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Tourism, Travel & Hospitality

Tourism, Travel & Hospitality. SIT12 Implementation Workshop. Senior Project Officer – Tourism, Travel, Hospitality. Rebecca Grooby. Training Package Cycle. Industry Advisory Committee. ACA – Casinos AFTA – Australian Federation of Travel Agents AHA – Australian Hotels Association

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Tourism, Travel & Hospitality

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  1. Tourism,Travel& Hospitality SIT12 Implementation Workshop

  2. Senior Project Officer – Tourism, Travel, Hospitality Rebecca Grooby

  3. Training Package Cycle

  4. Industry Advisory Committee • ACA – Casinos • AFTA – Australian Federation of Travel Agents • AHA – Australian Hotels Association • ASU/ United Voice – Unions • ATEC – Australian Tourism Export Council • Clubs NSW/Australia • Compass Group – Catering, Accommodation Services • CRVA – Caravan and RV Association • Australian Defence Force Who is industry?

  5. Industry Advisory Committee • DRET - Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism • MEA – Meetings and Events Australia • NTA – National Tourism Alliance • Qantas • RCA – Restaurant and Catering • Restaurateur • TH Catering Institute • TTF – Transport Who is industry?

  6. Introductions • Who are you? • What is your role with the Training Package? • What do you want to get out of today?

  7. Consultant to Service Skills Australia Margot Homersham

  8. Service Skills Australia develops the Training Package in consultation with all

  9. Our aims today • Introduce you to revised SIT12 Training Package • Provide some exercises to highlight new areas of the TP • Send you away with knowledge of the TP to enable implementation • Provide an opportunity to discuss implementation challenges

  10. Schedule • Now – units of competency • 11am Morning tea • 11.15am – assessment requirements • 1200 noon - qualifications • 1pm Lunch • 1.30 pm afternoon session - Implementation challenges • Finish 4.30pm

  11. Questions, concerns, issues

  12. Continuous improvement Rebecca will record feedback.serviceskills.com.au

  13. 12 months to change over to SIT12 From date that Training Package released on training.gov.au (TGA) Check locally

  14. Training Package Principles Units of competency

  15. Industry wants skilled workers

  16. Units of competency • Describe skills and knowledge that people need to effectively perform their jobs to industry standard • What people do on a day to day basis in their jobs Express workplace requirements

  17. Units of competency do not • Describe how people learn to be competent • Tell RTOs how to design and implement learning strategies They describe the skill itself

  18. Prerequisite units should be minimised • means that it is necessary to develop a primary skill and the required knowledge before progressing to another. • should only exist where it is absolutely necessary for a person to have a skill and hold a certain body of knowledge before they can perform other workplace tasks Not nominated to assist in a logical sequence of training

  19. Industry wants robust assessment Assessment should be rigorous so that graduates can be immediately useful and competent in a service industry environment.

  20. Exercise One Old – Blue Paper New - Green PaperSpot the Difference – “front end”Not a content mapping exercise

  21. What’s changed in units? Streamlined language: • Descriptor and Application • Elements • PCs PCs & Elements • Many reworked to fully articulate content Required Skills • Focus on foundation skills – LL&N, employability skills e.g. problem-solving Required Knowledge • Now fully articulates requirements – breadth & depth Prerequisites minimised • To provide flexibility and avoid barriers to sequencing of training & assessment

  22. AQF indicator • indicates where unit is first packaged in a qualification • units do not have an AQF level

  23. Unit describes a complexity of skill • train and assess to the complexity of the unit • do not vary according to the qualification • operative workers work safely in the same way as a supervisor or manager full set of units in a qualification determines the AQF level for the qualification

  24. Equivalence – mapping table volume 1 Equivalent does not mean identical. Think about these definitions: • equal or interchangeable in value, measure, force, effect, significance • corresponding in function • having the same or a similar effect

  25. E Unit equivalent when • it provides the same skill and knowledge outcomes • it has a change in title but no other significant changes • elements and associated performance criteria have remained the same, but might be better expressed • knowledge requirements have remained the same, but might be better expressed • assessment requirements are better expressed or made more rigorous outcome is the same

  26. N Unit not equivalent when • it provides different skill and knowledge outcomes • elements and associated performance criteria have been added • knowledge requirements have been added – breadth or depth outcome is different

  27. N Mapping • SITXEVT003B Process and monitor event registrations • SITXEVT302 Process and monitor event registrations N • Re-worked Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge to more fully articulate content. • New Element 2 covers amending and updating registrations. • Re-worked Evidence Guide to better articulate rigorous assessment requirements.

