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THE CIVIL LAW TRADITION IN RELATION TO PHILIPPINE LAW: an outline survey Prof. Rubén F. Balane. BEGINNINGS IN MYTH AND MIST. I. A Wedding in Olympus – Peleus and Thetis A. The Uninvited Guest and the Unusual Wedding Present: Eris and the Apple of Discord
BEGINNINGS IN MYTH AND MIST I. A Wedding in Olympus – Peleus and Thetis A. The Uninvited Guest and the Unusual Wedding Present: Eris and the Apple of Discord B. For the Fairest: An Impromptu Beauty Contest and the Three Finalists – Hera, Athena, Aphrodite.
BEGINNINGS IN MYTH AND MIST II. The Three Contestants’ Bribe Offers/The Judgment of Paris Hera - mastery of Europe and Asia Athena - victory over the Greeks Aphrodite - the most beautiful woman in the world
BEGINNINGS IN MYTH AND MIST III. The Consequence of Paris’ Choice – The Trojan War A. The Face That Launched A Thousand Ships B. The Ten-Year Siege and the Wooden Horse C. The Destruction of Troy D. Aeneas Flees the Burning City E. Per Varios Casus …: Aeneas Founds A Settlement Around the Seven Hills
BEGINNINGS IN MYTH AND MIST IV. The Trojan Settlement: A Kingdom Ruled By Aeneas’ Line A. From Ascanius to Proca B. The King and the Usurper C. A God Ravishes A Virgin
BEGINNINGS IN MYTH AND MIST V. The Legend of Romulus and Remus A. The Cave and the She-Wolf B. Strife Between the Twins VI. The Foundation of Rome: 21 April 753 BC (I AUC) VII. Predictions of Roman Grandeur: The Importance of Myth
ROME: FROM MYTH TO HISTORY I. Succession of Kings From Romulus to Tarquinius Superbus II. Legends of the Fall: A Rape Topples a Monarchy III. Le Sette Colline di Roma A. Palatine – Palatinus B. Capitoline – Capitolinus C. Aventine – Aventinus D. Esquiline – Esquilinus E. Caelian – Caelius F. Viminal – Viminalis G. Quirinal – Quirinalis
ROME: FROM MYTH TO HISTORY IV. The Settlers of Italy V. Primitive Roman Society A. Patricians and Plebeians B. The Assemblies 1. Comitia curiata 2. Comitia centuriata 3. Comitia tributa C. The Republic and the Dual Society 1. Consuls and Tribunus Plebis 2. Senatus consulta vs. plebiscita
ROME: FROM MYTH TO HISTORY VI. Consolidation: Tribune Terentilius and the Decemviri VII. LegesDuodecimTabularum– 450 BC -The Beginning of Roman Law -The Birth of the Civil Law Tradition
ROME: FROM MYTH TO HISTORY VIII. Expansion of Rome: From Republic to Empire to World State. 1. The Punic Wars – 264-146 BC 2. The First Triumvirate: Caesar, Pompey, Crassus – 61BC 3. AleaIactaEst: Caesar Crosses the Rubicon – 49 BC 4. A City in Collision with Itself: Pharsalus – 48 BC 5. Dictator for Life: A Month is Renamed – 44 BC 6. “Even at the base of Pompey’s statue …”: The Ides of March, 44 BC
ROME: FROM MYTH TO HISTORY VIII. Expansion of Rome: From Republic to Empire to World State. 7. The Plains of Philippi (42 BC) and the Second Triumvirate: Antony, Octavian, Lepidus 8. “Age cannot wither her...” – The Serpent of the Nile 9. A Queen Turns Tail: Actium – 31 BC 10. Octavian Becomes Augustus: Another Month Renamed 11. The Twelve Caesars 12. The Five Good Emperors: 96 AD - 180 AD
ROME: FROM MYTH TO HISTORY IX. The Slow Decline: From Commodus to Diocletian (180-305 AD) / Constantine 1. Joint Emperors: The Tetrarchy 2. Constantine: In Hoc Signo Vinces – The Battle of the Mulvian Bridge (323 AD)
