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Motivations for Collection of Ambient Water Quality Data. Be part of the solution not part of the problemEnvironmental concernsLegislation/RegulationsPotential addition to NPDES permits Public demandLack of scientific data. Be Part of the Problem. The earth is doomed!Do nothing!Wait for some
1. Ambient Water Monitoring in Ames, Iowa 4th Annual Water Monitoring Conference
Scheman Building in Ames, Iowa
February 19, 2004
2. Motivations for Collection of Ambient Water Quality Data Be part of the solution not part of the problem
Environmental concerns
Potential addition to NPDES permits
Public demand
Lack of scientific data
3. Be Part of the Problem The earth is doomed!
Do nothing!
Wait for someone else to do it.
4. Be Part of the Solution Professionals collect data and make educated assessments of environmental needs
Participate in IDNR/UHL studies
Collect ambient water quality data
Promote watershed improvements
Support science based standards and implementation plans
5. Scope of Sample Collection Skunk River - 3 sites
Upstream of Wastewater Plant Outflow
Downstream 0.3 miles
Downstream 1.3 miles
Urban Streams – 5 sites
Skunk River
Squaw Creek
Clear Creek
College Creek
Worle Creek
6. Skunk River Sampling Sites
7. Parameters Regulated parameters
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5)
Temperature in degrees Celcius
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Total Phosphorus as Phosphorus (Total P as P)
Nitrate+Nitrite as Nitrogen (NO3+NO2)
Ammonia as Nitrogen (NH3-N)
Total Keldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
8. 2003 Skunk RiverTotal Suspended Solids
9. 2003 Skunk RiverBiochemical Oxygen Demand
10. 2003 Skunk RiverTemperature
11. 2003 Skunk RiverDissolved Oxygen
12. 2003 Skunk RiverpH
13. 2003 Skunk RiverTotal Phosphorus
14. 2003 Skunk RiverNitrate + Nitrite
15. Urban Stream Sites
16. Skunk River
17. Squaw Creek
18. Clear Creek
19. College Creek
20. Worle Creek
21. Urban StreamFecal Coliform Bacteria
22. Water Monitoring Ambitions Microbiology analysis on Skunk River
Better tracking of rainfall and river levels
Additional parameters added to urban stream monitoring
Training of personnel
23. Questions? Maryann Ryan Contact Information
Email: mryan@city.ames.ia.us
Phone: 515-239-5150
Laboratory Services Division
300 East 5th Street
Ames, Iowa 50010