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Unclassified Information Sharing (UIS) Afghanistan Ronna /INDURE/PIX Overview March 9, 2012

Unclassified Information Sharing (UIS) Afghanistan Ronna /INDURE/PIX Overview March 9, 2012. Ronna Overview. Ronna Microsoft SharePoint Solution 33 Communities of Interest (COIs) 2500+ registered users Provides Dari/Pashtu language translation and Adobe Connect services

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Unclassified Information Sharing (UIS) Afghanistan Ronna /INDURE/PIX Overview March 9, 2012

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  1. Unclassified Information Sharing (UIS) Afghanistan Ronna/INDURE/PIX Overview March 9, 2012

  2. Ronna Overview • Ronna • Microsoft SharePoint Solution • 33 Communities of Interest (COIs) • 2500+ registered users • Provides Dari/Pashtu language translation and Adobe Connect services • Migrating to DISA All Partner Access Network (APAN) Ronna Users by Mission Area

  3. Key Ronna COIs (1/2) • Afghan Air Force/NATC – These two sites are used to collaborate and share files/information with personnel in the Afghan Air Force, National Air Training Command – Afghanistan (NATC-A) Advisors and contractors. • Afghan Hands – Hosted by the Joint Staffs Afghan/Pakistan Task Force. Membership composed of advisors that are embedded in all key leadership areas of GIRoAsuch as the High Courts and all the Afghan Ministries. • Agriculture - University level training (avail in Dari/Pashtu) to teach Afghans modern farming techniques. Site also for collaboration and project development among aid and development entities. • COMISAF Advisory and Assistance Team – Used in support of the ISAF Commander.Provides directed observations and reporting to COMISAF on strategic priority areas; identifies opportunities to enhance and exploit ISAF initiatives to maximize ISAF campaign effects. • Ground Forces Command (GFC)- Used for the mission of transitioning power to the Afghans. Special worksite created for Ground Forces Command CDR (Afghan 3 Star) with unique permissions and an audit report of who access the data. This is used for operational reporting. Also used for the Ground Forces Command Advisor and Mentor group to be able to access and share unclassified information. • NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan (NTM-A)/ANSF- One of the largest and most active COIs on RONNA. NTM-A moved several thousand documents from NIPR to RONNA, so their Afghan counterparts could have access to all the training materials that are used with the US/NATO mentors that are working the mission of transition to Afghan control. • Presidential Information Coordination Center (PICC) – Used for information sharing, reporting and collaboration of the Afghan Presidential Palace. The Presidential Information Coordination Center (PICC) manages the flow of information in and out of the Palace.

  4. Key Ronna COIs (2/2) • Provincial Budgeting and Economic Development -Used for creating and administering the Afghan national budget. The owner this site is the Afghan Ministry of Finance. • USACE/AFCEE/Engineering - Capacity Building and Transition. Three separate communities that are used heavily to work with the Afghan Engineering counterparts: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Air Force Civil Engineering and Environment and NTM-A CJENG units • Youth Engagement - Used by the Key Leader Engagement Teams for Afghan youth outreach. • Counterinsurgency Training Center – Afghanistan – Used extensively by the NATO units members of Afghan Hands. • Embedded Police Mentors – Used by the ISAF mentor teams who are training up the Afghan Police forces. • Force Reintegration Cell – Used by ISAF Staff element in charge of tracking the reintegration of Taliban forces back into Afghan society. • Information Operations – Used by all ISAF Joint Command Element units in country to share good news stories with Afghan officials. • Law Enforcement – Used for training US Military and Coalition personnel in tactical site exploitation, tactical questioning, law enforcement and counter-narcotics strategy, comprehensive targeting, counter-insurgency policing, counter-corruption techniques, etc. • Military Technical Agreement Branch (MTA JCB Portal) – Used to collaborate on the technical agreements between the U.S. and the Afghan government.

