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The Laws of Thermodynamics. The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. “If two systems are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third system, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.”. This allows the design & the use of Thermometers !. The First Law of Thermodynamics. Q = ∆ Ē + W
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics “If two systems are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third system, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.”
The First Law of Thermodynamics Q = ∆Ē + W For Infinitesimal, Quasi-Static Processes đQ = dĒ + đW Total Energy is Conserved Heat absorbed by the system Work done by the system Change in the system’s internal energy
“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another.” Rudolf Clausius, 1850 • The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is Conservation of Total Energy!!!! • It says nothing about The Direction of Energy Transfer! (courtesy F. Remer)
The Second Law of Thermodynamics “The entropy of an isolated system increases in any irreversible process and is unaltered in any reversible process.” • This is sometimes called The Principle of Increasing EntropyDS³ 0 • This gives thePreferred(natural) Direction of Energy Transfer • This determines whether a process can occur or not. Change in entropy of the system (courtesy F. Remer)
Historical Comments • Much early thermodynamics development was driven by practical considerations. • For example, building heat engines & refrigerators. • So, the original statements of the Second Lawof Thermodynamics may seem different than that just mentioned.
Various Statements of the Second Law • “No series of processes is possible whose sole result is the absorption of heat from a thermal reservoir and the complete conversion of this energy to work.” That is There are no perfect engines! • “It will arouse changes while the heat transfers from a low temperature object to a high temperature object.” Rudolf Clausius’ statement of theSecond Law. Strange sounding?
“It will arouse other changes while the heat from the single thermal source is taken out and is totally changed into work.” • “It is impossible to extract an amount of heatQHfrom a hot reservoir and use it all to do workW. Some amount of heatQCmust be exhausted to a cold reservoir.” Lord Kelvin’s (William Thompson’s) statement of theSecond Law. The Kelvin-Planck statement of theSecond Law.
Heat Engine A system that can convert some of the random molecular energy of heat flow into macroscopic mechanical energy. QH HEATabsorbed by a Heat Engine from a hot body -W WORKperformed by a Heat Engine on the surroundings -QC HEATemitted by Heat Engine to a cold body
The Second LawApplied to Heat Engines Efficiency = (W/QH) = [(QH - QC)/QH]
Refrigerator A system that can do macroscopic work to extract heat from a cold body and exhaust it to a hot body, thus cooling the cold body further. A system that operates like a Heat Engine in reverse. QC HEATextracted by aRefrigeratorfrom a cold body W WORKperformed by a Refrigerator on the surroundings -QH HEATemitted by a Refrigerator to a hot body
The 2nd Law of ThermodynamicsClausius’ statement for Refrigerators • “It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.” There are no perfect Refrigerators! • This statement about refrigerators also applies to air conditioners and heat pumps which use the same principles.
The Second LawApplied to Refrigerators Efficiency = (QC/W) = [(QC)/(QH - QC)]
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamicscan be used to classifyThermodynamic Processesinto3 Types: 1.Natural Processes(orIrreversible Processes, orSpontaneous Processes) 2.Impossible Processes 3.Reversible Processes We’ll discuss each more thoroughly with examples soon. (courtesy F. Remer)
The Third Law of Thermodynamics “It is impossible to reach a temperature of absolute zero.” On the Kelvin Temperature Scale, T = 0 Kis often referred to as “Absolute Zero”
Another Statement of The Third Law of Thermodynamics “The entropy of a true equilibrium state of a system atT = 0 Kis zero.” (Strictly speaking, this is true only ifthe quantum mechanicalground state is non-degenerate. If it is degenerate, the entropyatT = 0 Kis a small constant, not 0!) This is Equivalent to: “It is impossible to reduce the temperature of a system toT = 0 Kusing a finite number of processes.”
Some Popular Versions of The Laws of Thermodynamics 1st Law: You can’t win. 2nd Law: You can’t break even. 3rd Law: There’s no point in trying.
