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Russia 900-1917 Soviet Union (USSR) 1917-1991 Russia 1991-present

Russia 900-1917 Soviet Union (USSR) 1917-1991 Russia 1991-present. With your group discuss the answers to these. 1. list 4 problems that the USSR was facing when Gorbachev came into power in 1985 2. List 5 things paragraph #2 said about attitudes and living in the Soviet Union

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Russia 900-1917 Soviet Union (USSR) 1917-1991 Russia 1991-present

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  1. Russia 900-1917 Soviet Union (USSR) 1917-1991 Russia 1991-present

  2. With your group discuss the answers to these 1. list 4 problems that the USSR was facing when Gorbachev came into power in 1985 2. List 5 things paragraph #2 said about attitudes and living in the Soviet Union 3. What are 3 ways that alcohol affected the USSR 4. what was “glasnost”? 5. What does “perestroika” mean? 6. what were 4 new things that Gorbachev tried under Perestroika? 7. Why do you think Gorbachev was wanting to cut arms reduction deals with the USA? 8. Why do you think Gorbachev decided to bring his troops home from Afghanistan without actually winning the war?

  3. Paper Tiger • something that seems threatening but is actually not that strong and unable to withstand challenge.  • After Vietnam • Mao called the US a ‘paper tiger’

  4. Shah (King) of Iran

  5. After losing the Cuban Missile Crisis to JFK Nikita Khrushchev fell out of favor with the USSR • Leonid Breshnev then became the next dictator of USSR

  6. Leonid Breshnev • 4th dictator of USSR after Krushchev

  7. True or False about Lech Walesa • T or F fought the Germans in WWII • T or F lost his job as a result of organizing ship workers to go on strike • T or F founded the anti-communist political group Solidarity • T or F Solidarity was a pretty small group of only about 1,000 workers • T or F Walesa organized strikes all over Poland • T or F was an Atheist because he was raised in a communist country • T or F a new general was made leader of Poland and arrested Walesa • T or F Walesa won the Nobel Peace prize for organizing non violent protests • T or F seeing all the strikes Russian dictator Mikhail Gorbachev sent Russian tanks in to stop the protests • T or F eventually Poland had democratic elections and Poland got rid of communism • T or F in 1989 a KGB sniper assassinated Walesa while he was campaigning in Poland • T or F Walesa was eventually elected president of Poland

  8. Soviet Control over Eastern Europe • A Communist govt was forced on countries • NO free speech • Govt. controlled media • No foreign newspapers/tv • Govt take over of land and businesses (collectivization) • Factories must produce what govt wants (tanks not nice clothes) • Stores are empty • Govt waiting list to buy a car • Persecuted religion • Secret police arrest thousands(fear) • Barbed wire keeps people from leaving • Massive pollution, destroying rivers because govt controls media • FEAR – that if you protest Russian troops will invade

  9. After WWII Stalin’s armies stayed in the countries of eastern Europe and rigged elections to make sure that all of them had Communist governments

  10. Poland 1980s Prague, Czechoslovakia 1968 Hungary 1956

  11. Warsaw Pact: • The USSR and Countries of Eastern Europe’s alliance against NATO • Formed in 1955 • Basically Stalin’s response to NATO

  12. Nikita Krushchev • 3rd dictator of USSR (after Lenin and Stalin – died in 1953) • Was leader for Sputnik, 1st man in space, built the Berlin Wall • Put Missiles in Cuba

  13. WARSAW Pact: • An alliance of • Eastern European • countries • and USSR. • To form • strength • against • NATO

  14. Hungary 1956

  15. After losing the Cuban Missile Crisis to JFK Nikita Khrushchev fell out of favor with the USSR • Leonid Breshnev then became the next dictator of USSR

  16. Quote from Brezhnev Doctrine • “When internal and external forces hostile to socialism(communism) attempt to turn the development of any socialist country in the direction of capitalism…..it becomes a threat to all socialist countries”

  17. 1.Lenin, 2.Stalin, 3.Krushchev, 4.Breshnev 5.Andropov, 6.Chernenko, 7.Gorbachev

  18. Boris Yeltsin Russia not USSR LAST Czars

  19. Prague (Czechoslovakia) Spring 1968 • Again, Russia rolls in the tanks Prague, Czech

  20. Frustrated, Communists put General Jaruzelski in charge of the country • The General put the country under Martial Law (rule by the military) • He banned Solidarity • He arrested Lech Walesa and 10,000 others • He had the Russian military do training exercises on the Polish border as a threat • He had his soldiers open fire on protesters doing a non violent demonstration • Secret police killed Poland’s top priest • By the end of 1981 he had put 150,000 people in custody for 'revolutionary activities'

  21. Hungary? both Prague? • 1968 • Wanted to leave Warsaw Pact • Demonstrated for democracy and free speech • Krushchev had to deal with • Alexander Dubcek • Tanks rolled in and shot people • Breshznev dealt with • 1956 • 72 people were killed • Leader was just removed • Thought America might get involved • Said that they would stay communist just wanted more freedom • Imre Nagy • Said wouldn’t leave Warsaw Pact • Over 4,000 killed • Less violent- protesters with flowers • The movement was crushed • leader was executed

  22. Similarities between Hungary and Prague

  23. And if you mess with Russia Today

  24. Stores • Capitalist country • Communist country (Cuba)

  25. Churchill’s reference to the “Iron Curtain” • From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an "iron curtain" has descended across the Continent. • Definition: a curtain or wall of barbed wire and guards that stop anyone in eastern Europe from leaving and going to the west

  26. Russia/ SOVIET UNION

  27. Factors that helped kill communism and the Soviet Union

  28. Russia had huge financial problems

  29. In 1979 the USSR invades Afghanistan Because it’s the Cold War The US gives weapons to Afghanistan

  30. USSR was broke from their 10 year war in Afghanistan

  31. President Reagan began a massive military buildup and USSR didn’t have the money to keep up

  32. SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative • SDI: “Star Wars” Satellites in space that could shoot down Soviet Missiles

  33. Russia had other problems as well

  34. Alcoholism • Alcoholism was affecting work production and • The quality of • Russian goods

  35. There was little demand for Russian goods

  36. To help his struggling country Gorbachev introduced some new policies Glasnost:‘openness’ Allowing freedom of speech and looking at all ideas (even US movies) Perestroika: restructuring (changing) the soviet economy that allows some capitalism and local control Mikhail Gorbachev: the last communist dictator of the Soviet Union

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