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Pravni i organizacijski aspekti integriranog sveučilišta.      n      . 1. Stanje Begovo Razdolje 03. svibanj 2007. Inflacija obećanja.

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  1. Pravni i organizacijski aspekti integriranog sveučilišta      n       1. Stanje Begovo Razdolje 03. svibanj 2007

  2. Inflacija obećanja Educational debates figure prominently at election times. Perhaps we expect our schools to do so much – equalise opportunity, instil discipline, stimulate individual imagination, provide a labour force – they have remained at the centre of controversy J. Macionis, K.Plumer, Sociology : a Global Introduction, 545

  3. Deflacija obećanja Fundamental shift in the relationship between the stateand higher education “It was once the role of Governments to provide for thepurposes of universities; it is now the role of universitiesto provide for the purposes of Governments” Sir Howard Newby, (Chief Executive of HEFCE) Jan 2004

  4. Financing of Research and Innovation in Europe’s Univ. This study confirmed the enormous diversity in national funding structures. It also points out, on one hand, a relative stagnation of the national R&I budget, and on the other, a significant increase in university expenditure on R&I since 1995. It also identified that interdisciplinary cooperation,interdisciplinary research, centres of excellence and doctoral education are considered to be the main future priorities for universities to develop at the European level.

  5. Findings from investigation UK A lot of money has been invested – but not all wisely (for sustainability) Activity and infrastructure have grown The worst backlogs which were preventing appropriate quality T or R havebeen addressed 5 years of ageing buildings and cost inflation Improvements in utilisation and efficiency

  6. Findings from investigation UK The answer is partly money, but also culture change. Universities have a hugeasset base. This needs 10-year plans, clear corporate decisions, and secureFinance. Increasingly, the finance will not come from government. HEIs with big problems may have to rationalise or take hard decisions. Jim Port EUA Spring Conference 2006Financial sustainability of universities:the OECD/IMHE studyand current UK experience

  7. Pravni aspekti It is logically or historically fit to begin with law as a model with university viewed as, or through, a legal system. Thus viewed, university appears primarily as a complex of legal norms or framework ofrights and obligation…The law proper are the concrete image in such person’s mindwhen he epproaches university D,Waldo, Perspectives on Administration29 Administration= University

  8. Upravni aspekti The study of administration should start from the base of management rather than the foundation of law… L.White, The Administrative Machine 29 Administration= University

  9. Financijski aspekti The situation is different when it comes to financial markets and macroeconomic issues. Expectations play an important role and the role they play is reflexive G. Soros, The Crisis of Global Capitalism, 40

  10. Sredstva i načini Equifinality is the principle that in open systems a given end state can be reached by many potential means. “Any particular structure may have many functions, and any function may be fulfilled by alternative structures or processes” (Gresov/Drazin)

  11. Integracija i samostalnost Integracija i samostalnost su dva aspekta iste stvarnosti. Integracija je nužno, razumno i produktivno učestvovanje u zajedništvu. Samostalnost je odgovornost za posebne i zajedničke interese, stvaralački razvoj znanstvenih područja i grana bez zatvaranja, sebičnosti i marginalizacije.

  12. Samostalnost • Sredstva nekog područja treba razvijati kao cjelinu • Razvijanje treba vršiti putem decentraliziranog ali jakog tijela koji mora rješavati probleme na licu mjesta • Treba osigurati visok stupanj participacije onih na koje se odnose odluke David Lilienthal

  13. Integracija ..mode of relation of the units of a system by virtue of which, on the one hand, act as collectively to avoid disrupting the system and making it impossible to maintain its stability, and, on the other hand, toco-operate to promote its functioning as a unity T.Prsons, Essays in Sociological Theory

  14. Centralizacija i decentralizacija U svakoj organizaciji i u njenoj društvenoj okolini stalno su na djelu snage i u smjeru centralizacije i u pravcu decentralizacije … … Shvaćajući pokretnost suprotnih tendencija, nećemo u odnosu između centralizacije i decentralizacije tražiti konačna rješenja.

  15. Centralizacija i decentralizacija A nećemo ni očekivati mirovanje. Okolnosti u kojima djeluju centripetalne i centrifugalne snage u organizaciji stalno se mijenjaju i stoga se točka njihove dinamičke ravnoteže stalno pomiču. Fluktuacija je neprestana. E.Pusić, Nauka o upravi,145

  16. Our system is too costly, too painful, too inefficient for a truly civilized people Waren Burger, 1994 /D. Bork, The Trouble With Govrenment,2001 Dijagnoza- privremena i oboriva

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