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There is one of these tables for each concentration in the test (Control, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100. There is one of these tables for each concentration in the test (Control, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100. You have to convert these to ?. proportions.
There is one of these tables for each concentration in the test (Control, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100.
There is one of these tables for each concentration in the test (Control, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100.
You have to convert these to ? proportions
Zebroid, Zebrass, Zonkey or Ze-donk.
Impervious surface Metal Plating Seepage Impervious surface Cultivated Land – Milo and Corn Municipal WRP Aquifer Recharge Zone A I R B A S E Warehouse District Pig Farms Landfill The designated use of this segment is high aquatic life City Limits 90,000 Roads, roofs, parking lots, storm drains, construction sites Any stream with greater than 6% impervious surface in its watershed will be degraded
Define the problem: Based on dissolved oxygen values a segment of a stream has been determined not to be in compliance for one of its designated uses, high quality aquatic life. Since the designated use is not being met the segment has been placed on the State’s 303(d) list (303(d) lists should be updated every 2 yrs). The 303(d) list has been prioritized and submitted to EPA. The priority ranking M (L low, M medium, H high) does not dictate that a TMDL is required but given the location and political will of the area to “fix” the problem it is likely if it is not delisted that TMDL will have to be performed during the next round of listings. (These waters are to be identified and priority ranked according to the provisions established in EPA’s Water Quality Management and Planning Regulation at 40 CFR 103.7(b))
Delisting of Water Bodies as per Texas Water Quality Standards Starting with the previous year’s list, the first task in the annual update of the 303(d) list is to determine if any water bodies can be delisted for one or more of the following reasons: more recent data or information refute the original listing; water quality has improved to meet the standards; water quality standards have changed so that the original assessment no longer represents a violation of the standard; assessment procedures (for example, screening criteria) have changed so that a reassessment does not show an exceedance of the criteria; a TMDL has been approved by the EPA
After examining the delisting requirements it has been determined that the segment can not be delisted. Therefore, a TMDL will be proposed and if accepted instituted. A TMDL or Total Maximum Daily Load is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant from all contributing point and non-point sources that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that amount to the pollutant sources. The calculation must include a margin of safety (MOS) to ensure that the waterbody can be used for the purposes the State has designated. The calculation must also account for seasonable variation in water quality. Permit limits based on TMDLs are called water quality based limits. The margin of safety should also allow for future point and non-point uses.
Impervious surface Metal Plating Seepage Impervious surface Cultivated Land – Milo and Corn Municipal WRP Aquifer Recharge Zone A I R B A S E Warehouse District Pig Farms Landfill The designated use of this segment is high aquatic life City Limits 90,000 Roads, roofs, parking lots, storm drains, construction sites Any stream with greater than 6% impervious surface in its watershed will be degraded
After examining the delisting requirements it has been determined that the segment can not be delisted. Therefore, a TMDL will be proposed and if accepted instituted. A TMDL or Total Maximum Daily Load is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant from all contributing point and non-point sources that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that amount to the pollutant sources. The calculation must include a margin of safety (MOS) to ensure that the waterbody can be used for the purposes the State has designated. The calculation must also account for seasonable variation in water quality (in our example the problem of low dissolved oxygen is greater in which season and why?) . Permit limits based on TMDLs are called water quality based limits. The margin of safety should also allow for future point and non-point uses.
Policies and Principles To achieve the water quality goals of the CWA, EPA’s first objective is to ensure that technology based controls (engineering controls) on point sources are established and maintained. Where such controls are insufficient to attain and maintain, water quality based controls are required. Lack of information about certain types of problems (for example, those associated with nonpoint sources or with certain toxic pollutants) should not be used as a reason to delay implementation of water quality-based controls. What would be the problems associated with setting up a TMDL based on toxicity i.e., we’ve gone to this segment and taken water back to the lab and we’ve found that it is acutely toxic to Ceriodaphnia dubia?
