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CRM Unicode Conversion: The DBA Perspective

This presentation by Brian Hitchcock discusses the conversion process to Unicode in Siebel CRM from a DBA perspective. It covers various issues that arise during the conversion, handling multi-byte data in the existing CRM database, and the actual conversion process. The focus is on DBA-related issues and not on the Siebel application.

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CRM Unicode Conversion: The DBA Perspective

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  1. Siebel CRM Unicode Conversion – The DBA Perspective Brian HitchcockOCP 8, 8i, 9i DBA Sun Microsystems brian.hitchcock@sun.com brhora@aol.com DCSIT Technical Services DBA www.brianhitchcock.net Brian Hitchcock September 15, 2004 Page 1

  2. CRM Unicode Conversion • Three separate presentations • 1) The overall conversion process • What we had, what we wanted, how to get there • Issues that come up during conversion • 2) Multi-byte data in the existing CRM db • What’s the issue, how did it happen • A general method to find and fix this problem • 3) The actual conversion • What really happened • Issues that came up and how they were resolved • Focus on DBA issues, not Siebel application

  3. How Did I Get Involved? • Sleeping in a meeting… • Heard someone say • “We told the users to stop entering Japanese into the CRM system but we aren’t sure they stopped” • Woke up, said • “I’ve done that before…” • See “Case of the Missing Kanji” • Don’t wake up in meetings…

  4. What’s The Issue? • Existing Siebel CRM system • Oracle • Single-byte character set (WE8ISO8859P1) • Interface systems • Multi-byte character set(s) (UTF8) • Handle data between single,multi-byte apps • Want to convert to Unicode • Siebel, database, interfaces all should be UTF8 • Eliminate interface systems

  5. Users What we had Amer 8859P1 Emea Apac UTF8 UTF8 Tcustdb Apac Custdb Apac UTF8 UTF8 Tcustdb Emea Custdb Emea Custdb Amer Siebel CRM WE8ISO8859P1 8859P1 Ordering System Oracle Db WE8ISO8859P1

  6. Users What we wanted UTF8 Amer Emea Apac UTF8 Custdb Apac UTF8 Custdb Emea Custdb Amer Siebel CRM WE8ISO8859P1 UTF8 Ordering System Oracle Db AL32UTF8

  7. What We Wanted • All data in one database • All languages • Unicode • Eliminate interface systems • Reduce support costs • Support increased CRM functionality • All data in one place • Supports new business functionality

  8. Would you like fries with that? • Unicode conversion includes • Oracle db • Convert to AL32UTF8 character set • Required by Siebel for Unicode • Upgrade to • Required to get AL32UTF8 character set • Remove Tcustdb databases • Modify triggers that link source db to Tcustdb

  9. And A Shake? • And, while you’re at it… • Application GUI • Retrieve different data, multi-byte, local language • Clients • Upgrade to Oracle (SQL*Plus) • Lots of changes all at once • Testing • How to know impact of each change?

  10. Converting to Unicode • It’s easy – right? • Siebel CRM • make some configuration changes • Oracle database • Export from single-byte database • Import into new db created with UTF8 char set • Testing • Done • This is the ‘management’ view

  11. What Is Unicode? • International standard • Collection of characters • Covers most of the world’s languages • Chinese poetry? • All characters have unique byte-code • Application developers • Support Unicode • No need to worry about specific languages

  12. You Make This Stuff Up! • What follows can be found in • Oracle9i Database Globalization Support Guide • Release 2 (9.2) • Part Number A96529-01 • Or, you can trust me… • Character sets, Unicode • Consist of set of characters • Encoding of the characters to byte-codes

  13. Single Byte Encoding Schemes • 7-bit encoding schemes • Single-byte 7-bit up to 128 characters • normally support just one language • US7ASCII • 8-bit encoding schemes • Single-byte 8-bit up to 256 characters • often support a group of related languages • WE8ISO8859P1

  14. 8859P1 Character set Oracle Character Set WE8ISO8859P1 Hex 0x41 is A

  15. Multi-byte Encoding Schemes • Fixed-width • each character occupies a fixed number of bytes • Faster text processing • AL16UTF8 • Variable-width • one or more bytes to represent a single character • Saves disk space (typically lots of disk space) • UTF8, AL32UTF8 • Shift-sensitive variable-width • use control codes to differentiate single-byte multi-byte characters with the same code values

  16. UTF8 Byte Storage Different characters occupy 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes

  17. AL32UTF8 • UTF8 • Supports Unicode 3.0 since • Up to 3 bytes per character • Supplemental characters • Pairs of 3 byte character codes • AL32UTF8 • Supports Unicode 3.1 (latest version?), since 9i • Up to 4 bytes per character • Supplemental characters

  18. Confused? • Unicode, a set of characters • Character set, encoded set of characters • Encoding scheme, UTF-8, ISO standard for variable width encoding of Unicode character set • UTF8, Oracle implementation of UTF-8 • If you’re not confused, you aren’t paying attention!