  28. Plural titles consistently used • Plan in-house events or functions • Develop event transport plans • Tow and site recreational vehicles • Coordinate and operate tours • Plan catering for events or functions

  29. Titles simplified • Source and provide international destination information and advice • Provide advice on international destinations • Receive and process reservations • Process reservations

  30. Titles changed to better reflect intent & content • Provide on-site event management services • Manage on-site event operations • Construct domestic airfares • Source airfares for domestic flights

  31. Titles changed for consistency across TP • Develop and implement….plans • Establish and maintain…system

  32. Units deleted or merged • deleted when they duplicated content of other units • deleted when they described work processes rather than a skill – covered by other units • merged where there was clear crossover of content and intent

  33. Tour Operations unit deleted Operate and maintain a 4WD tour vehicle replaced with: TLIC2025A Operate a four wheel drive vehicle

  34. Events units covered by Cross-Sector units • Evaluate and address event regulatory requirements • Research and comply with regulatory requirements • Plan and develop event proposals and bids • Prepare and present proposals

  35. New Events units • Plan and allocate exhibition space • Recruit and manage exhibitors replace Manage exhibitions – too big • Develop and implement event management plans

  36. New cross-sector units • Respond to a customer in crisis • Manage a business continuity crisis • Manage revenue

  37. Customer service hierarchy • Interact with customers • Provide service to customers • Enhance the customer service experience • Manage quality customer service

  38. Customer service units tightly focussed team work covered by BSBWOR203B Work effectively with others

  39. BSB units used in favour • Where they had a good fit with industry operations e.g. Make a presentation • Where they were identical e.g. ENV • Where SIT unit had no THE context • SIT unit maintained when superior • Number used = 19 Intent of BSB units is to contextualise.

  40. SIT assessors can assess Assessors must hold formal recognition in each unit in which they wish to conduct assessment or be able to demonstrate equivalent competence.

  41. Morning Tea be back at…….

  42. Exercise Two Old – Peach Paper New – Yellow PaperSpot the Difference - ‘back end’ Assessment Requirements

  43. UOCs mandate rigorous assessment requirements Articulate sufficiency of evidence and ability to respond to different situations and product requirements which might cover: • producing a diverse range of products • using a diverse range of equipment • dealing with a range of customer needs • selling a range of products or services • using a diverse range of methods or techniques

  44. UOCs mandate assessment requirements • Environment • Equipment • Consumable resources – stock, product range • Workplace documents • Other people - customers

  45. Tourism environments clarified Assessment must ensure use of: • a real or simulated tourism, hospitality or event industry environment where products are sold; for example: • a conference venue for the events sector • a reservations area or call centre • touring environment for the guiding and tour operations sectors • a retail shopfront or mobile sales situation for the retail travel sector • an office environment as defined in the Assessment Guidelines

  46. Event assessment requirements • Must collect evidence of planning and operating an actual event • Events can be created for assessment • Staging environment: • real event venues and sites • event venues and sites operated within a training organisation

  47. Assessment Guidelines mandate assessment requirements • Equipment lists • Consumable resources listed • Workplace documents - listed • Customers defined • Assessor vocational competence defined

  48. Key changes Assessment Guidelines • equipment lists – format changed for clarity • CCC, FAB, PAT lists updated • tourism, events and accommodation services updated • vocational competence of assessors – clarified but no change in intent

  49. Customers in simulations A customer is a person or organisation who utilises a product or service and expects the product and service to be of equivalent standard to that provided in a commercial business. They may be paying for the product or service or be invited to participate as a guest. • Customers must participate in the sale and or delivery of the product or service • Provide sufficient customer traffic

  50. Vocational competence • Relevant Experience Have employment experience in the specific units of competency they are assessing. Industry experience must be relevant to the job role/s for which performance is being assessed. • Currency Have comprehensive current knowledge of the industry, current industry practices and the job role Currency of industry skills & knowledge must be maintained.

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