Historically, the water quality based pollution control program has focused on reducing the load of chemical contaminants (e.g. nutrients, biochemical oxygen demand, metals) to water bodies. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that in some situations water quality standards – particularly designated use and biocriteria – can only be attained if non-chemical factors such as hydrology, channel morphology, and habitat are addressed. The presence, condition and numbers of types of fish, insects, algae, plants, and other organisms are data that together provide direct, accurate information about the health of specific bodies of water. Studying these factors as a way of evaluating the health of a body of water is called biological assessment. Biological criteria (biocriteria) on the other hand, are a way of describing the qualities that must be present to support a desired condition in a waterbody, and they serve as the standard against which assessment results are compared [Clear Creek is a reference stream for this area]. The terms biological assessment and biological criteria have sometimes been used interchangeably. This confusion is not surprising considering the interrelationship between the two terms.
Biological Criteria are narrative or numeric expressions that describe the reference biointegrity (structure and function) of aquatic communities inhabiting waters of a given designated aquatic life use. Biocriteria are based on the numbers and kinds of organisms present and are regulatory-based biological measurements. Biological Integrity - the ability of an aquatic ecosystem to support and maintain a balanced, adaptive community of organisms having a species composition, diversity, and functional organization comparable to that of natural habitats within a region. Aquatic Community - association of interacting assemblages in a given waterbody, the biotic component of an ecosystem. Designated Use - classification specified in water quality standards for each waterbody or segment describing the level of protection from perturbation afforded by the regulatory programs. The designated aquatic life uses established by the state or authorized tribes set forth the goals for restoration and/or baseline conditions for maintenance and prevention from future degradation of the aquatic life in specific waterbodies. Reference Water Bodies – least impacted bodies of water in a region against which the level of degradation of a non-reference stream can be compared.
Because the biological assessments that are required to determine if a segment that has a aquatic life designation are time consuming and expensive the US EPA has developed a series of documents that are referred to as Rapid Bioassessment Protocols or RBPs. One such manual is, Rapid Bioassessment Protocols For Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, and Fish. Second Edition. This manual and many others can be obtained from www.epa.gov/owow/monitoring The RBPs contain methods to assess the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of a segment. http://iaspub.epa.gov/waters/w305b_report_control.get_report?p_state=TX URL to the next slide in the presentation
Total Assessed Waters of Texas • Assessed Waters of Texas by Watershed • Water Quality by Waterbody Type • Rivers, Streams, and Creeks • Individual Use Support for Assessed Waters • Water Quality Attainment for Assessed Waters • Top State Causes of Impairment • Top State Probable Sources of Impairments • Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs • Individual Use Support for Assessed Waters • Water Quality Attainment for Assessed Waters • Top State Causes of Impairments • Top State Probable Sources of Impairments Red represents links
To implement the TMDL program, the regulation establishes the following definitions for loading capacity, load allocation, waste load allocation, total maximum daily load, water quality limited segments and water quality limited segments still requiring TMDLs. A definition of Margin of Safety is also provided. TMDL = LC=WLA + LA + MOS Loading Capacity (LC) – The greatest amount of loading that a water can receive without violating water quality standards. Wasteload Allocation (WLA) – The portion of a receiving water’s capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. WLA’s constitute a type of water-quality based effluent limitation.
Load Allocation (LA) – The portion of a receiving water’s total loading capacity that is attributed either to one of its existing or future nonpoint sources of pollution or to natural background sources. Load allocations are best estimates of the loading which may range from reasonably accurate estimates to gross allotments, depending on available data and appropriate techniques for predicting the loading. Wherever possible, natural and nonpoint source loads should be distinguished.