Other Popular Versions of The Laws of Thermodynamics Version 1 Zeroth Law:You must play the game. First Law:You can't win the game. Second Law:You can't break even in the game. Third Law:You can't quit the game. Version 2 Zeroth Law:You must play the game. First Law:You can't win the game, you can only break even. Second Law:You can only break even at absolute zero. Third Law:You can't reach absolute zero.
Version 3 Zeroth Law:You must play the game. First Law:You can't win the game. Second Law:You can't break even except on a very cold day. Third Law:It never gets that cold! Version 4 Zeroth Law:There is a game. First Law:You can't win the game. Second Law:You must lose the game. Third Law:You can't quit the game.
“Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics” Things get worse under pressure!!
From Statistical Arguments we’ve seen that a Quantitative Definition of Entropy is S kBln()kB Boltzmann’s constant=(E) Number of microstates at a given energy
Spontaneous ProcessesProcesses that can proceed with no outside intervention Entropy In qualitative terms, Entropycan be viewed as ameasure of the randomness or disorderof the atoms & molecules in a system. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Total Entropy always increases in a spontaneous process! So, Microscopic Disorder also increases in a spontaneous process! Spontaneous Processes & Entropy
Spontaneous Processes Spontaneous Processes Processes that can proceed with no outside intervention. • Example in the figure: Due to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics the gas in container B will spontaneously effuse into container A. But, once the gas is in both containers, it will not spontaneously effuse back into container B.
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Processes that are spontaneous in one directionare not spontaneous in the reverse direction. Example in the figure: Due to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics the shiny nail in the top figure will, over a long time, rust & eventually look as in the bottom figure. But, if the nail is rusty, it will not spontaneously become shiny again!!
Processes that are spontaneous at one temperature may be non-spontaneous at other temperatures. • Example in the figure: For T > 0C ice will melt spontaneously. For T < 0C, the reverse process is spontaneous.
Irreversible Processes Irreversible Processes Processes that cannot be undone by exactly reversing the process. All Spontaneous Processesare Irreversible. AllRealprocesses areIrreversible.
Examples of Spontaneous, Irreversible Processes 1. Due to frictional effects, mechanical work changes into heat automatically. 2. Gas inflates toward vacuum. 3. Heat transfers from a high temperature object to a low temperature object. 4. Two solutions of different concentrations are put together and mixed uniformly. Note!! The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics says that the opposite processes of these cannot proceed automatically. In order to take a system back to it’s initial state, external work must be done on it.
Spontaneous Processes (changes): Once the process begins, it proceeds automatically without the need to do work on the system. • The opposite of everySpontaneous Processis a Non-SpontaneousProcess that can only proceed if external work is done on the system.
Reversible Processes • In a Reversible Process, the system undergoes changes such that the system plus it’s surroundings can be put back in their original states by exactly reversing the process. • In a Reversible Process, changes proceed ininfinitesimally smallsteps, so that the system is infinitesimally close to equilibrium at every step. This is obviously an idealization & can never happen in a real system!
Another Statement of the2nd Law of Thermodynamics “The entropy of the universedoes not changefor Reversible Processes”and also: “The entropy of the universeincreasesforSpontaneous Processes” “You can’t break even”. For Reversible(ideal)Processes: For Irreversible (real, spontaneous) Processes:
Still Another Statement of the2nd Law of Thermodynamics “In any spontaneous process, there is always an increase in the entropy of the universe.” The Total EntropyS of the Universehas the property that, for any process,∆S ≥0.
