 - Adjustments to Controller’s Accounts • Report 4 - Statement of Revenue • Report 5 - Final Reconciliation of Controller’s Accounts with Final Budget Report • Report 7 - Pre-Closing Trial Balances • Report 8 - Post-Closing Trial Balances • Report 9 – Analysis of Change in Fund Balance (Statement of Operations) • Report 14 - Report of Bank/Savings and Loan Association Accounts Outside of the Treasury System • Report 15 - Reconciliation of Agency Accounts with Transactions per State Controller • Report 18 - Statement of Changes in General Fixed Assets • Report 19 - Statement of General Fixed Assets • Report 20 - Statement of Financial Condition • Report 22 - Statement of Contingent Liabilities

  4. Required SCO Reports How Does the CSU meet the SCO’s Year End Report Requirements (legal basis) • Campus SAM 99 Electronic File • Created in PeopleSoft • FTP’d to the SCO when FIRMS submission is accepted by the CSU CO • Campus Hardcopy Report Package • Created manually • Templates and Forms are available on line • Mailed or Hand delivered to the SCO • Systemwide Reports by State Fund for Non-governmental Cost Funds • Prepared manually from FIRMS database by the CO

  5. Required SCO Reports SAM 99 File Satisfies these SCO Report Requirements for Governmental Cost Funds & G.O. Bond Funds • Report 1 - Report of Accruals to Controller’s Accounts • Report 2 - Accrual Worksheet • Report 4 - Statement of Revenue • Report 5 - Final Reconciliation of Controller’s Accounts with Final Budget Report • Report 7 - Pre-Closing Trial Balance • Report 8 - Post-Closing Trial Balance • Report 15 - Reconciliation of Agency Accounts with Transactions per State Controller

  6. Required SCO Reports SAM 99 File Created in PeopleSoft Each Campus has a unique File Name

  7. Required SCO Reports SAM 99 File General Fund should have NO ACCRUALS

  8. Required SCO Reports SAM 99 File General Fund should have NO ACCRUALS Operating Expenditures DR = Fund Balance Clearing CR

  9. Required SCO Reports SAM 99 File FTP’d to Teale Data Center/SCO when FIRMS is accepted by the CSU CO

  10. Required SCO Reports SAM 99 File Reminders: • Do test submissions, May 1 – June 27 • Send a notice of submission to the SCO using the specified format. • Make sure you have received an e-mail acknowledgment of a clean submission from the SCO. • Coordinate with the SCO first before resubmitting production file.

  11. Required SCO Reports Hard Copy Report Package • Certification Letter • Report Table of Contents • Report 3 - Adjustments to Controller’s Accounts - by state fund if needed • Report 14 - Report of Bank/Savings and Loan Association Accounts Outside of the Treasury System – all funds • Report 18 - Statement of Changes in General Fixed Assets by funding source • Report 19 - Statement of General Fixed Assets – all funding sources • Report 22 - Statement of Contingent Liabilities - by state fund if needed For Campuses that have SCO Funds 0890 and 0942 • Report 7 - Pre-Closing Trial Balances • same as SAM 7 Pre Close • Report 8 - Post-Closing Trial Balances • same as SAM 7 Post Close • Report 9 - Analysis of Change in Fund Balance (Statement of Operations) • Report 20 - Statement of Financial Condition

  12. Required SCO Reports Report 3 Adjustments to Controller’s Accounts

  13. Required SCO Reports Report 3 • If needed, submit on Controller's special computer printout (State Form 576) which is mailed to campuses • A summary statement by appropriation and program must be prepared • The adjustments are to be numbered • These numbers will correspond to an attachment which gives a brief explanation of the reason for each adjustment • This explanation must disclose the reason or nature of the error; not just a restatement of the correction • Do not submit letters to the Controller's Office which have been written about these adjustments

  14. Required SCO Reports Report 14 Report of Bank and/or Savings Accounts Outside of the State Treasury System

  15. Required SCO Reports Report 14 • Instructions are included on the form • Include campus agency number and name • Include Zero Balance Accounts • Report 14 is a summary of 14C which is submitted to the CSU CO • Be sure to include Wells Fargo and US Bank (SWIFT) • “Authority” Column • Cite the specific State Code or DOF approval date • All citations will be verified/audited • Education Code Section 89721 • “Purpose” Column • Provide detailed information to support authority for account • WFB Purpose - Deposit and Disbursement • US Bank Purpose - Investment

  16. Required SCO Reports Report 18 Statement of Changes in General Fixed Assets

  17. Required SCO Reports Report 18 • A separate report must be prepared for each fund. • Beginning balances must agree with the previous year's ending balances. • A footnote must be provided if an adjustment to the beginning balance is needed, refer to report instructions for further details. • Ending asset balances are debit amountsand ending accumulated depreciation amounts are credit balances. • Additional information regarding reports 18 and 19 are contained in the Year End Reporting Instructions section 5 part D.

  18. Required SCO Reports Report 19 Statement of General Fixed Assets

  19. Required SCO Reports Report 19 • Total of all general fixed assets of the agency must be reflected in the report • Ending balance must agree with the total ending balances on Report No. 18 • Additional information regarding reports 18 and 19 are contained in the Year End Reporting Instructions section 5 part D

  20. Required SCO Reports Reports 18 and 19 Additional Information Year End Reporting Instructions on CO SFSR Web Site

  21. Required SCO Reports Report 22 Statement of Contingent Liabilities • Campuses must report contingencies for Federal audit exceptions, other audit exceptions and pending litigation. • Amounts on this report are not reflected in any general ledger accounts.