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) – The sum of the individual WLAs for point sources and LAs for non-point sources and natural background. If a receiving water has only one point source discharge, the TMDL is the sum of that point source WLA plus the LAs for any non-point sources of pollution and natural background sources, tributaries or adjacent segments. TMDLs can be expressed in terms of either mass per time, toxicity or other appropriate measure that relates to a State’s water quality standard. If other nonpoint source pollution control actions make more stringent load allocations practicable, the WLAs can be made less stringent. Thus, the TMDL process provides for nonpoint source control tradeoffs. TMDL = LC=WLA + LA + MOS
Water Quality Limited Segments – Those segments that do not or are not expected to meet applicable water quality standards even after the application of technology based effluent limitations required by sections 301(b) and 306 of the Act. Technology based controls include but are not limited to, best practicable control technology currently available (BPT) and secondary treatment. Margin of Safety (MOS) – A required component of the TMDL that accounts for the uncertainty about the relationship between the pollutant loads and the quality of the receiving waterbody. The MOS is normally incorporated into the conservative assumptions used to develop TMDLs (generally within the calculations or models) and approved by EPA either individually or in State/EPA agreements. If the MOS needs to be larger than that which is allowed through conservative assumptions, additional MOS can be added as a separate component of the TMDL . TMDL = LC=WLA + LA + MOS
As stated in 40 CFR 131.2 “[water quality] standards serve the dual purpose of establishing the water quality goals for a specific waterbody and serve as the regulatory basis for the establishment of water-quality-based treatment controls and strategies beyond the technology based levels of treatment required by section 301(b) and 306 of the Act.” Standards also contain antidegradation provisions to prevent the degradation of existing water quality. From State of Texas Water Quality Standards: Antidegradation Tier 1 – Existing uses and water quality sufficient to protect those existing uses will be maintained. Categories of existing uses are the same as for designated uses, as defined in §307.7 of this title (relating to Site-specific Uses and Criteria).
Tier 2 – No activities subject to regulatory action which would cause degradation of waters which exceed fishable/swimmable quality will be allowed unless it can be shown to the commission’s satisfaction that the lowering of water quality is necessary for important economic or social development. Degradation is defined as a lowering of water quality by more than a de minimis extent (The full expression is de minimis non curat lex. This is a Latin phrase which means "the law does not care about very small matters“), but not the the extent that an existing use is impaired. Water quality sufficient to protect existing uses will be maintained. Fishable/swimmable waters are defined as waters which have quality sufficient to support propagation of indigenous fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation in and on the water. Tier 3 – Outstanding national resources that are defined as high quality waters within or adjacent to national parks and wildlife refuges, state parks, wild and scenic rivers designated by law, and other designated areas of exceptional recreational or ecological significance. The quality of outstanding national resource waters will be maintained and protected.
(4) – Discharges which cause pollution that are authorized by the Texas Water Code, the Federal Clean Water Act, or other applicable laws will not lower water quality to the extent that the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards are not attained. (5) – Anyone discharging wastewater which would constitute a new source of pollution or an increased source of pollution from any industrial, public or private project or development will be required to provide a level of wastewater treatment consistent with the provisions of the Texas Water Code and the Clean Water Act (33 United States Code, §§1251 et seq.). As necessary, cost effective and reasonable best management practices established through the Texas Water Quality Management Program shall be achieved for non-point sources of pollution.
Assessment of the TMDL - Once control measures have been implemented, the impairedwaters should be assessed to determine if water quality standards have been attained or are no longer threatened. The monitoring program used to gather the data should be designed based on the specific pollution problem or sources. For example, past experience has shown that several years of data are necessary from agricultural non-point source watershed projects to detect trends (i.e., improvements) in water quality. As a result, long term monitoring efforts must be consistent over time in order to develop a data base adequate for analysis of control actions.
