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Welcome to LIB5040. Management of the School Library Media Center. LIB5040 Management of the School Library Media Center Today’s Learning. Questions and updates Leadership (Objs. 1 &10) Organizations and Management (Obj. 10) Professional Development (Objs. 1 & 2). Questions & Updates.

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  1. Welcome to LIB5040 Management of the School Library Media Center

  2. LIB5040Management of the School Library Media CenterToday’s Learning • Questions and updates • Leadership (Objs. 1 &10) • Organizations and Management (Obj. 10) • Professional Development (Objs. 1 & 2)

  3. Questions & Updates • Geri Purpur sharing Best Practices in Designing Online Reference Guides - June 30th at 5:00 pm in the LIB 5040 Forum of Qwaq AETZ. • Others?

  4. Leadership • Think of someone you consider a leader. • What practices make that person a leader in your mind?

  5. Leadership • Kouzes & Posner (2002).The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco: Josey Bass. • Over two decades of research • Leadership is a set of skills and practices available to everyone • Leadership can be found at all levels of an organization • “Leadership is a relationship” (p.20)

  6. Leadership • Kouzes & Posner, cont …. • Five Practices & Ten Commitments of Leadership – http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-131055.html • Video (to 6:49) - http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-306621.html

  7. Leadership • How does your list compare with Kouzes & Posner’s Five Practices?

  8. Leadership • Examine the Five Practices of Leadership http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-131055.html • Work in groups • Each group selects a different Practice • Provide an example of what that practice might look like if you are the media coordinator? • Share with class

  9. Leadership • How do the Five Practices of Leadership align with the roles of the school library media specialist as described in Empowering Learners?

  10. Leadership • Do you think media coordinators can be/are leaders? • Do other members of the school community perceive that media coordinators are leaders? Why or why not? • Are you ready for leadership?

  11. Leadership • Interesting to note …. A team of evaluators from the Friday Institute at North Carolina State University (NCSU) conducted an evaluation of the IMPACT project. From the final evaluation report, media coordinators outscored principals on the LPI measure of leadership qualities.

  12. Organizations & Management • Managers handle the day-to-day operations • Does not necessarily involve leadership • Media coordinators are managers • People • Resources • Budget • Facilities …..

  13. Organizations & Management • Media coordinators manage within an organization • The organization consists of people/personalities

  14. Organizations & Management • There are numerous theories about organizations, management, and personalities. • Many are adapted and applied in schools.

  15. Organizations & Management • Exploration of organization, management, and personality theories: • Work in teams • Find information on the topic • Description of the theory • How might the theory relate to schools, the media center, and/or the media coordinator? • Share with class

  16. Organizations & Management • Chaos Theory/Complexity Theory • Learning Organizations (Senge)/Systems Theory • Total Quality Management (TQM) • Myers-Briggs Personality Typing

  17. Organizations & Management • Power in organizations • The ability to get what you want • Influencing what others think, believe & do • Is a reality

  18. Organizations & Management • French & Raven’s (1960) Five Forms of Power • Coercive – able to force someone to do something against their will. • Reward – do something and you get something • Legitimate – based on the position • Referent – a person liking or wanting to be like you • Expert – having a skill or knowledge someone else desires

  19. Organizations & Management • Conversations about power in education …. • Empowerment of teachers • Concept of shared leadership *For more information you might read some of Michael Fullan’s work

  20. Organizations & Management • Power Chart Assignment • Think about an organization you are very familiar with – please use fictitious names for this assignment • Analyze the power structure • Who are the formal leaders? • Who are the informal leaders? • Who are the information brokers – the people who may not have a formal position, but know the history of the organization, the people, and how to get things done? • What are the implications for a media coordinator?

  21. Professional Development • On a piece of paper • List characteristics of professional development that you have participated in. • Circle the characteristics you thought were effective.

  22. Professional Development • Professional development is a systematic attempt to change teachers’ practice to ultimately improve student learning. • National Staff Development Council (NSDC) Standards for Professional Development • http://www.nsdc.org/standards/index.cfm North Carolina Professional Development Standards • http://www.ncwiseowl.org/Impact/TandL.htm

  23. Professional Development • Professional development conceptual framework • Content - the new knowledge, skills, and teaching practices that are the foundation of what is to be learned. • Process - the instructional processes, strategies, and structures in the delivery of professional development. • Context - the organization, system, or culture surrounding the professional development.

  24. Professional Development • Standards tied to the research on professional development – best practices. • http://www.lesn.appstate.edu/matzen/LIB5040.html • Compare these to the characteristics that your circled earlier. • What are the implications for the design of your Resident Experts Professional Development?

  25. Professional Development • Evaluation of professional development • Guskey (2000) suggests 5 levels • Participants’ reactions • Participants’ learning • Organizational culture • Use of new skills • Student outcomes Guskey, T. R. (2000). Evaluating Professional Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

  26. Professional Development • Instrument to use to look at Participants’ Reactions • Professional Development Evaluation Tool available at http://www.ncwiseowl.org/Impact/igrant/

  27. Assignments • Read Morris Chps. 4, 5, 8, • Read Stephens/Franklin Chps. 3, 5,14 • Read Empowering Learners Chp. 3 • Do Organization Power Chart Analysis

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