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A simple ‘Taster’ session of East African foods

A simple ‘Taster’ session of East African foods

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A simple ‘Taster’ session of East African foods

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  1. A simple ‘Taster’ session of East African foods All of these foods are grown and consumed in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania). This fun lesson or food based topic starter helps pupils think about what can be grown in other countries and how these crops might be grown and harvested by farming families. Curriculum links: KS1 & 2 Geography/Food, KS3 Geography/Food & Globalisation, KS1,2,3 Design and Technology/Food What to do: Print out these sheets and buy and make the foods (we have kept them quite simple). Set out the foods in a line and either have sheets face up so that they can see what they are, or place face down and ask pupils to guess what the foods are. Where to buy these foods: Cassava chips – health food shops Chapatis – supermarket or Asian shop Plantains – Afro-Caribbean market or shop Monkey nut peanuts – health food shop or supermarket Pineapples, Mangoes - green grocer or supermarket Chillies – green grocer or supermarket (try Jalapenos or a mild chilli) Polenta (for sweetcorn or maize meal) – supermarket or Italian shop What to do with them: Cassava chips – eat as they are. Chapatis – follow instructions and make a sauce from kidney beans, a cup of coconut milk, sugar to taste, a few cardamom seeds, one teaspoon salt, a chopped onion, two chopped tomatoes, a chopped green pepper, a clove of chopped garlic and one teaspoon of mild curry powder. Boil the beans for 10 minutes, add the other ingredients and gently simmer until tender. Plantains - Peel and cut plantains into thin slices. Heat oil in a pan. Add plantains (in a single layer) and fry until golden. Serve with chilli sauce or brown sugar. Monkey nut peanuts – eat as they are (with sign to warn children that are allergic). Pineapples, Mangoes – eat as they are. Chillies – eat sliced (for those who are brave), or add to yoghurt to lessen flavour. Polenta (for sweetcorn or maize meal) – follow instructions on pack, leave to cool and slice into cubes for ‘tastes’. Make with a simple tomato based sauce with onions, peeled tomatoes, chicken stock, fried chicken, peppers - add salt, pepper and curry powder to taste.

  2. Cassava is a root crop that is peeled and then dried in the sun

  3. Chapatis are often eaten in East Africa with a simple sauce

  4. Chillies are grown to use in foods and natural pesticides

  5. Plantains, or savoury bananas grow in most gardens in East Africa

  6. Mangoes grow really well in East Africa and are very tasty!

  7. Peanuts, ‘monkey nuts’ or ground-nuts are often used in sauces

  8. Pineapples grow on the ground – not in trees!

  9. Sweetcorn can be dried and ground into flour for maize meal

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