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¿ Qué quieres ? What do you want?. Kay/Key-air-S. Lo tengo I got it. Low/Thane-go. Mande Huh?. Mawn -Day. Estás loco/a You’re crazy/funny. Eh- staush /low- kow. No te escucho I didn’t hear you. NO/THAY/S-SKOO-CHOE. ¿ Qué dijiste ? What did you say?. K/DEE-HE-STAY.
¿Quéquieres?What do you want? Kay/Key-air-S
Lo tengoI got it Low/Thane-go
MandeHuh? Mawn-Day
Estás loco/aYou’re crazy/funny Eh-staush/low-kow
No teescuchoI didn’t hear you NO/THAY/S-SKOO-CHOE
¿Quédijiste?What did you say? K/DEE-HE-STAY
Lo SientoI apologize LOW/SEE-N-THOE
¿Quéhaces?What are you doing? Kay/Ah-ses
¿Quiénes?Who is this/that? Key-N-ES
Anecdotesa short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.Synonyms: story, tale, narrative An-eck-doughts
Analogiesa comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification.Synonyms: similarity, likeness, resemblance Uh-nah-luh-gees