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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Chapter 6. The Case of Alan. 27-year-old married Caucasian male Complains of symptoms of anxiety Unsure of counseling; seems willing to try. Basic Philosophy. Constructivist Humans are responsible for their behavior Neutral view of human nature.

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Chapter 6

  2. The Case of Alan 27-year-old married Caucasian male Complains of symptoms of anxiety Unsure of counseling; seems willing to try

  3. Basic Philosophy Constructivist Humans are responsible for their behavior Neutral view of human nature

  4. Basic Philosophy Values Long range hedonism Self-interest Social interest Self-direction Tolerance of others Acceptance of life’s ambiguity Flexibility Openness change Scientific thinking

  5. Human Motivation People strive to live and be happy: By themselves With others In intimate relationships When they are learning Working Having fun

  6. Central Constructs ABC Antecedent Something that happens to us Belief Our thoughts about the antecedent (what happened to us) Consequence The emotion that we feel or behavior that we do as a result of our thoughts about what happened to us

  7. Irrational (iBs) Rigid statements we say to ourselves that are often unrealistic Self-demandingness Other-demandingness World-demandingness Reliance on Irrational thinking leads to: Seeing things as much worse than they are Low frustration tolerance Rating everyone and everything as horrible Overgeneralizing Central Constructs

  8. Central Constructs Goals Unconditional Self-Acceptance Secondary Disturbances The consequence from the initial ABC becomes the Activating event Our beliefs about the new activating event trigger new consequences

  9. Theory of the Person No theory of personality development No interest in developmental stages Humans are the product of Inherited influences (tendency to think irrationally and react emotionally) Their environment (parents, teachers, siblings, peers, etc.)

  10. Psychological Health Able to defeat the natural human tendency to be irrational Reliance on rational beliefs Use of Unconditional Self-Acceptance Healthy basic philosophy Balancing self-interest with social interest Psychological Dysfunction Person experiences an activating event Activating event triggers the irrational belief system The irrational belief system leads to an unwanted consequence Psychological Health and Dysfunction

  11. Nature of Therapy Assessment Standardized Structured techniques Informal assessment Role of the client Role of the counselor Goals

  12. Process of Therapy ABCDE model D = Dispute E = Effect Stages of REBT Therapy Dispute irrational beliefs Alter the client’s environment Resistance

  13. Therapeutic Techniques Cognitive Disputation Bibliotherapy Proselytizing Recording therapy sessions Reframing Therapeutic Techniques Stop and monitor Rational coping statements Rational emotive imagery Flamboyant therapist actions Humor Process of Therapy

  14. Therapeutic Techniques Forceful coping statements and taped disputing Role-playing Rational-irrational dialogues Reinforcements and penalties Therapeutic Techniques Skill training In vivo desensitization Acting on rational beliefs Homework Shame attacking Process of Therapy

  15. Evaluation Qualities Precision Testability Empirical validity Research Support Outcome research Theory-testing research

  16. Pros Does not perpetuate bias based on sexual orientation Philosophical values that include acceptance of others Active Directive Short term Cons Assumption that the problem resides within the person Focus is on individualism Emphasis on personal responsibility for change Issues of Individual and Cultural Diversity

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