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Literacy - The children will create an extended piece of work about mummification and include all the gory details! We will focus on paragraphs and sentence structure.
Literacy - The children will create an extended piece of work about mummification and include all the gory details! We will focus on paragraphs and sentence structure. - Who is Tutankhamen? We will focus on building suspense as we write an adventure story about how Howard Carter discovered the tomb. - We will write a diary about our experience trekking through the Egyptian desert. There will be a strong focus on different openers to sentences - Come to ‘Tombs R Us!’ We will learn to experiment with punctuation when advertising our very own magnificent tombs! RE - What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God? We will learn to understand how Jews love God, comparing their practices. We will also think about the question: when you are old enough to decide on your religion? Numeracy -We will focus on negative numbers, rounding to estimate, and finding missing numbers in puzzles. - After this we will look at measuring litres and working out the intervals on measuring equipment. There will be a strong focus on mental maths this term; calculating differences between numbers quickly and remembering facts about shapes. Children will aim to learn all their times tables by the end of the year. ICT The children will learn about control on the computer through the use of the on-screen turtle. They will learn how to give instructions, use the ‘pen-up’, ‘pen-down’ function and then create their own Egyptian symbols. Incredible EgyptiansYear 4 Curriculum Map8th April – 24th May 2013 Music - how to match sounds and movement descriptively, to explore melodic phrases and how to use music to describe animals (a camel ride!) They will also compose using the pentatonic scale. PE – The children will improve their accuracy of catching the ball when learning cricket skills. They will also learn how to move around the court and hit a ball with the correct force in tennis. PSHE - Art/DT – The children will design and make coffins for mummies and then make a mummy to fit inside! They will use research to inspire drawings from memory and imagination and show an understanding of shape, space and form, plan, design and adapt models. They will use clay to create our own Egyptian amulets and study Egyptian wall paintings and collect ideas in a sketchbook Topic– The children will learn about mummification, the importance of the Nile, how the Pyramids were built and finally, about the Egyptian Gods and Pharaohs. They will ask and answer questions, learn about cultural aspects of society in the past and organise historical information Key Dates: Year 3 and 4 Show – 17th April (2pm and 6pm) KS2 Maths Calculations Policy Evening for parents – 24th April 5.30pm Cuckoo Fair – Saturday 4th May Bank Holiday – Monday 6th May Braeside residential – 13th and 14th May Mini marathon – 18th May Know some ways of dealing with changes that make them feel uncomfortable, know some ways of dealing with the feelings, and think about ways to keep them safe when they play with friends.