Sprawl has been identified as one of the causes of increased storm water run off and stream erosion in many watersheds. In a healthy functioning watershed, most precipitation soaks into the ground and is utilized by vegetation, recharges aquifers, and maintains surface water flows. When just 10% of the watershed is developed, streambeds start to degrade due to increased runoff primarily from impervious surfaces. After about 20% of the watershed is developed, most streams have been severely degraded or destroyed. Forests goods and services… the value of forests is not measured in terms of the goods they provide alone, the services they provide (decreased flooding, water retention, CO2 sequestration, transport of rain to the interior of countries) may be more valuable than the goods. Often referred to as ecological services.
Legacy Pollutants • Legacy pollutant is a collective term used to describe substances whose use has been banned or severely restricted by the U.S. EPA. Because of their slow rate of decomposition, these substances often remain at elevated levels in the environment for many years after their widespread use has ended. No additional loading of legacy pollutants is allowed or expected due to EPA restrictions. Gradual declines in environmental legacy pollutant concentrations occurs as a result of natural attenuation processes.
Tarrant County water bodies on the State 303d list due to concentrations of legacy pollutants in fish tissue that have resulted in the issuance of a fish consumption ban by TDH requiring a TMDL to be performed. These chemicals are in the edible portions of fin fish.
The Aquatic Life Orders for the Fort Worth Water Bodies were issued on the basis of an unacceptable carcinogenic risk of liver cancer and a noncarcinogenic risk of adverse liver effects due to fish tissue contaminant levels. The ultimate goal of these TMDLs is the reduction of fish tissue contaminant concentrations to levels that constitute acceptable risk to fish consumers, allowing TDH to remove the bans on fish consumption. The allowable load of contaminant is based on fish tissue concentrations.
Source Analysis • Chlordane was introduced in 1948, and was used extensively as a broad spectrum insecticide to control soil insects on agricultural crops, as a home lawn and garden insecticide, as a fumigating agent, and for termite control . EPA suspended the use of chlordane on food crops in 1978, and phased out other above ground uses over the following five years. All uses except underground application for termite control were banned in 1983. Manufacture and sales were halted in 1987, and use of existing stores was allowed until April 1998 when sale and use were terminated.
Source Analysis continued. • DDT was initially used in WWII for control of disease carrying insects, and was used extensively as a broad spectrum insecticide for the control of almost all agricultural and disease-carrying insects. It was used extensively in the 1950s and 1960s for mosquito control in urban areas. DDD is a metabolite of DDT and was itself manufactured as a pesticide for several years. Most uses of DDT, and all uses of DDD, were banned by EPA in December 1972. DDE is the major degradation product of DDT and DDD, and is among the most widely occurring pesticide residues.
Source Analysis - continued • Dieldrin was used as a pesticide, and is a degradation product of the pesticide aldrin. Although aldrin was used in greater quantity, it is rapidly converted to the more persistent dieldrin in the environment. Both pesticides were used primarily for the control of rootworm and cutworm with some use in the citrus industry and for mosquito larvae and termite control. All food crop uses of both compounds were canceled in May 1975, and only subsurface injection for termite control was allowed after that time. All remaining uses were cancelled in 1987.
Source Analysis – continued. • PCBs are a group of synthetic organic chemicals containing 209 possible individual compounds, which vary in chemical and physical properties, toxicity, environmental persistence., and degree of bioaccumulation. PCBs were manufactured as mixtures of different congeners, and generally sold under the name Aroclor. PCBs were most widely used as coolants and lubricants in transformers, capacitors, and other electrical equipment. In 1976 TOSCA banned, with limited exception, the manufacture, processing distribution in commerce, and use for PCBs. TSCA also required the EPA to promulgate regulations for proper use, cleanup, and disposal. TSCA and subsequent EPA rules did not require PCB-containing materials to be removed from service and many are still in use (EPA, 1999). A substantial portion of PCBs manufactured before 1977 still remain in service, although these are being phased out as equipment is replaced or decontaminated.