  19. Changing Character Set • You can simply alter the database (right?) • Only works if • new character set is strict superset of existing character set • For all characters in existing character set • All exist in new character set • All have exact same code in new character set • Example • WE8MSWIN1252 (superset, includes euro) • WE8ISO8859P (subset)

  20. Complexities • Even for the same character • Different encoding in different character set • Example • Latin (Western European) character á • E1 in WE8ISO8859P1 • C391 in UTF8 • If existing character not in new char set • ? (replacement character) displayed

  21. Cure • Create new database • Using new character set • Extract data from old database • Insert data into new database • Export/import is most often used • Could use other methods • Extract data to flat files • SQL*Loader

  22. Database Conversion • Serial • Upgrade source, export, drop schemas, import • Parallel • Create target • Export source • Import to target • Chose Parallel • Source still available after target in use • User tablespace issue for example

  23. Impact of Unicode • Table columns must be widened • Existing column • Holds up to 20 Latin characters • WE8ISO8859P1, each Latin character 1 byte • VARCHAR2(20) • New column • UTF8 • Each Latin character occupies 2 bytes • Need VARCHAR2(40)

  24. Impact of Unicode • Worst case • UTF8 can have up to 4 bytes per character • For all existing character columns • Need to expand by 4x • Disk space • CHAR – 4x disk space • VARCHAR2 – 1x to 4x • Depends on specific characters inserted

  25. Impact of Unicode • Tables • Columns must be wider • Each character can be up to 4 bytes • Triggers, PL/SQL code • Modify to handle multi-byte data • End-user front-end (browser) • Reconfigure to • Display multi-byte data, accept multi-byte data • All app components must handle Unicode

  26. User Impact • VARCHAR2, AL32UTF8 • 4000 byte limit • How many characters can I enter? • Latin, 2000 • Japanese, 4000/3 • If moving from Japanese character set • 2 bytes per character • Max characters reduced by 1/3 • Supplemental characters, 1000 • Characters like ‘treble clef’

  27. Disk Space • How much multi-byte data do you have? • We found all of ours • Typically, 5-10% • See 2) Multi-byte data in the existing CRM db • Compute disk space requirement • If you have 5% multi-byte character data • Need maximum of 20% more disk space • Will you add more multi-byte data? • Once you have converted to Unicode…

  28. Expanding Columns • Need to expand lots of columns • Individual SQL statements • Lots of SQL to generate • How to make Oracle do this for us? • Export existing database • New database has init.ora parameter • NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS = CHAR • Import into new database • All character columns widened as tables created • VARCHAR(10) becomes VARCHAR(40)

  29. Character Semantics – 9i • Change column data types • VARCHAR2(10 byte) • VARCAHR2(10 char) • Requires SQL statement for each column • NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS • Init.ora parameter • What happens if init.ora changed? • BYTE or CHAR • All character columns created with byte or char • Handles PL/SQL code as well

  30. The Siebel Process • Create target database • Shutdown app • Upgrade Oracle client • Source db character set • Run migrate.sh script • Full export source • Import to target db • Modify target db

  31. Create target database • Oracle • Character set AL32UTF8 • Character semantics CHAR • Tablespace names same as source db • 15% more space than source db • Locally managed, uniform 130k • Auto UNDO, tablespace

  32. Shutdown app • Shutdown various app servers • Shutdown source db • Cold backup • Upgrade source db to • Migrate to

  33. Upgrade Oracle client • Upgrade Oracle client software to • For all machines that have SQL*Plus • Upgrade to • Install • Client install only • Tar up client ORACLE_HOME • ftp, untar on machines that need SQL*Plus

  34. Source db character set • Fix any user tablespace issues • Import won’t fix them for you • Change source db character set • WE8MSWIN1252 • Siebel requirement • Contains euro symbol • Is a strict superset of WE8ISO8859P1

  35. Run migrate.sh script • Siebel supplied script • Generates various scripts • Expand.ksh • Widen columns for Unicode • Impexp06.ksh • Import individual tables for large dbs • We use full export/import instead • Run sun_expand.sql • Widen columns in tables outside Siebel schemas

  36. Export Source, Import Target • Full export of source db • Source db is now • NLS_LANG • AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 • Import into target db • Target db created as • NLS_LANG • AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8

  37. The conversion setup WE8ISO8859P1 Source Db AL32UTF8 Target Db WE8MSWIN1252 Source Db WE8MSWIN1252 import WE8MSWIN1252 export

  38. Modify target db • Run impexp06.ksh • Handles sequences etc. • Run check_schema.sql • Find columns that didn’t get widened • Various changes on Siebel App side • Verify db links to Custdb databases

  39. Conversion Complete? • Siebel process is done • Fix any data issues • Multi-byte character data in source db • Convert properly to AL32UTF8 • Testing Unicode changes • GUI changes • Performance • Unicode processing • Users accessing different data

  40. Multi-byte Data In Source Db? • Source db is WE8ISO8859P1 • Single-byte character set • Doesn’t support multi-byte characters • That’s the official story • The reality is somewhat different • What, if any multi-byte data is in source db? • How to determine correct character set? • How to find, how to fix? • Japanese, Russian, others?

  41. CRM Unicode Conversion • Three separate presentations • 1) The overall conversion process • What we had, what we wanted, how to get there • Issues that come up during conversion • 2) Multi-byte data in the existing CRM db • What’s the issue, how did it happen • A general method to find and fix this problem • 3) The actual conversion • What really happened • Issues that came up and how they were resolved • Focus on DBA issues, not Siebel application

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