  5. INDURE Overview • Structured Reporting System • Recent Technology Refresh (Online 15 Feb) • Uses DIA ORION/IRS software • ‘Large Data’ Mongo document data base • Advanced SOLR data indexing • LINUX Open Source base supports rapid integration • Dari/Pashtu interface (V1.3.4/2.1) • 8 Reports in Use, 44 now available • 1500+ Users • 603 new users since 1/1/13 • 2408 average ‘True’ logins per week since 1/1/13 (excludes admin) • 350,000+ reports available • Version 2.1 Release July 13 • Dynamic report creation • Improved geospatial capabilities • More cross domain transfers to/from CIDNE

  6. User Input INDURE Reports • Active Reports • Contract Management (NTM-A CMAO) • AP-Atmospherics (ISAF CMIP) • Event of Interest (Iraq) • Reports Coming Online Now • Engagement Report (Afghan Hands, Training Ongoing) • FET Mission Activity (Transitioning from CIDNE input) • Logistics Incident (Planning/Training Ongoing) • Afghan Intelligence Report (New 2.0 Capability, User re-engagement) • New Reports Being Planned/Discussed • NTM-A CJENG (Engineering data for DOS/GIRoA use) • Afghan Air Force G8 (Want to move structured data from Ronna) • Afghan Ground Forces Command (Intel reporting w/ CIDNE format)

  7. CIDNE<->INDURE Transfer Status • Current Transfers from CIDNE to Version 1.3.4 • Atmospherics • Project CERP • Project Reintegration • Project General (Afghan Country Stability Picture) • Tribal Element • SIGACT (Pending CIDNE fielding, Mar 13) • Coming with Version 2.1(IRS) (Jul 13) • Report work flow control • Business logic support • Improved IRS geospatial mapping widget • Improved search functionality • Version 1.3.4 report transition

  8. Version 1.3.4 Status (Online) • Entity • Folder Person • Folder Organization • Event • SIGACT • Event • Event of Interest • Simple • Engagement • Key Leader Engagement (KLE) • Female Engagement Team (FET) • Logistics • Readiness • Logistics Incident • Humanitarian • Human Terrain • Atmospherics-AP • Atmospherics • DNA • Contracting • Vendor Vetting • Contact Management • Cultural • Cultural • Cultural Entity • Extraction • Projects • Project CERP • Project General • Project – Reintegration • Force Reintegration Cell (FRIC) • Case Files • Opportunity • Afghan Hands • DASUM • MASUM • PRT Teams • TCAPF • CMO Periodic • PRT Summary Legend: Green - Online now Blue - Coming online Red - On hold Black - Available, not used

  9. Version 2.0 Status (Online) • Action • Engagement • Future Operations Report • Key Leader Engagement Report • Analysis • Hazardous Event Report • Joint Expeditionary Forensics Report • Intel • Afghan Intelligence (AIR) Report • Observation • SPOT Threat Report • Operations • Force Tracker – Friendly Forces Logistics Report • Law Enforcement Professionals (LEP) • NGO Report • Patrol Debrief Report • Simple Report • Socio Cultural • Socio-Cultural Event Report • Socio-Cultural Report • Transition • Atmospherics Report • CMO Daily Report • Daily Summary Report • Humanitarian Assistance (HCA) Report • MASUM Report • Medical Facility Assessment Report • Mosque Monitoring Report • TCAPF Report NOTE: Version 1.3.4 and 2.0 are both active now. When Version 2.1 releases in July the legacy version will go offline. Legend: Black - Available, not used

  10. PIX Information • WIKI Environment • 5000+ Registered Users • 6000+ Articles & Messages • 3100+ User Contributions • GXP XPLORER Mapping • NGA managed capability • Supports images, maps, charts, terrain, video, LiDAR, shapefiles, text documents • Integrated with INDURE • Members include: • US Department of Defense, • Department of State • USAID • Department of Agriculture • NATO ISAF members • Non- Governmental Organizations.

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