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The Order

The Order. By: Christine, Odessa,& Tyler. History. The order was a faction of the Aryan Nations between 1982-1984 They were the most successful criminal organization ever to emerge from The American White Supremacist movement. They are still idolized today by all racist communities.

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The Order

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  1. The Order By: Christine, Odessa,& Tyler

  2. History • The order was a faction of the Aryan Nations between 1982-1984 • They were the most successful criminal organization ever to emerge from The American White Supremacist movement. • They are still idolized today by all racist communities

  3. Founders of the Order • The Order was founded by Bob Matthews and David Lane, in conjunction with William Pierce, the founder of the John Birch Society and the National Alliance • William Pierce is the author of The Turner Diaries, a fantasy about a right wing supremacist revolution group called “ The Organization”

  4. David Lane • “I don’t recognize a government whose single aim is to exterminate my race. I have given all that I have and all that I am to awake my people from their sleep of death.”

  5. David Lane cont. • Describes a very violent childhood • Joined numerous far right movements such as Aryan Nations and Knights of the Ku Klux • Was a prolific writer for many years in prison • Often signed writings 14/88 • 14 refers to the 14 words “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” • 88 refers to the H’s in “Heil Hitler” H being the 8th letter in the alphabet

  6. The Turner Diaries • Approximately 350,000 copies sold – extraordinary for an underground book. • Describes a racial war in which The Organization battles The System. The war degenerates into bestial behavior such as cannibalism, ultimately leading to “The Day of the Rope” where tens of thousands are hung in Southern California

  7. The Turner Diaries Cont. • The Organization eventually gains access to nuclear weapons and atomic war breaks out between America, the Soviet Union and Israel. The main character from The Organization is hailed as a hero when he flies a suicide mission into the Pentagon. • The blow to the Pentagon allows the organization to succeed in their goals “just 110 years after the birth of the great one.” i.e. Adolph Hitler

  8. Goals • In 1982, Matthews (highly regarded by right wing elders as a potential leader in Christian Identity Movement) suggested to his friend Bruce Pierce, that they form a group modeled and goal oriented after The Organization • Matthew’s goal was to destroy anyone standing in the way of Aryans having a homeland for the white race

  9. Group Philosophy • “The Jew is like a destroying virus that attacks our racial body to destroy our Aryan culture and purity of our race. Those of our Race who resist these attacks are called chosen and faithful.” • Homestead: Hayden Lake, Idaho - This peaceful community is considered to be “international headquarters of the white race”

  10. Religion • Temple of Wotan, bastardized form of Odinism • Norse religion that glorifies Odin • Created by David Lane • Wotan an acronym for Will of the Aryan Nation

  11. “I wouldn’t contaminate my toilet with your red, white and blue rag.” Anti-America Ideology • David Lane and his terrorist group decided to declare war on the US • Believed that the US Government was attempting to extinguish their race • Reassigned gov’t with the term ZOG – Zionist Occupied Government. • Therefore seeking to extinguish all African Americans and Jews

  12. Recruitment • Admitted like-minded members of the National Alliance • Need only be militant, opposed to the government and of the proper race to join. • Women were active as well, though most only served supportive roles.

  13. Recruitment Cont. Schools: • “Aryan Nations Academy” established in the early 1980’s to inculcate the groups philosophy in the minds of local youngsters preschool through 8th grade • Youth conferences held in April to coincide w/ Hitler’s B-day

  14. Money Matters • The order started out legal, but their projects were too expensive so they moved to illegal means: robbery and counterfeiting • Their very 1st robbery only netted $369 in April of 1983, when they held up a Spokane porn shop • They soon became more sophisticated & profitable, w/ the help of a sympathetic Brinks employee

  15. “Fund Raising” • 12 members of The Order robbed a Brink’s armored truck in Ukiah, CA; the proceeds of which totaled 3.6 million dollars! • The Order acquired almost 4 million dollars during their wave of robberies. • To this day 2 million of the stolen dollars are still unaccounted for.

  16. Group Ties • Closely tied to the network of white supremacist groups. • Much of the funding that had been stolen was distributed to these groups. • Aryan Nations • National Alliance • Ku Klux Klan

  17. History of Violence • The dream of ensuing racial war was always the groups primary goal. • Visions for a white homeland in the Pacific Northwest and hatred of all non-whites was the fuel that kept the group going. • The Order rapidly progressed their level of criminal activity to include numerous assaults on anyone who stood in their way and eventually murder.

  18. Alan Berg • The members of The Order created a Hate List with the names of anyone they perceived as a threat to the existence of the white race. • A Jewish talk radio host by the name of Alan Berg was at the top of this list. • Berg was known to expose and belittle white supremacists on the air. • Lane and Berg feuded for some time, as Berg was know to label Lane as “sick and pathetic” while on the air.

  19. June 18th 1984 • Alan Berg was gunned down in the driveway of his home by David Lane and Bruce Pierce. • It was later determined that Pierce pulled the trigger while Lane drove the getaway car. “The only thing I have to say about Alan Berg is, regardless of who did it, he hasn't mouthed his hate whitey propaganda from his 50,000-watt Zionist pulpit for quite a few years." -David Lane

  20. The Fall of The Order • Order member Robert Matthews drops pistol during a robbery and it is traced back to another member, Tom Martinez • Martinez agrees to be an inside informant and the police arrest 24 members, with his help • Those who stood trial received sentences ranging fm. 40yrs to life in prison

  21. Justice Prevails? • More than ½ of The Orders total membership arrested. • 11 plead guilty and testified against 10 others. • However, none were charged of Alan Berg’s murder – only of violating his civil rights.

  22. Con’t • Matthews fled to Whidbey island in Dec. 1984, where he held the FBI @ bay for 2 days until flares set ammunition ablaze, killing him • In 1985, a 21 count indictment was filed on several members and 11 Order members pleaded guilty & the remaining 10 were convicted of lengthy terms ranging fm. 5yrs up to Pierce receiving 250yrs

  23. The Crest “Brothers remain silent.”

  24. References • Hewitt, C. (2002). Understanding Terrorism in America: From the Klan to Al Qaeda. New York: Routledge. • Martin, G. (2003). Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives and Issues Sage Publications, USA • Michael, G. (2003). Confronting Right Wing Extremism and Terrorism in the USA. New York: Routledge. • http://www.wikipedia.org/ • http://www.adl.org/learn/ext_us/lane.asp?LEARN_Cat=Extremism&LEARN_SubCat=Extremism_in_America&xpicked=2&item=lane

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