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Forward Physics at the LHC - A Project Review. Risto Orava Helsinki Institute of Physics and Department of Physical Sciences University of Helsinki. 0.1. Orsay R.Orava 29. September 2003.
Forward Physics at the LHC - A Project Review Risto Orava Helsinki Institute of Physics and Department of Physical Sciences University of Helsinki 0.1 Orsay R.Orava 29. September 2003
Forward Physics Project Review - Contents • Physics Goals & Bench Mark Processes • Forward Spectrometer at the LHC • The Helsinki Group: Resource basis, Plans • Summary 0.2
Important part of the phase space is not covered by the baseline designs at LHC. Much of the large energy, small transverse energy particles are missed. Charge flow information value low: - bulk of the particles crated late in space-time Energy flow information value high: - leading particles created early in space-time In the forward region (|h > 5): few particles with large energies/small transverse momenta. 1.1
Missing Mass can be accurately scanned in pp p + X + p by using the leading protons Bench mark process at Tevatron: Exclusive Higgs production in pp p + + p with tagged antiprotons + rap gaps, di-jet mass fraction… -jet MSSM with large tanb => 10 x sSM! gap gap H h P1’ P2’ beam -jet MH2 = Mmissing2 = (p1+p2-p1’-p2’)2 = Mbb2 p2’ Roman Pots dipole dipole DMmissing = O(1 GeV) DMbb = O(10GeV) p1’ 1.2 Roman Pots
Upgrade scenarios and Forward detectors - CMS & TOTEM • Technical Proposal submitted in 1999 • Technical Design Report (TRD) to be completed by End 2003 • Designed to co-exist with CMS and to run with large, • intermediate and low b* (1100m & 18m & 0.5m) • Aims at: • Precision measurement of stot (Dstot ~ 1mb) • Elastic scattering down to -tmin ~ 10-3 • Diffractive scattering • Forward spectrometer: • T1 & T2 for inelastics (3 < |h| < 7) • New collaborators: ILK Dresden, (Germany), Helsinki (Fi), • Brunel London (UK), Warsaw (Pol) 2.2
Experimental Apparatus at the LHC Inelastic Detector T1-T2 T1-T2 RP1 RP2 RP3 RP4 Roman Pots/Microstationsto measure elastic and diffractive protons TOTEM integrated with the machine Inelastic Detector TOTEM integrated with CMS in out Roman Pot/Microstation -concept 2.1
New layout of T2 - CMS/TOTEM Working Group on Diffraction A Optimized Conical Vacuum Chamber Absorber Electromagnetic Calorimeter 5.0<h<7.5 Silicon Pixel Tracker 5.0<h<7.5 A 2.3
A novel detector for measuring the leading protons - the Microstation - is designed to comply with the LHC requirements. • A compact and light detector system • Integrated with the beam vacuum chamber • Geometry and materials compatible with the • machine requirements • mm accuracy in sensor movements • Robust and reliable to operate • Si strip or pixel detector technology Development in cooperation with the LHC machine groups. 2.4
Microstation Inch worm motor Emergency actuator 6cm Inner tube for rf fitting Space for cables and cooling link Detector Space for encoder Note: A secondary vacuum is an option. 2.5 M.Ryynänen, R.Orava. /Helsinki group
μstation, Secondary Vacuum Implementation Detector Secondary vacuum Beam vacuum 2.12
Research and Development:stations • Beam impedance, electromagnetic pick-up bench measurements, shielding. • Alignment, mechanical stability and reliability, emergency detector retraction from the beam. • Cooling and cryogenic system studies (see Velo/LHC-b). • Bakeout tests, outgassing and vacuum tests. • Study of radiation hardness of the critical components: • motors, • connectors and feedthroughs, • flexible connections at cryogenic temperatures in vacuum. • Detector integration, position encoders, rad hardness, r-o cables. Validation in collaboration with the LHC machine groups (as in the case of the Velo detector/LHC-b). 2.15
APV25 Hybrid PitchAdapter Support Cooling Pipe Detector Spacer 4.11 A Silicon Detector Module/Totem 2.18
3D Detectors and Active edges S. Parker, C. Kenney 1995 3D TECHNOLOGY E-field line contained by edge (p) electrode EDGE SENSITIVITY <10 mm Side view • EDGE SENSITIVITY <10 mm • COLLECTION PATHS ~50 mm • SPATIAL RESOLUTION 10-15 mm • DEPLETION VOLTAGES < 10 V • DEPLETION VOLTAGES ~105 V at 1015n/cm2 • SPEED AT RT 3.5 ns • AREA COVERAGE 3X3 cm2 • SIGNAL AMPLITUDE 24 000 e before Irradiation • SIGNAL AMPLITUDE 15 000 e- at 1015n/cm2 50mm pitch Top view Pictures of processed structures Brunel, Hawaii, Stanford 2003
