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Hey…can I have some?. Mmm…Waffles…they look yummy !. Wait a minute you guys…you actually think that you’re gonna eat these?. EZATLY!. Brian’s right! You’re not getting ANY waffles..you have to get through me for that!. Yeah…I want those Waffles…what are you gonna do aboot it!.
Wait a minute you guys…you actually think that you’re gonna eat these?
Brian’s right! You’re not getting ANY waffles..you have to get through me for that!
You think getting through Brandon is hard? Well try the power of the Bo!
Trey!! Shut up, man! No one is getting these waffles, EXCEPT ME!
Fine, be that way…I’ll just go play with my balls then!
Oh no…not another waffle groupie, speaking of which, where are Jonny and Ewan?
We know where they are, don’t we Marius?
Yeah, yeah…you guys I am starting to smell like waffles here…I want to eat!
That’s real great Asia…so if you two are SO smart,then WHERE are they?
*flashback* Well, when I was upstairs having my way with Akasha,I heard some noises from another room I thought that it was Jonny, Stephy, Ewan, and Sarah. But when Marius and I walked out of the room, we saw something MUCH different.
Oh whatever, like I care…more for me, you’re not getting any!
Ha! That’s just what you think…I’ll be right back!
*picks up the mic* WHATEVEEEEERRR!!!!!
Ok, Bri has them held captive, and Jonny and Ewan are not aware that the waffles have been made. If you really ARE my posse you will come with me NOW!
Come out come out wherever you are Bri…. WE WANT THOSE WAFFLES!!!!
You’re really going to aren’t you?! AHHHHH!!! *runs and hides*
The Heroic Orgazmo breaks through the wall, saves Bri, and defeats the now turned EVIL Lestat. However he leaves without even noticing the waffles.
HAHAHAHA!!! Orgazmo did not take your precious lil waffles…but I will!!! HAHAHAHA!!! *he steals the waffles and runs away, leaving all of them clueless as to what just happened* Here is where Lestat risides now…imprisoned in his room…with waffles every now and then. He is visited frequently by Marius, and the gang.
When orgazmo left, he chained Lestat to his bed, and gave Brian the key Brian figured that once he ate his waffles, that he would let Lestat go.However, it seems as if those plans have changed, because of the mysterious man who ran away with the waffles. So Brian figures that when the time comes, he will unlock Lestat…when he is ready.