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Fédération Européenne des Activités du Déchet et de l’Environnement European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services Europäische Föderation der Entsorgungswirtschaft. Nadine De Greef FEAD Secretary General. FEAD MEMBERS. 19 3000 330 000 €50 billion. Member Associations
Fédération Européenne des Activités du Déchet et de l’Environnement • European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services • Europäische Föderation derEntsorgungswirtschaft
Nadine De Greef FEAD Secretary General
FEAD MEMBERS 19 3000 330 000 €50 billion Member Associations Companies Employees Turnover FEADpromotes environmentally sound Waste Management in close co-operation with the EU institutions, networking with horizontal and sectoral industry, trade organisations and coalitions.
FEAD represents • More than 200 incinerators • More than 2 800 landfills • More than 1 000 composting sites • More than 1 350 recycling plants • 60 % share of Municipal Solid Waste in Europe • 80 % of Industrial and Commercial Waste • (incl. hazardous waste)
FEAD Mission • Gather expertise and up-to-date information • Compare experiences • Advise decision-makers of the overall situation in EU • Lessons learnt in practice should lead us to better, more efficient legislation and therefore superior environmental and economic performance
2006 changes to EU Waste Policy Management Recycling Thematic Strategy Framework legislation Waste Shipments Regulation (Reg. (EEC/2006/1013) Waste Framework Directive(under revision) Directive on hazardous waste (Dir. 1991/689/EEC) Waste Treatment operations Landfill of waste (Dir. 1999/31/EC) Incineration of waste(Dir. 2000/76/EC) Specific Waste Streams Waste oils (Dir 1975/439/EEC) ELV(Dir. 2000/53/EC) P&PW (Dir. 1994/62/EC) WEEE (Dir. 2002/96/EC) Batteries (Dir. 2006/66) Mining Waste Dir. EC/2006/21 Sewage sludge (Dir. 1986/278/EEC)
TIMELINE Beginning 2007 German Presidency Political Agreement 28.06.2007 End 2007 Portuguese Presidency Council Common Position 2nd Reading Beginning 2008 Slovenian Presidency Conciliation Final Act
KEY ISSUES • Waste Hierarchy • By-products • Recovery and Energy-from-Waste • Self-Sufficiency and Proximity Principles • Other issues
Waste Hierarchy EP First Reading: • 5-step hierarchy as general rule • LCA and cost-benefit analysis for specific waste stream to deviate from hierarchy CL current position (28 February 2007): • 5-step hierarchy as “guiding” principle • Departing where indicated by LCT • MS to take into account gen. ENV protection principles, technical & economic viability FEAD position: • An integrated waste management system will provide the most sustainable resource management • FEAD supports a 5-step hierarchy only if flexibility is granted • FEAD welcomes the life-cycle thinking • FEAD would welcome guidelines to secure an harmonized European approach/Life-cycle tools ought to be easily usable in waste policy
By-products EP First Reading: • Recital calling for Commission’s guidelines was adopted • Additional article calling for a Commission legislative proposal on by-products CL current position (28 February 2007): • Member States decision on a case by case basis if certain conditions are met FEAD position: • FEAD members are opposed to the creation of a “third legal” category • Any definition on by-products requires a proper assessment of any potential negative impacts on the environment • Any attempt to “freeze” the legal certainty to the present jurisprudence will fail • Developing guidelines is the best way to proceed
Recovery and Energy-from-Waste EP First Reading: • Definition of recovery includes again reference to interim operations • MEPs recognised that energy-from-waste should be classified as Recovery (def energy recovery adopted) • But no formula was adopted CL current position (28 February 2007): • Definition of recovery is close to initial Commission’s proposal (ref. Annex II as non-exhaustive list) • R1 formula as proposed by the Commission + reference to BAT for Waste Incineration FEAD position: • FEAD welcomes that municipal waste incinerators may be considered as recovery operations • The energy efficiency criterion should be accessible under the conditions prevailing in all EU Member States. • The threshold should be based on the energy efficiency performances that are achievable when using the Best Available Techniques
Self-Sufficiency and Proximity Principles EP First Reading: • Amendments extending the application of the self-sufficiency principle to waste destined for Recovery were rejected CL current position (28 February 2007): • Integrated network of disposal installations and installations for recovery of MSW collected from private household FEAD position: • FEAD is opposed to the extension of the self-sufficiency principle to waste for Recovery • Open markets in the waste management industry is a driver for high EU environmental standards
Other FEAD statements linked to the rev of WFD • FEAD opposes any modification to the definition of waste • FEAD understands the need for a proposal to clarify the “end-of-waste” status in exceptional cases • Regulation provides control and guarantees a high level of environmental and health protection therefore the Commission initiatives should not reduce the safeguards applied to the management of waste • FEAD calls to maintain proven principles and instruments such as the ‘polluter pays’ principle’ or the producer’s responsibility • FEAD is not in favour of integrating the Hazardous Waste Directive into the Waste Framework Directive • Modernisation and simplification of legislations should not lead to deregulation
END-OF-WASTE PROJECT • carried out by the Joint Research Centre – IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies) • aim is to develop a general methodology for determining end-of-waste criteria • case studies on: • Aggregates • Compost • Scrap metal
FEAD EVENTS FEAD Workshop on the Implementation of the Landfill Directive 10-11 May 2007, Budapest, Hungary FEAD AnnualConference 18-19 October 2007, Athens, Greece
aisbl Rue Philippe Le Bon, 15 B – 1000 BRUSSELS Tel: + 32 2 732 32 13 Fax: + 32 2 734 95 92 Email: info@fead.be www.fead.be