  22. Required SCO Reports RMP’s Impact on SCO Reporting • We must still comply with Year End SCO Report Requirements. • More and more activity will move to state fund 0948 (except the G.O. capital outlay funds). • SAM99 General Fund • There should be No Accruals in General Fund.

  23. Important Dates: Information from the SCO

  24. Important Dates: CSU to SCO

  25. Important Dates: CSU to SCO Year End Reports - SCO Due Dates • General Fund: July 31, 2008 • CSU Perspective SAM99 File • Submit your SAM99 file to the SCO after your FIRMS submission has been accepted by the CSU CO on or before July 15, 2008 • Electronic Submission of your SAM99 File satisfies most reporting requirements for Governmental Funds • Files are considered “Received” by the SCO when they are readable and able to be downloaded into the SCO’s systems

  26. Important Dates: CSU to SCO Year End Reports - SCO Due Dates • Other funds/reports: August 20, 2008 • CSU Perspective Hardcopy Report Package • Submit your Hardcopy Report Package - before July 31, 2008 (CO may need the information for consolidation) • Recommended CSU Strategy… • Follow the CSU Year End Check List - Campus Management reviews this information before you submit your FIRMS file to the CO • Assemble the final package and submit shortly thereafter - ahead of SCO deadline

  27. Summary of Due Dates

  28. Report Submission SAM99 Electronic Submission FTP Setup - Each campus has its own UserID

  29. Report Submission SAM99 Electronic Submission FTP Setup - Each campus has its own Remote Site Folder

  30. Report Submission SAM99 Electronic Submission FTP Setup - site recfm=fb lrecl=202 blksize=20200 retpd=5

  31. Report Submission SAM99 Electronic Submission When your SAM99 is FTP’d to the SCO/Teale Data Center, notify these individuals/entities via email: • Rod Renteria • rrenteria@sco.ca.gov • Esther Setser • esetser@sco.ca.gov • Carl Walker • cwalker@sco.ca.gov • Martin Raygoza • mraygoza@sco.ca.gov • DGFIN@sco.ca.gov • FCPROD@sco.ca.gov • FSSR@calstate.edu

  32. Report Submission SAM99 Electronic Submission Your email message must include these elements: • Email Subject must state • SAM99 SUBMISSION FOR AGENCY #### Body of the email must include • Agency Name and Number • Campus Contact Name, Email address and Phone Number • SAM99 File Data • Data File Name • In this format - FISCAL.MMDDYYA.AGYACR • MMDDYY represents the date you are sending the file to the SCO • Proof Total From the SAM99 printed report • Record Count From the SAM99 printed report

  33. Report Submission SAM99 Electronic Submission Example - Notification email

  34. Report Submission Hardcopy Report Package Submission to SCO Mail to: State Controller’s Office Division of Accounting and Reporting State Government Reports PO Box 942850 Sacramento, CA 94250-5875 Hand Deliver to: State Controller’s Office Division of Accounting and Reporting State Government Reporting 3301 C Street, Suite 700 Sacramento, CA 95816-3301

  35. Report Submission Hardcopy Report Package Submission When you prepare your Hardcopy Report Package… Be sure to follow Report Package Guidelines • Report Binding • Table of Contents and Page Numbering • Certification Letter • Font Size • Prescribed presentation of transaction amounts, State GL’s and Debits and Credits

  36. Report Submission Hardcopy Report Package Submission Report Package Guidelines, Detailed Instructions, Checklist, Certification Letter and Table of Contents templates as well as most Report Forms and prototypes can be found at… http://www.calstate.edu/SFSR/Y-E-R_Instructions/Year-End.shtml

  37. Compliance • If you cannot comply with due dates, contact: • Martin Raygoza 916-323-8754 • Sedong John562-951-4577 • Revisions to Y/E reports should be submitted by September 30, 2008 • After this date, please contact: • Jocelyn Roubique, 916-322-4671 • NOTE: Revisions should be sent on a hardcopy Report 1 or Report 3, not a new SAM99

  38. SCO Contacts and Resources • Section Manager • Jocelyn Roubique • jroubique@sco.ca.gov • 916 322-4671 • Other SCO-CSU Staff • Carlos Diaz, Supervisor • cdiaz@sco.ca.gov • 916 324-4582 • Martin Raygoza • mragoza@sco.ca.gov • 916 323-8754 • http://www.sco.ca.gov/ard/state/

  39. CSU Contacts and Resources • Chancellor’s Office • Roberta McNiel • rmcniel@calstate.edu • 562 951-4668 • SAM99 FTP Issues • Lorissa Cheney • lcheney@calstate.edu • 562 951-4626 • http://www.calstate.edu/sfsr/ • Finance User Group (FUG) Year End Conference Calls • Every Friday 11:00A to 1:00P Beginning June 20, 2008

  40. Submission of SCO GAAP Adjustments • Reminders about SCO GAAP Adjustments: • A template will soon be provided. • GAAP adjustments submitted to the SCO are adjustments to the current year legal-basis amounts in order to arrive at the GAAP-basis amounts. • Do not worry about reversal of prior year GAAP accruals included in last year’s GAAP adjustments to the SCO. The SCO will do the reversal.

  41. Discussion and Questions • Discussion • Questions • Ideas Have a Great Year End!

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