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aggregates. Material for Civil Engineering. UNIFORM. G A P. CONTINUOUS. Aggregate gradation. Gradation and Aggregate Building.

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  1. aggregates Material for Civil Engineering

  2. hra

  3. UNIFORM G A P CONTINUOUS Aggregate gradation hra

  4. hra

  5. hra

  6. Gradation and Aggregate Building • Aggregate gradation affects the workability of portland cement concrete mixes, and the stability and durability of bituminous concrete mixes, also affects the stability, drainage and frost resistance of base course • Aggregate grading: dense; gap; uniform; open graded hra

  7. Gradation and Aggregate Building • Fuller method: P = 100 [ d/D] N p = percentage finer than sieve D = maximum size aggregate to be used (top size) d = sieve size in question N = coefficient of adjustment which adjusts the curve for fineness or coarseness hra

  8. Fuller curve 100 90 80 70 60 Percent finer by weight 50 40 30 20 n = 0.3 10 n = 0.5 n = 0.7 0 10 1 0.1 Diameter in mm – log scale hra

  9. Fine aggregates limits hra

  10. CONTINUOUS UNIFORM Graphical distribution G A P Increasing cumulative percentage passing Increasing particle size (sieve opening) hra

  11. Sieve test result hra

  12. Sieve Test Result hra



  15. 100 100 1.5” 80 80 3/4” 60 60 40 40 No. 4 No. 10 20 20 No. 200 0 0 0 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 Binding aggregates (2 materials) Percent aggregate A Percent passing aggregate A Percent passing aggregate B Percent aggregate B hra

  16. Oven Dry Air Dry Saturated surface dry W e t Absorption Capacity Surface moisture Effective Absorption Aggregates Moisture Phase hra

  17. WAGG - WOD WSSD - WAD WSSD - WOD WWET - WSSD X 100 X 100 X 100 X 100 WOD WSSD WSSD WOD Absorption Capacity Effective Absorption Moisture Content Surface Moisture hra

  18. WOD WSSD WOD WSSD - WSW WSSD - WSW WOD - WSW SPECIFIC GRAVITY Ratio between mass (weight in air) to the mass of an equal volume of water (for a specific temperature) Bulk Specific Gravity, Gb = Bulk Specific Gravity, Gbsd = Saturated surface dry Apparent Specific Gravity, Ga = hra

  19. Flexible Pavement Asphalt concrete Base course Sub Base course Sub Grade TYPICAL CROSS SECTION hra


  21. Gradation Fine Medium Coarse hra

  22. GRADATION • Gradation affects: stability, drainage, and frost susceptibility; • The type of gradation: dense graded (maximum stability), open graded (maximum drainage or frost protection); • The hardness of the aggregate (ie.; aggregate degradation) hra

  23. hra

  24. Particle Strength • To resist the load without breakdown, minimize degradation • Requires: strength and toughness hra

  25. Particle Shape • Angular aggregate characteristics give aggregate interlock properties; increase the stability of open graded materials. • Rounded aggregate: Herrin and Goetz: crushing rounded gravels add significantly only to the stability of one size aggregate mixes, to open graded mixes a very little, and to dense mixes not at all • Thin and elongated aggregate: Size segregation; low strength hra

  26. Particle Texture (surface) hra

  27. Aggregate for Bituminous Mixture • Gradation and Size: (High volume of traffic: dense graded aggr., with sufficient void to leave room for fine and asphalt) • Strength and Toughness: To prevent aggregate breakdown under traffic and subsequent los of stability) • Particle shape (angular aggr. gives aggr., interlock properties increasing stability of open graded materials) • Porosity hra

  28. Gradation for typical sand asphalt Note: Base course mixture hra

  29. This is en of session hra

  30. Assignment • Jenis batuan yang paling cocok untuk perkerasan jalan adalah “igneous rock”. Mohon komentar dan penjelasan mengenai keterangan tersebut. • Bagaimana bentuk (shape) dari partikel mempengaruhi penggunaannya untuk: -beton semen; -beton aspal? • Apa yang dimaksud dengan gradasi batuan? hra

  31. Analisis saringan dari 1.000 gram batuan halus (fine) menghasilkan data sebagai berikut pada tabel. Mohon saudara gambarkan grafik gradasinya dan hitung modulus kehalusan (fineness modulus) dan apa saran saudara terhadap gradasi tersebut Assignment hra

  32. Pelajari dan gambarkan grafik gradasinya dari beberapa standar teknis (technical specification) mengacu kepada ASTM standar untuk gradasi batuan yang digunakan untuk: • campuran beton aspal • campuran beton semen hra

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