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attitude. attitude [at t(y)oo d] n. a way of thinking orfeeling; a point of view: Food servers get goodtips when they give restaurant patrons excellentservice and have a friendly attitude. . barrier. barrier [bar r] n. anything that blocks theway, stops movement, or separates: A barr
1. Lesson 15: Consonant and Syllable Patterns If a word has a double consonant, the accent often falls on the syllable that goes with the first of the double consonants.
2. attitude atˇtiˇtude [at´ ˇt(y)oo d´] n. a way of thinking or
feeling; a point of view: Food servers get good
tips when they give restaurant patrons excellent
service and have a friendly attitude.
3. barrier barˇriˇer [bar´ ˇ r] n. anything that blocks the
way, stops movement, or separates: A barrier
was put up to keep cars away from that
street while the traffic signals were being
4. buffalo bufˇfaˇlo [buf´ ˇl ] n. an animal that is similar
to an ox, with a large, round body and
curved horns: In many movies about the old
West, buffalo roam the plains.
5. cinnamon cinˇnaˇmon [sin´ ˇm n] n. an aromatic reddishbrown
spice that comes from the bark of a
tropical tree: Cinnamon is used as a flavoring
in apple pie.
6. corridor corˇriˇdor [kôr´ ˇd r] n. a narrow hallway with
rooms opening onto it: We are not supposed
to run in any corridor at school.
7. gallery galˇlerˇy [gal´ rˇ ] n. 1. a place where works of
art are on display: There is an exhibit of
photos at the art gallery. 2. an indoor balcony,
especially the highest balcony, as in a theater
or church: We had seats in the gallery and
could barely see the dancers.
8. gorilla goˇrilˇla [g ˇril´ ] n. a large, powerful ape
found in the jungles of central Africa:
The gorilla has a broad, heavy chest and
shoulders; long arms; and short legs.
9. hurricane hurˇriˇcane [hűr´ ˇk n´] n. a severe tropical
storm with strong winds and heavy rain:
A hurricane is a storm with winds of 75 or
more miles per hour.
10. massacre masˇsaˇcre [mas´ ˇk r] n. a cruel and violent
killing of many people: The government of
the small country feared there would be a
11. moccasin mocˇcaˇsin [mok´ ˇsin] n. a slipperlike shoe
with a soft sole and no heel: Moccasins may
be adorned with embroidery or beading.
12. opossum oˇposˇsum [ ˇpos´ m or pos´ m] n. a small,
furry mammal that is native to North
America: When they are in danger, opossums
lie motionless and appear to be dead.
13. pinnacle pinˇnaˇcle [pin´ ˇk l] n. the highest point of
achievement: Michael Jordan retired from
pro basketball at the pinnacle of his career.
14. syllable sylˇlaˇble [sil´ ˇb l] n. a single sound that forms
a word or part of a word: The accent is on
the first syllable of the word swallow.
15. tobacco toˇbacˇco [t ˇbak´ ] n. a tall plant with large
leaves that are dried and used for smoking
and chewing: Tobacco was grown in the
southern colonies and exported to England.
16. tomorrow toˇmorˇrow [t ˇmor´ ] n. the next day after
today: If today is Monday, tomorrow will be
17. umbrella umˇbrelˇla [umˇbrel´ ] n. a circular piece of
cloth or plastic stretched on a folding frame
that is held overhead for protection from rain
or sun: I keep an umbrella in my backpack
in case of rain.