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FOOD MICROBIOLOGY. COURSE OVERVIEW. THP-FTP-UB. Score Grading. COURSE CONTRACT. KEYWORDS. References. Bibek Ray. 2004. Fundamental of Food Microbiology 3rd edition. CRC Press

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  2. Score Grading



  5. References • Bibek Ray. 2004. Fundamental of Food Microbiology 3rd edition. CRC Press • Martin R. Adams and Maurice O. Moss. 2008 . Food Microbiology 3rd edition. The Royal Society of Chemistry. • James M. Jay, Martin J. Loessner, David A. Golden. 2005 . Modern Food Microbiology 7th edition. Springer.

  6. Week-1 Mikrobiologi Pangan Pendahuluan Definisi & Peranan Mikroorganisme Penyebab Kerusakan Mikroorganisme dalam Bidang Pangan Produk Fermentasi


  8. 1975-Now 1940 1960 1975 TIME LINE Before 1865 Era Pasca Antibiotika Era Pasteur Era Bioteknologi Modern Era Antibiotika Era Pra-Pasteur

  9. Era Pra - Pasteur • Pembuatan Pangan Fermentasi tradisional, contoh: • Minuman beralkohol (Bir, Anggur, Sake), Keju, Yoghurt, Tempe, Oncom, Acar, Pembuatan Tempe • Ciri Utama: • Pemanfaatan / pendayagunaan mikroba untuk pengawetan dan atau pembuatan makanan/minuman

  10. Era Pasteur • Pasteur : Peranmikroorganismedalamindustrifermentasi • PengembanganIndustriFermentasi • PembuatanEtanol • PembuatanButanol • AsamOrganik • Perlakuan Air Buangan

  11. Era Antibiotika • Pembuatan Penicillin • Vaksin Virus • TeknologiKulturSelHewan

  12. Era Pasca - Antibiotika • Asam – asam Amino • Elusidasi Struktur DNA • Protein Sel Tunggal • Enzim untuk detergen • Produk farmasi (interferon,hormon, vaksin) • Teknologi Rekombinan DNA

  13. Era Bioteknologi Modern • Rekayasa Genetika • Zat Antibodi Monoklonal • Hormon Insulin Buatan • Hormon Pertumbuhan Ikan tuna

  14. Mikrobiologi - Bioteknologi • Apa kaitan antara mikrobiologi dengan bioteknologi ??? • Mikrobiologi pangan termasuk dalam bioteknologi era tradisional/lama. • Mikrobiologi pangan  Era Pra-Pasteur


  16. Definisi • MikrobiologiPangan Ilmuygmempelajaritentangperananmikoorganismepadabahanmaupunprodukpangan. • Food is an ecosystem and microorganisms play a key role in the stability of that ecosystem. • Microorganisms are introduced to the food ecosystem from the soil, harvesting, handling, storage, and packaging.

  17. Peranan Mikroorganisme

  18. Poin Penting • Penerapan agen biologis (mikroorganisme) pada produk pangan fermentasi Beer, Wine, Yoghurt, Keju, Tempe, Roti, Kefir, Kecap, dll. • Penerapan bagian/metabolit m.o (enzim, antibiotik, hormon, pigmen, dll) • Pencegahan terjadinya kontaminasi m.o • Pencegahan terjadinya infeksi m.o


  20. Food Spoilage • Smell bad, taste bad, look bad • Probably are not harmful • microorganisms that cause food spoilage compete with pathogens • in the case of food spoilage vs. pathogens, the spoilers are winning • evidence is obvious, though I wouldn’t eat anything that smelled or looked like that

  21. Food Spoilage • Spoilage: bad food microbiology • undesirable changes to food; sour milk, moldy bread • preservatives and refrigeration inhibit the growth of microorganisms Moldy Spam

  22. Foodborne Intoxication • illness from microbial exotoxin • microorganism does not cause the illness, the toxin released by the microorganism does • common exotoxin producing microorganisms • Staphylococcus aureus • Clostridium botulinum

  23. Foodborne Infection • requires consumption of microorganism • symptomatic about 1 day following ingestion of contaminated food • common foodborne infecting microorganisms • Salmonella and Campylobacter • poultry product infections • Escherichia coli 0157:H7 • undercooked hamburger Campylobacter Salmonella


  25. Food Microbiology • Fermentation: good food microbiology • food that have been intentionally altered such as sour cream, cheese, beer • any desirable change a microorganism makes to food

  26. Microorganisms in Food Production • using microorganisms for food production has been done for thousands of years • cheese, yeast, beer • microorganisms used in food often produce an acidic by-product as a result of metabolism • can inhibit growth of many spoilage microorganisms • can inhibit growth of many foodborne pathogens Yeast cells

  27. Some Microorganisms Involved in Fermentation Procesess

  28. Starter Cultures

  29. Starter Cultures cont…

  30. Culture Collections

  31. GRAS Microorganisms GRAS  Generally Recognized as Safe


  33. Produk Pangan Fermentasi Berbasis Serealia Berbasis Umbi-umbian Pangan Fermentasi Berbasis Susu Berbasis Buah Berbasis Kacang-kacangan Berbasis Daging & Ikan

  34. Traditional Products

  35. Agricultural Products

  36. Amino Acids & Enzymes

  37. Enzymes cont.

  38. Fuel & Chemical Feedstock

  39. Organic Acids

  40. Polymers

  41. TUGAS KELOMPOK • Buatlah makalah dengan topik : • Food Spoilage • Food borne Diseases • Fermented Foods • 1 kelas terdiri dari 12 kelompok • 1 kelompok terdiri atas 4-5 mahasiswa • Format : Kertas A4, Arial 11 • Margin (Top-Left-Bottom-Right : 3-4-3-3 cm) • Spasi 1,5

  42. Hard copy dikumpulkan minggu ke-11 • Soft copy dikumpulkan minggu ke-11 dalam bentuk CD • Presentasi : • Food Spoilage  minggu ke-12 • Foodborne diseases  minggu ke-13 • Fermented Foods  minggu ke-14

  43. Penilaian Struktur Penulisan Makalah : 1) Cover : • Judul • Icon UB • Identitas pembuat makalah • Identitas PS, Jurusan, Fakultas & Universitas 2) Bab I (Pendahuluan) : • Latar Belakang • Rumusan Masalah • Tujuan

  44. 3) Bab II (Pembahasan) : • Karakteristik mikroba • Barier/media perantara/media pertumbuhan • Nutrisi/gejala penyakit/ciri pembusukan • Mekanisme pembusukan/intoksikasi /infeksi/proses fermentasi • Penanganan atau pencegahan/preparasi pembuatan pangan fermentasi/proses pembuatan, kontrol kualitas

  45. 4) Bab III (Penutup) : • Kesimpulan • Saran 5) Daftar Pustaka : • Buku teks 10 tahun terakhir • Jurnal 10 tahun terakhir • Artikel ilmiah (up to date) • Harvard style

  46. THANK YOUcholis_federer@yahoo.co.id

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