Diffraction Dissociation (High Luminosity) b* = 0.5 m RP4 (215 m) RP5 (300 m) RP6 (340 m) RP7 (420 m) acceptance x = Dp/p
Proton Acceptance at 215, 308 and 420 m’s all stations together stations at 215 and 420m 100% Acceptance station at 215m alone 50% station at 420m alone 0% 200 400 600 800 1000 MM (GeV) Conclusions: Acceptance from 40 GeV on, stations at 308m & 420m give 50% acceptance for 130 GeV Higgs Helsinki Group/Tuula Mäki
Missing Mass Resolution at 215, 308 and 420m’s 3% DM/M 1% 100 300 500 700 4% DM/M 1% 60 100 140 180 M(GeV) Conclusions: Stations at 308-420 m alone yield 1% DM/M, All stations combined give 2% DM/M for mH = 120 GeV Helsinki Group/Tuula Mäki
1.2 The Helsinki Group - Collaboration Institute/ Coordinator Responsibility Helsinki Institute of Physics Physics and detector simulation, (hip.fi) R. Orava integration&testing, project coordination Division of High Energy Physics, Physics and detector simulation, University of Helsinki project coordination (physics.helsinki.fi/~www_sefo/sefo.html) R. Orava Durham University Phenomenology of Forward Physics V. Khoze Iowa State University Simulation J. Lamsa Espoo-Vantaa Institute Software development of Technology (evitech.fi) T. Leinonen Pohjois-Savo Polytechnic Hybrid development/RF testing/ (pspt.fi) slow controls/tests H. Heikura & A.Toppinen Rovaniemi Polytechnic Data base/GRID (ramk.fi) J. Leino VTT Technical Research Edgeless Si-detectors for microstation Center of Finland (vtt.fi) I. Suni, S. Eränen
The Helsinki Group - Composition Member Position Experience Task Funding(-03) Avati V. PhD student Totem beam simulation HIP2 Bergholm V.1 PhD student summer student simulaton/tests grad.school2 Cwetanski P. PhD student ATLAS TRT detector tests CERN tech.student Goussev E. Student summer student simulation/tests fellowship? Järvinen M. student summer student simulation fellowship? Kalliopuska J. PhD student summer student detector dev fellowship? Kiiskinen A. post doc LHC R&D, Delphi simulation/tests HIP2 Kurvinen K. detector phys. LHC R&D, Delphi detector tests HIP&STUK Lauhakangas R. DAQ eng. LHC R&D, Delphi,... DAQ HIP Mäki T.1 PhD student summer student simulation/tests grad.school2 Noschis E. PhD student LHC R&D detector tests CERN tech.student Oljemark F. student summer student simulation/tests fellowship? Orava R. prof. LHC R&D, Delphi,E605 project leader HIP & UH Palmieri V. post doc RD39, NA50... Si-detectors CERN project ass.2 Saarikko H. prof. Delphi, NA22, UA5 diffraction UH Tapprogge S. post doc Atlas, H1, NA45 performance HIP Österberg K. post doc LHCb, Delphi detector syst UH + technical trainees elec., software testing Polytechnics + student trainees high energy phys. MoE 1 Currently working on their MSc thesis 2 Foreseen source of funding 1.1
Project Activities: LHC LHC represents a gluon factory with a factor 40 enhancement in gluon-gluon luminosity as compared to Tevatron – forward physics processes provide a clean environment for new physics, complementary to the base line program. • intensive study on physics performance simulations continue • define the optimal layout of the detector locations / geometry • assess physics potential • R&D on the microstation concept to converge • engineering prototype finished in autumn 2001 • design and construction of a fully functional prototype to validate the microstation concept in the FNAL test beam • final proposal to LHC for a coherent extension in forward region • design and construction of a production prototype • submit proposal to the LHCC 35
Project Activities: LHC • a wide range of physics and detector related aspects • supporting activities • luminosity measurement • measurement of the elastic cross section • detector R&D • to be carried out in collaboration with: • CMS-TOTEM (A. DeRoeck & K. Eggert) on Forward Spectrometer designs • TOTEM (K. Eggert) on Roman Pots/microstations, on Cryogenic • Si-detectors (V.Palmieri), on edgeless Si-detectors • (S. Parker, C. DaVia, VTT, Polytechnics) 36
CERN Forward Physics Project Basic Research Education, Training Applied Research Technology Transfer HIP & University of Helsinki Polytechnics VTT & Industries