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Telescopes. Galileo 1609. The Moon as a World. Jupiter has Moons. Refracting telescopes. Isaac Newton’s reflecting telescope. Reflecting telescope. Objective mirrors instead of lenses. Three Powers. Magnifying Resolving Light Gathering. Magnifying Power.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Telescopes

  2. Galileo 1609

  3. The Moon as a World

  4. Jupiter has Moons

  5. Refracting telescopes

  6. Isaac Newton’s reflecting telescope

  7. Reflecting telescope Objective mirrors instead of lenses

  8. Three Powers • Magnifying • Resolving • Light Gathering

  9. Magnifying Power • Ability to make objects appear larger in angular size • One can change the magnifying power of a telescope by changing the eyepiece used with it • Mag Power = focal length of objective divided by the focal length of the eyepiece

  10. Resolving Power • Ability to see fine detail • Depends on the diameter of the objective lens or mirror

  11. Light Gathering Power • The ability to make faint objects look brighter • Depends on the area of the objective lens or mirror • Thus a telescope with an objective lens 2 inches in diameter has 4 times the light gathering power of a telescope with a lens 1 inch in diameter

  12. Herschel & Lord Rosse

  13. 19th century: epoch of the large refractors

  14. Refracting telescopes Lick Vienna

  15. Yerkes Observatory

  16. 20th century Large Reflectors Come of Age Mount Wilson

  17. Palomar (5-m)

  18. 4 meter Reflecting telescope

  19. Objective Mirror

  20. Dome of 4 meter Kitt Peak

  21. Keck Telescopes

  22. Rooftop telescopes

  23. MSU Campus Observatory

  24. SOAR Telescope

  25. SOAR Telescope -- Cerro Pachon

  26. Astronomical “seeing” • Blurring effect of looking through air • Causes stars to twinkle

  27. Bad seeing on this side Good seeing on this side

  28. Electromagnetic Spectrum

  29. Radio TelescopesArecibo

  30. Very Large Array

  31. Very Large Array

  32. Observing from space • No clouds • Perfect seeing • Can see wavelengths of light blocked by the earth’s atmosphere

  33. Hubble Space Telescope

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