More Examples of Spontaneous Processes Free Expansion of a Gas • The container on the right is filled with gas. The container on the left is vacuum. The valve between them is closed. Now, imagine that the valve is opened. Valve Closed Vacuum Gas (courtesy F. Remer)
Free Expansion of a Gas • After the valve is opened, for some time, it is no longer an equilibrium situation. The 2nd Law says the molecules on the right will flow to the left. After a sufficient time, a new equilibrium is reached & the molecules are uniformly distributed between the 2 containers. The Entropy Increases!!!! After some time, there is a new Equilibrium Valve Open Gas Gas (courtesy F. Remer)
Hot Cold đQ Thermal Conduction • A hot object (red) is brought into thermal contact with a colder object (blue). The 2nd Law says that heat đQ will flow from the hot object to the colder object. (courtesy F. Remer)
After the 2 objects are brought into thermal contact, for some time, by the 2nd Law, heat đQ flows from the hot object to the colder object. During that time, it is no longer an equilibrium situation. After a sufficient time, a new equilibrium is reached & the 2 objects are at the same temperature. The Entropy Increases!!!! Warm After some time, there is a new Equilibrium (courtesy F. Remer)
Mechanical Energy to Internal Energy Conversion • Consider a ball of mass m. It’s Mechanical Energyis defined as E = KE + PE.KE = Kinetic Energy, PE = Potential Energy. • For conservative forces, E is conserved (a constant). • Drop the ball from rest at a height h above the ground. Initially,E = PE = mgh Conservation of Mechanical Energy tells us that mgh = (½)mv2 h Just before hitting the ground, E = KE = (½)mv2Mechanical Energy E is conserved! (courtesy F. Remer)
At the bottom of it’s fall, the ball collides with the ground & bounces upward. If it has anElastic Collisionwith the ground, by definition, right after it has started up, its mechanical & kinetic energies would be the same as just before it hit: E = (½)mv2 = mgh • In reality,the Collision will be Inelastic.So, the initial upward kinetic energy,KE',will be less thanKEjust before it hit. Just before hitting the ground, KE = (½)mv2. The collision is Inelastic, so right after it bounces, its kinetic energy is KE' < KE. Where did the lost KE go? It is converted to heat, which changes the internal energy Ē of the ball. As a result, the ball heats up!! (courtesy F. Remer)
The ball’s collisionwith the ground is inelastic, so it loses some kinetic energy:KE' < KE. The lost kinetic energy is converted to heat, which changes the ball’s internal energyĒ. So, the ball gets warmer!! In Ch. 4, we’ll show that, for an infinitesimal, quasi-static process in which an object heats up, changing its temperature by an amount dT, it’s internal energy change is dĒ = mcVdT m ≡ball’s mass &cV ≡ specific heatat constant volume KE = (½)mv2 KE' < KE The change in the ball’s internal energy is dĒ = mcVdT (courtesy F. Remer)
Multiple Bouncesof the ball Multiple Inelastic Collisionswith the ground. When it finally comes to rest after several bounces, it may be MUCH warmer than when it was dropped! The ball loses more KE on each bounce & it eventually stops on the ground. Thus, after sufficient time, it tends towards Equilibrium The more bounces the ball has, the warmer it gets! The Ball’s Entropy Increases!!!! (courtesy F. Remer)
Brief Discussion of “Impossible Processes” • Processes which are allowed by the 1st Law of Thermodynamics but which Cannot Occur Naturally because they would violate the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. • Any process which would take a system from an equilibrium state to a non-equilibrium state without work being done on the system would violate the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics & thus would be an Impossible Process! (courtesy F. Remer)
Examples of Impossible Processes Initially, the valve is open & gas molecules are uniformly distributed in the 2 containers. • Example 1:“Free Compression”of a Gas! Valve Open Gas Gas After some time, all gas molecules are gathered in the right container & the left container is empty. The Entropy Decreases!! Gas Vacuum Valve Open (courtesy F. Remer)
Thermal Conduction Initially, an object is warm. Warm After some time, the left side is hot & the right side is cold . Hot Cold The Entropy Decreases!! (courtesy F. Remer)
Conversion of Internal Energy to Mechanical Energy Initially, a ball is on the ground & is hot. Hot Warm After some time, the ball begins to move upward with kinetic energy KE = (½) mv2 & it cools down! The Entropy Decreases!! (courtesy F. Remer)
Impossible Processes Cannot occur without the input of work đW (courtesy F. Remer)
In such a process, theSystem’s Entropy Decreases, but theTotal Entropy of the System+ Environment Increases Decrease in Entropy Environment đW Increase in Entropy (courtesy F. Remer)