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Visual Aesthetics and Communication: Exploring Ecological Relationships

This work delves into visual aesthetics in communication, discussing the role of ecological relationships and perception in aesthetic experiences. It covers concepts from psychological responses to beauty to scientific perspectives on aesthetic phenomena, emphasizing the importance of viewer attention in sustaining aesthetic experiences. The interdisciplinary perspective presented sheds light on how the brain processes visual information and the emotional understanding gained through art. Through exploring configurational aesthetic thought and holistic vision, this work aims to enhance the understanding of visual communication principles. It discusses principles of visual logic and the subconscious aspects of aesthetic perception, highlighting the importance of nonverbal and implicit aesthetic relationships. The text emphasizes the importance of flexibility, fluency, and holistic thinking in creating meaningful visual communication.

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Visual Aesthetics and Communication: Exploring Ecological Relationships

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  1. Visual communication Muhammad IrawanSaputra, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom

  2. Tugas • Membuat Karya Visual dengan dampak sosial seluas mungkin

  3. Visual Communication Tam (2008) “Visual communication is all around us. It is a survival skill that we tend to take for granted. We use visual communication to navigate and understand the world.”

  4. Aesthethics? • Neufeldt & Guralnik "the study and theory of beauty and of the psychological responses to it" • Plato: berhubungandengancinta • Newton: tidakbisadidefinisikan • Kualitasdanrespon

  5. Aesthetics • Gained through visual performance • provides a permanent visual record of decisions made • wordless aesthetic relationships established.

  6. Aesthethic in scientific Perspective Berlyne: coined the term "collative properties" to define stimulus qualities that depend on comparative apprehension with present or past stimuli. Variables: • complexity • ambiguity • incongruity (tidak umum ada) • uncertainty (situasi tidak sempurna) • surprise • Novelty • Indistinctness (tidak jelas tergambar) gaining and maintaining viewer attention critical to sustaining the aesthetic experience

  7. The Interdisciplinary Perspective: • scientifically known about the way the brain processes visual information, one can learn more about the nature and functions of aesthetic aspects of perception and therefore the role that aesthetic phenomena play in visual communication. • art one can gain a deeper emotional and intuitive understanding of the multitude of sensitive aesthetic relationships involved in shaping animage of visual communication. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.“ (Subjective)

  8. Visual aesthetic thought • Aesthetics is not about "things" but about systems of ecological relationships and the processes that create these relationships and aid in their interpretation. • Ecological balancing: AESTHETHICS

  9. To fully participate in the creative process, the maker must focus on all emerging physical relationships, mental nonmaterial relationships, plus the relationship to personal intentions and goals. There must also be a concern for the potential response of the viewing audience.

  10. PERCEPTION OF AESTHETIC RELATIONSHIPS • Visual Aesthetic Thought Is Configurational (Visibly Relational). For visual communication to take place, both part (parsed and detailed) and whole (holistic and global) information need to be effectively mixed in the viewer's brain. Individuals trained in visual communication and aesthetic appreciation see more of the global, contextual information as well as more detailed nameable parts.

  11. Physiognomic Relationships. Aesthetic perception seems to utilize large-scale aspects of visual compositional structure. These complex relationships between visual elements are not easily comprehended in verbal terms.

  12. Flexibility and Fluency. Fluency and flexibility characterize all healthy and productive visual thought. Flexibility provides for the purely perceptual apprehension of novelty, originality, and message integrity.

  13. Implicit or Hidden Aesthetic Relationships. the perception of aesthetics depends on a subconscious substrate that may not be totally a process of inductive (active) learning or even based on enculturation.

  14. PERCEPTION OF AESTHETIC RELATIONSHIPS • Holistic Vision: Thinking by Appearance Reconstrual. Multiple interpretive possibilities within shape memory and identified a foundational principle of aesthetic creativity. Meaning in the world of the aesthetic visual communication can never be singular and literal because the viewer's brain will automatically make multiple connections through reconstrual.

  15. Principles of Visual Logic • (a) the visual Tensions within the work, • (b ) the type of and quality of visual Unity observable among visual elements, and • (c) available clues to form and space that suggest to the viewer the nature of Realism (perception of "real" intended content) of the image.

  16. Three additional principles are based in the common processes that human perception confers on every individual. These principles deal with (a) relationship between Ambiguity and Meaning, • (b) Control of Direction of the viewers' gaze and therefore their understanding of the image, and • (c) the Ecological Relationships among visual elements and between the viewer and the embedded intentions of the maker of the image. • Layering (contextual)

  17. Sampai Jumpa Minggu Depan...

  18. Pustaka • Tam, Keith.2008. How Does Coomunication Work.chool of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Hongkong • Dake, Dennis. Aesthetics Theory. Iowa State University:Iowa.

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