ROME: FROM MYTH TO HISTORY X. The Jurisprudentes A. 1. Scaevola 2. Gaius 3. Papinian 4. Ulpian 5. Paul 6. Modestinus B. Valentinian’s Law of Citations
ROME: FROM MYTH TO HISTORY XI. The Fall A. The Barbarians – From Trickle to Flood: The Empire Is Overrun B. Fall of Rome: Romulus Augustulus (476 AD) XII. Resurgence and Recovery: Justinian A. Tribonian B. The Great Work of Codification: Corpus Juris Civilis 1. Digesta – 533 AD 2. Institutiones – 533 AD 3. Codex – 534 AD 4. Novellae – 534-543 AD
AFTER THE FALL I. SPAIN A. Visigothic Spain 1. Euric – 466 - 484 2. Alaric II – 484 - 507 3. The Laws of Euric and the Breviary of Alaric: A Dual Society Déjà vu. 4. Consolidation and Stabilization: The Fuero Juzgo (ca. 690 AD)
AFTER THE FALL B. Moorish Spain 1. Tarik and the Rock (711 AD): Islam Triumphant 2. The Reconquista: A Slow, Piecemeal Recovery 3. The Birth of the Fueros a. Fuero Viejo b. Alfonso El Sabio, the Fuero Real, and the Libro de lasLeyes c. SietePartidas (1347)
AFTER THE FALL C. A United Christian Spain 1. A Wedding at Valladolid: Fernando and Isabel 2. The Cross Redux: Granada Falls (1492) a. Santa Fe and the Siege b. The Tears of Boabdil: “Weep like a woman …” – El Ultimo Suspiro del Moro 3. Castilla Todo Lo Arriesga: Cristoforo Colombo, Fernao de Magalhaes, and the Journeys Beyond the Setting of the Sun 4. The Mad Queen: Juana la Loca
AFTER THE FALL D. Europe Rediscovers Classical Roman Law: The Revival and the Reception 1. The Florentina: Western Europe Finds the Digest 2. The Rise of the Universities and the Revival 3. The Glossators: Irnerius and the School of Bologna 4. The Commentators: Bartolus and the School of Perugia – “Nemo jurista nisi sit Bartolista.” 5. The Reception: From the Universities to the Courts and the Marketplace
AFTER THE FALL E. Growth of Spanish Law a. Las Leyes de Toro (1505) b. Extension of the SietePartidas to the Colonies (1530) c. La Nueva Recopilación (1567) d. Recopilación de lasIndias (1661) e. La NovísimaRecopilación (1805) F. From Habsburg to Bourbon (1700)
AFTER THE FALL II. FRANCE A. Twilight for the Gods: Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette B. To the Bastille: “Sire, Ć’est Une Revolution” – 14 July 1789
AFTER THE FALL C. The Fall of the Monarchy and the Reign of Terror D. Eighteenth Brumaire: Napoleon Bonaparte 1. The Commission of Fontainebleau and the Project of Codification 2. Le Code Civil: 21 March 1804
AFTER THE FALL III. BACK TO SPAIN A. The Call for Codification and the ComisiónCodificadora B. The Queen Regent Issues An Edict: Real Decreto of 6 October 1888 Ordaining Publication of the Código Civil. C. The Código Civil Takes Effect – 24 July 1889
AFTER THE FALL III. IN THE PHILIPPINES A. Extension of the Código Civil to the Colonies – Real Decreto of 31 July 1889 B. The Código Civil Takes Effect in the Philippines – 7/8 December 1889.
THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES I. From the Lion of Castile to the American Eagle: The Philippines Changes Hands II. The Colony Becomes a Republic, 4 July 1946 III. Executive Order No. 48 and the Project of Codification
THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES IV. RA 386, 18 June 1949 – The Civil Code of the Philippines. Effectivity Date – 30 August 1950 V. The Spanish Code and the Philippine Code: A Comparison. VI. The Family Code of 1988.