Legacy pollutant contamination in the Trinity River and urban lakes appears to have originated from urban areas, as the watersheds of these water bodies have been highly urbanized for many years. Erosion as a result of extensive urban development over the past 10 to 15 years may have contributed contaminants attached to source soils. Ulery and Brown (1995) evaluated a number of available data sets from the Trinity River Basin, and found a significant correlation between sediment chlordane presence and urban land use. Irwin (1988) found concentrations of total chlordane in mosquitofish to be strongly associated with residential runoff from the area. Kleinsasser and Linam (1989) found elevated chlordane levels in fish collected within the area covered by the TDH consumption ban on the Trinity River, and suggested urban or suburban runoff as the source.
Recent household hazardous wastes (2000) received at the City of Fort Worth Environmental Collection Center have included chlordane (completely banned in 1998), suggesting some recent or possible continued use in the area. Urban residents may have continued using existing stocks of chlordane since it was in use longer than some of the other legacy insecticides. Van Metre and Callender (1997) found the chlordane peak in sediment cores from White Rock Lake in Dallas to have occurred around 1990, reflecting its relatively recent urban use.
Continuing decreases in environmental legacy pollutant levels are expected, although the necessary time frame is subject to debate. Within the context of these TMDLs, legacy pollutants are considered background sources that reflect the site-specific application history and loss rates of the subject area. All continuing sources of pollutant loadings occur from nonpoint source runoff, leaching, or erosion of the various sinks that may exist within the watershed. No authorized point source discharges of these pollutants are allowed by law. Therefore, any contribution from point source discharges would be the result of illegal disposal of these contaminants by customers of the treatment systems. Available evidence suggests that legacy pollutants are generally declining in both the surface sediments and the fish tissue of the affected Fort Worth water bodies. Continuing natural attenuation of these pollutants is expected via degradation and metabolism of the contaminants, burial of contaminated sediment through natural sedimentation in the urban lakes, and scouring and redistribution of sediments in the river.
Natural attenuation is generally a preferred option for the elimination of legacy pollutants. More drastic alternatives, such as sediment removal by dredging, can result in considerable habitat disturbance and destruction, and sediments resuspended during dredging further expose aquatic life to contaminants and the potential for additional uptake, cause abrasive damage to gills and sensory organs of fish and invertebrates, and interfere with fish prey selection. More drastic measures such as dredging or eradication of contaminated fish communities and restocking are generally better justified at heavily contaminate sites impacted by point source discharges and major spills.
Criterion – 0.02 mg/l (as unionized ammonia) for freshwater aquatic life. Concentrations of total ammonia (NH3 + NH4+) which contains an unionized ammonia concentration of 0.020 mg/l NH3.
Things we need to understand…. Algal Growth Potential Assay – two major nutrients play an important role in algal growth. These are nitrogen and phosphorus. If you take a sample of water, add phosphorus to it and put it under the appropriate lighting conditions and the algae in the sample grow that tells you what? If you take a sample of water, add phosphorus to it and put it under the appropriate lighting conditions and the algae don’t grow that tells you what (Liebig’s Law of the Minimum). If you do the same experiment but instead of adding phosphorus, nitrogen is added and what you find is that the addition of nitrogen causes the algae to grow but the addition of phosphorus does not, what does that tell you? When algae photosynthesize the products are _____________ and _____________. When algae respire the products are ______________ and _______________. When the rate of respiration exceeds the rate of exchange of gaseous oxygen in the atmosphere with the water what happens? So if low D.O. is a problem one way to fix it is to increase the turbulence of the water so that there is a greater exchange of atmospheric oxygen and the water, or to control the algal growth by limiting that factor that is responsible for increased growth. In the case described above the nutrient to limit is?
Algal growth and subsequent death also contributes to the reduction of oxygen in the water as a result of? If this system goes anaerobic there is an additional problem of ? The incomplete breakdown of organic matter results in the production of compounds that are in many cases __________________ , thereby creating a significant secondary problem. 7 mg/l of oxygen as a standard is very high. This suggests that the Laguna de Santa Rosa, Ca. is home to what kinds of fish species?