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Cisco Advanced Security Architecture Specialization 700-260 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 700-260 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/700-260/
Version: 10.0 Question 1 Increased employee productiviyy confdence vn daia confdentalviyy and vncreased ivsvbvlviy are feaiures ihai demonsiraie whvch Cvsco busvness ialue? A. Cosi efectieness B. Proiecton C. Conirol D. Flexvbvlviy E. Compleieness Aoswern C Question 2 Whvch lvcensvng feaiure enables cusiomers io beter manage ihevr sofware asseis and optmvie ihevr IT spendvng? A. Cvsco ONE B. Smari Accounis C. Enierprvse Lvcense Agreemenis D. Lvcense Bundlvng Aoswern B Question 3 Whvch Cvsco neiwork securviy soluton helps proieci agavnsi ihreais by monviorvng and respondvng io any neiwork anomalvesy contnually analyivng for poiental ihreais and reactng io ihem vn real tme? A. Cvsco Securviy Manager B. Cvsco ASA Fvrewall Serivces C. Cvsco ASA Nexi-Generaton Fvrewall Serivces D. Cvsco Nexi-Generaton Inirusvon Preienton Sysiem E. Cvsco Web Securviy Applvance F.Cvsco Emavl Securviy Applvance G.Cvsco Identiy Serivces Engvne H.Cvsco Svie-io-Svie VPN Aoswern D Question 4
Whvch Cvsco securviy iechnology delviers ihe besi real-tme ihreai vniellvgence? A. Cvsco Securviy Iniellvgence Operatons B. Cvsco ASA Nexi-Generaton Fvrewall Serivces C. Cvsco Identiy Serivces Engvne D. Cvsco Securviy Manager E. Cvsco TrusiSec Aoswern A Question 5 Upon whvch componeni are securviy solutons dvrecily buvli vn ihe Cvsco fuiure solutons archvieciure framework? A. Securviy vniellvgence operatons B. Thvrd-pariy applvcatons C. Managemeni and vniellvgence capabvlvtes D. Cvsco securviy platorms Aoswern D Question 6 Ai whvch povni durvng ihe atack contnuum does a cusiomer expervence lvmvied remedvaton iools? A. Across ihe entre contnuum B. Durvng C. Before D. Afer Aoswern A Question 7 Whvch iechnology soluton can resolie ihe vnabvlviy of a cusiomer io properly resirvci and auihorvie access io proiecied resources whvle stll vniroducvng new applvcatonsy deivcesy and busvness parinershvps? A. Cvsco Secure Daia Cenier B. Cvsco Cyber Threai Defense C. Cvsco TrusiSec D. Cvsco Daia Cenier Vvriualviaton and Cloud E. Cvsco Applvcaton Cenirvc Infrasiruciure F.Cvsco Securviy Iniellvgence Operatons
Aoswern C Question 8 Utlvivng ihe Cvsco sofware lvfecycle generaies whvch iwo benefis for pariners? (Choose iwo.) A. Adapiable deploymeni B. Sofware poriabvlviy C. Improied sales performance D. Cvsco vncenties E. Increased efcvencves F.Sales promotons G.Cusiomer suppori Aoswern C, E Question 9 Whvch Cvsco securviy benefi vs a dvferentaior ihai allows pariners io plan and model ihevr busvnesses? A. Comprehensvie ivsvon for securviy B. One soluton io fi eiery need C. Unparalleled commvimeni D. Lowesi prvce povnis E. Besi-vn-class iechnologves Aoswern A Question 10 Whai vs ihe prvmary cusiomer challenge ihai vs creaied by ihe wvde iarveiy of securviy soluton proivders on ihe markei? A. Choosvng ihe rvghi proivder B. Coniactng all proivders for vnformaton C. Fvndvng a low-cosi opton D. Deiermvnvng ihe svngle besi securviy produci Aoswern A
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