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RCN-SEES: Sustainable Manufacturing Advances in Research and Technology (SMART)

RCN-SEES: Sustainable Manufacturing Advances in Research and Technology (SMART) Coordination Network. Yinlun Huang Dept. of Chem. Eng. & Mat. Sci. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202. Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition Working Meeting AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

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RCN-SEES: Sustainable Manufacturing Advances in Research and Technology (SMART)

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  1. RCN-SEES: Sustainable Manufacturing Advances in Research and Technology (SMART) Coordination Network Yinlun Huang Dept. of Chem. Eng. & Mat. Sci. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition Working Meeting AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN October 20th, 2011

  2. NSF RCN-SEES Program RCN: to communicate and coordinate their research, training and educational activities across disciplinary, organizational, geographic and international boundaries SEES: to focus on the interdisciplinary topics that will advance sustainability science, engineering and education as an integrative approach to the challenges of adapting to environmental, social and cultural changes associated with growth and development of human populations, and attaining a sustainable energy future - NSF 11-531

  3. RCN-SEES SMART CN Project • NSF Award (No.1140000) to CACHE (~$722k, 01/01/2012 – 12/31/2016) • Project Objective: To bridge the gap between the academic knowledge discovery and industrial technology innovation for sustainable manufacturing, our multidisciplinary team proposes to create an interdisciplinary, international research coordination network to promote Sustainable Manufacturing Advances in Research and Technology (SMART).

  4. Project Major Tasks To conduct comprehensive and in-depth review of the frontier research and technological development for sustainable manufacturing To define the roadmap towards manufacturing sustainability and identify the bottlenecks in a number of focused research areas via several workshops To coordinate the research through sharing knowledge, resources, software, and results To establish partnerships with industrial groups to expedite technology introduction To conduct education and outreach to a wide range of stakeholders

  5. SMART CN Team • PI: Yinlun Huang (Wayne State U.) • Co-PIs: Thomas F. Edgar (U. Texas), Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi (Texas A&M U.), Cliff I. Davidson (Syracuse U.), Mario R. Eden (Auburn U.) • Other Steering Committee Members: Luke Achenie (Virginia Tech.), David Allen (U. Texas), Burton English (U. Tennessee), David Fasenfest (Wayne State U.), Ignacio Grossmann (Carnegie Mellon U.), Karen High (Oklahoma State U.), I.S. Jawahir (U. Kentucky), Christos Maravelias (U. Wisconsin), Kim Ogden (U. Arizona), Mary Rezac (Kansas State U.), Farhang Shadman (U. Arizona)

  6. SMART CN - Collaborators • Organizations: • National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) • National Council for Advanced Manufacturing (NACFAM) • AIChE - Institute for Sustainability (IFS) • Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) • National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts (NAABB) • NSF ISRC Engineering Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing, U. of Arizona.

  7. SMART CN – Collaborators (cont’d) • Organizations: • Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing (ISM), U. of Kentucky • Center for Sustainable Engineering, Syracuse University. • Center for Advanced Process Decision-Making (CAPD), Carnegie-Mellon U. • Texas-Wisconsin-California Control Consortium (TWCCC), Austin, TX • CACHE Corporation

  8. SMART CN – Foreign Collaborators • B. Bakshi, TERI U., India • R. Gani, Technical U. of Denmark, Denmark • E. Hertwich, Norwegian U. of Sci. & Tech., Norway • S. Hu, Tsinghua U., China • Q. Jin, Waseda U., Japan • I. Karimi, Nat’l U. of Singapore, Singapore • Y. Qian, South China U. of Tech., China • G. Wozny, Berlin U. of Technology, Germany

  9. Coordinated Research on Sustainable Manufacturing

  10. Sustainability and Process/Product Systems Integrated Research Coordination • Coordination Areas • I – Methodological studies on engineering sustainability • II – Studies on sustainable design and integration • III – Research on sustainable operation, system management, and cyber-infrastructure • IV – Energy and alternative energy research

  11. Project Schedule

  12. Sustainable Manufacturing We Are Seeking Broader Collaboration.

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