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Where are we?. Who are we?. What do we do?. Homepage: www.iesjaumei.es. 0 1. Name of the Village: BURRIANA Province: CASTELLÓN Region: COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Country: SPAIN.
Where are we? Who are we? What do we do? Homepage: www.iesjaumei.es 01
Name of the Village: BURRIANA Province: CASTELLÓN Region: COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Country: SPAIN
Burriana: - 13 km from Castellón (capital of the province) - 55 km from Valencia (capital of the region) - 412 km from Madrid (Capital of Spain) - 309 km from Barcelona
inici Where are we? » place contact 04 Plaça Sanchis Guarner s/n 12530-Borriana (Castelló).
inici Where are we? place » contact CONTACT: - PlaçaSanchisGuarner s/n 12530-Borriana. - Telèfon i fax 964510425. - Office hours: 9:00 to 14:00 h. - Webpage: www.iesjaumei.es - Hours for classes: 8:30 to 15:10 h. 06
inici Who we are? » service staff facilities - Secundary public school - since 1968/69. - Different levels: -I) Compulsory education: From 12 to 16 years. -II) Post-compulsory education (from 16): • 2 types of high school diploma in our • High scholl: - Natur Sciences and Technology. - Social and Human Sciences - 2 Training ciclesin Informatics: - 1 Training cicle in Commerce - Intermediate Degree • Upper intermediate Degree 07
inici Who are we? services » staff facilities • 683 students • 100 Teachers - 7 P.A.S. –Administrative staff - A.M.P.A. (Parents’ Association) - Student’s Association “En un racó del sostre”. - Ex-pupils’ Association 08
inici Who are we? Services staff » Facilities - WI-FI in the whole centre. - Reception, bar-cafe. - parking - A bilding with two levels. - Gym, football and basketball courts. - Schoolhall. - Music, Informatic, languages rooms - Technology workshop and kitchen for students. - Library and laboratory. • Pedagogical and Psicological Orientation Department - Pedagogical therapy room. 09
1r cicle E.S.O. (12-14) 2n cicle E.S.O. o P.Q.P.I. (14-16) Workplace High school Degree Intermediated Training cicle (from 16) (from 16) prova d’accés Exam to university” Educative itinerary the student can do in our high school Upperintermediated Training cicle (from 18) University (from 18) 10
inici quisom? onsom? quèfem? » Bachillerato Different types of high school degree (“Bachilleratos”) in our high school*: 1r Course 2n Cuorse 011 University
inici quisom? onsom? quèfem? batxillerats cicles formatius » activitats 1 activitats 2 Academic activities : -Valencian, Spanish and European competition - Talk about working orientation - Visit to the university - Theater. • Realització de le revista de l’institut. - Exchange with Hightstown High School of New Jersey (USA). 12
inici quisom? onsom? quèfem? Leisure activities: • Trips at the end of the level. - Day of the living together - Trip to the snow - Fair trade and Solidarity Christmas concert - Costume contest - “Fallas” (14-19 March): popular festival Interculturalliving together 13
ACTIVITIES we are working now in our High school 1-Collecting data: test and interviews to the inmigrant pupils. 2-Working with films (Crash, Gandhi, I want to be like Beckham 3-Intercultural tolerance and sports: Olympic Games, Soccer World Cup in South Africa 4-Psicopedagogist orientation and proposal of different activities for the tutorials. 5-Historical view about the relationship between immigration and the economical models. 6-Exploration of the ethical values of the Education for the citizenship.