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Campaign? Campaign!. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-303, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at. Principles of Campaigning.
Campaign? Campaign! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-303, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Principles of Campaigning Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-303, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Latin „campania“ - connected series of battles Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Definition 1 A campaign is a dramatic series of connected communicative battles, series of communicative events (actions, press releases, etc.) with the minimum goal to change peoples minds on a certain issue. The higher goal is to motivate people to take a concrete action or to achieve a certain goal in politics/economy. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Definition 2 A campaign is • dramatic • focussing on a certain restricted topic • in a certain time frame (begin, end) • aiming at public awareness Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Definition 3 A campaign is a strategy to • raise public awareness/reach a certain goal • without formal power • through a wise communicative strategy. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Definition 4 Move the stone, not make people understand it! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
The distinction Education << >> Campaigning Genuinely educational genuinely campaign-wise Pedagogical practice campaign practice Range of perspectives single viewpoint Own conclusions single solution Benefit from each other possible – but only if clear distinction! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
The distinction Education << >> Campaigning understand change time for understanding urgent long process, end not defined clear timeframe Topics around the focus clearly restricted topic Complexity Simplicity goal not defined clear goal own conclusions simple solution actions? motivate for one action Benefit from each other possible – but only if clear distinction! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Why a campaign? to show political constituency and power (voters, consumers) Don't campaign without lobbying, don't lobby without campaigning Only lobby where is the constituency for it Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
What do we first need for a campaign? wcbd Aw x S = Ip x wid Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
wcbd Aw x S = Ip x wid S = Scandal Aw = Awfulness Ip = Immoral profit wcbd = what can be done wid = what is done Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
What else we need • issue, topic • information • aim, goal • strategy • target • target group(s) • actions • tools • possible outcomes • success criteria, evaluation Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Examples development campaigns Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-303, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
International context of development campaigns • MDGs • Fairtrade • 0,7 % and other ODA-targets • fair working conditions • environmental concerns • fair and ecological lifestyle and consumption • donations • etc. etc. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Play Fair at the Olympics 1 • Alliance of Global Unions, Oxfam and Clean Clothes Campaign • February to August 2004 • Aim: Improving working conditions in sportswear industry • target: 7 companies (Puma, Asics, Fila, etc.) and IOC • tools: report, press releases, actions, petition, ... • Outcome: 500.000 signatures, companies improved, IOC only talks Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Play Fair at the Olympics Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Make Trade Fair! • For Oxfam’s Make Trade Fair campaign, the big four coffee giants were targeted • They were asked afterwards if the campaign had an impact • Kraft response: “No – they were not our customers and we only listen to our customers” • Oxfam didn’t show Kraft they were their customers so Kraft ignored them. Suggests weak power analysis was done/used. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
0,7% of GNP for ODA Austria Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Make poverty history! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Make poverty history! • Recruited 500,000 supporters online in 12 months • 95% of recruitment was in the first 6 months leading-up to the G8 meeting in Scotland. • Helped by media coverage and celebrity endorsement • When media coverage / celebrity endorsement stopped after the G8 meeting (July 05), recruitment dropped dramatically • No follow up activities with target group!!! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Campaign Planning, Strategy, Criteria for success Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-303, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Only public part! Campaign Planning S ituation analysis (opponent, partners, interests, context, media) O bjectives(Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed) S trategy (which tools lead to objectives, which way) T actics (how do I go the way, order of tools) A ctivities (think when above clear, think what you can afford) C ontroll (evaluation, say good-bye) Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Topic and information • Topic needs to be clearly defined • Good, reliable information about it Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Aim Has to be: • reasonable • unmistakeably and convincingly formulated, clearly pointed, checkable • positively formulated, not against but for, own alternative concepts. • reachable on your own • of the right size and relevant same understanding of aim by all involved internal aim does not need to be the same as the public demand Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Strategy 1 Strategy has to define • target • target groups • topic • time frame • staff • money • impact control • (possible) problems • ... As simple as possible - as complex as necessary! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Strategy 2 Ask yourself • what? • what for? • why? • with whom? • why in this way? Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Strategy 3 • no to certain actions, target groups, topics, certain medias • aim needs to be in line with the available resources • choose a method of attack that the opponent doesn't expect • frontal attack only if the opponent is badly organised and demoralised • Never attack the same way as you already tried and failed. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Strategy 4 • don’t mess with your solutions – keep them till the moment everyone begs for them • don’t fall into the participation trap! • BUT participate in realizing your solution! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Act One Setup Act Two Confrontation Act Three Resolution Crisis Inciting incident Climax Midpoint Succession Adapted from: “Story Arcs, and the Three Act Structure” at http://digitalworlds.wordpress.com/2008/04/07/story-arcs-and-the-three-act-structure/ Strategy 5 – campaign story Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Strategy 6 • strategy and plan need to be adjustable • never loose sight with your aim, when adjusting strategy to changing framework • strategy for crisis: what happens when nothing happens? Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Target group 1 • what moves them? • what is important for them? • which interest can we adress? • clearly defined • have a local level connection, get people interested, because of their own interest • involve different target groups, not only the obvious, use the media Don't convert the converted! Get away from the usual suspects! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Target group 2 Make your concern a concern of the target group! It's not a fight of the railway workers for their rights, it is a fight of the workers and the customers together against the destruction of the austrian railway by the government Austria needs the railway! Wulkaprodersdorf (village) needs the railway! I need the railway! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Target • needs to be clearly defined and as simple as possible • concrete person(s), company, politician • needs to be hit where it hurts (e.g. destroy good image of a multinational) Campaigns are only successfulif they cause pain! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Criteria for success 1 • aim has to be reachable and believable • clear strategy, that can react on changes in framework • logistically prepared well • the campaign team is motivated • the topic or the dynamic motivates others • internal and external communication works • management of decisions works • the timing is perfect Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Criteria for success 2 • visualise a campaign as exact as possible from the start • make it outstanding from banal, everyday • make it personalised, suitable for TV, create new realities • Hit hard, be merciless! • Like in martial arts: Use the power of your opponent for yourself Emotionalise and personalise, simplify, acuminate to a point, shorten!BUT Don't lie! Stick to the proofable reality! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, 1972 1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.2. Never go outside the experience of your people.3. Whenever possible, go outside of the experience of the enemy.4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.5. Ridicule is man's/woman‘s most potent weapon.6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, 1972 7. Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions.8. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.9. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
ENJOY THE BREAK! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Which tools to use what for? Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Which tools what for? When thinking tools and actions, think: • which tool for which target group? • to reach what? • time (connect to events Live8 - G8) • Place • what is really doable and achievable for you • fun and motivation for team Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Personalize and create images! 1 • have human interest stories(30.000 people die each day, but better Silvia had to die at the age of three because of the lack of medicine) • provoke • create images A picture says more than a thousand words think in advance how the message can be translated in a picture • no action without logo, no logo without action Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Personalize and create images! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Build alliances! 1 • connect with other movements, organisations(peace movement) • think of innovative, unusual partners!(e.g. VIPs, trade unions, MTV, TV, media, companies, supermarket) Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Build alliances! 2 Alliances lead to: • better image, change of image • new competencies and resources • broader impact • learning from each other • recrute new members, supporters for own organisation • Coalition is king! But no lowest-common-denominator coalitions • example: Stopp GATS campaign Austria: Trade Union Federation, Greenpeace, Attac, students parliament, caritas, etc. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Use the media! 1 • 2% of people get their information from NGOs 80% from TV • what is not in the media is not • Use the mainstream media! • Don't forget the alternative media! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
Use the media! 2 Work with the media • media sets their own agenda • media work needs to be done on a regular basis, need to build trust • journalists always have absolute priority • have photos, video material in high resolution available on the issue and on the action • what works is accidential • keep press releases short, they call if they want more Away from jargon and abbrevations, keep it short and simple - KISS! Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
E-Campaigning 1 Use the internet but don't believe the hype! The internet is not the most important, people still get their informations from TV. But it can be used to show your own information and especially for petitions to parliamentarians, protest letters to companies can be realised easily, and easy to use. Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
E-Campaigning 2 Use the social media but don’t believe the hype! • Email is your key tool for ecampaigning • Social networks/media are far less effective than email • Obama Campaign: relied on email. Social media return vs. email low (1-9%) • Email: • Predictable e-action results if well managed • Reliable way to get more people to your web site • Worldwide standard: works everywhere, for anyone Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at
E-Campaigning 3 What can E-Campaigning achieve and what not It can achieve: • more pressure • low cost per new supporter • reach new audiences • much faster It cannot achieve: • no instant results • no zero-cost/zero-effort results • no magic Südwind – Agentur für entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Laudongasse 40, 1080 Wien, Tel. +43/1/405 55 15-306, Fax +43/1/405 55 19 stefan.kerl@oneworld.at