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New World Order!?!. A New World Order?. After the end of the Cold War, the United States was left to dominate world affairs as the only remaining superpower
A New World Order? • After the end of the Cold War, the United States was left to dominate world affairs as the only remaining superpower • Following the US victory in the Persian Gulf, President Bush proclaimed a “new world order” where the US would serve as a global police force under the guise of the UN
Gulf War 1990-1991 • Saddam Hussein invades the oil-rich country of Kuwait (does not expect international resistance) in August 1990 • United Nations condemns actions and imposes economic sanctions on Iraq (this doesn’t change anything) • UN authorises use of force to expel the Iraqi Army (ceasefire reached in February 1991)
Canada and the Gulf War • Canada was one of the first nations to agree to condemn Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and it quickly agreed to join the US-led coalition • Canada sent destroyers, supply ships and lead the coalition force at sea • After the UN authorised full use of force in the operation, Canada sent support personnel and a field hospital to deal with casualties from the ground war
Yugoslavia 1992 • Civil wars took place around the country as new nation-states looked to secede (Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia in 1991; Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1992)
Yugoslavia (1992) • President Slobodan Milošević was opposed to granting these republics greater autonomy or independence, claiming the large minority of Serbs in other republics had the right to stay in Yugoslavia • Croatia faced armed resistance until 1995, while Slovenia faced little opposition from Milošević • Bosnia-Herzegovina was plunged into war even before its formal declaration of independence, where Bosnian Serb forces were intent on keeping Bosnia in Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia (1992) • Canadian troops first came to the Balkans in February 1992 under Operation Harmony to serve with the UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR), which was formed to defend non-combatants during the wars that tore apart the former Republic of Yugoslavia • NATO took over the peace-support mission in December 1995, after the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace, commonly known as the Dayton Accords (more on NATO later…)
Somalia 1992 • Canadian Airborne Regiment was sent to Somalia to provide humanitarian aid and restore order as the country faced famine and civil war • Sent in as peacekeepers by the United Nations, the Canadians ended up returning home disgraced after tales of violence towards the Somali people • Following revelations that Canadian military leaders attempted to cover-up the violence during the Somalia Inquiry (1994), numerous officials were condemned and the Canadian Airborne Regiment was disbanded
Somalia 1992 • Somali teenager ShidaneArone was beaten to deathby Master CorporalClayton Matchee
Rwanda 1994 • During the Rwandan Civil War, a small group of the Hutu elite decided to launch a full-scale genocide against the Tutsi minority • Canadian Roméo Dallaire led a small number of peacekeepers (most of them from Bangladesh and Ghana) sent to Rwanda to oversee a peace agreement between the Hutu and the Tutsi
Rwanda 1994 • After witnessing the killing of thousands of Tutsis, Dallaire sent what became known as the genocide fax, pleading with the UN for additional troops, ammunition and the authority to seize arms caches • The UN refused to deviate from the terms of their mandate, and ordered Dallaire and the rest of the peacekeepers home
Rwanda 1994 • Dallaire defied orders from UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali; and he and the remaining 500 peacekeepers were forced to watch genocide of nearly 1 000 000 Rwandans
Kosovo 1999 • President Slobodan Milošević refuses to allow the NATO forces into Kosovo amidst ethnic cleansing of Kosovar Albanians • NATO initiates extensive bombing campaign throughOperation Allied Force against Yugoslavia (these attacks were not authorised by theUnited Nations)
Kosovo 1999 • Milošević eventually agrees to a ceasefire after: • NATO agreed that Kosovo would be supervised politically by the United Nations • NATO agreed that there would be no Kosovar independence referendum for three years (the main objective of NATO was to have a vote on independence) • Strong diplomatic initiative from Russia(traditional allies)
Kosovo 1999 • Canada is among the countries that were selected as peacekeepers by the UN (role is to rebuild the war-torn areas) following the conflict • Milošević is indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, though he dies in prison before the case ever reaches trial