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American Pageant. Chapter 13, The Rise of a Mass Democracy. I. The Corrupt Bargain of 1824. 4 “Republicans” for President -Jackson -Adams -Crawford -Clay B) Jackson in lead of popular and electoral vote but no clear winner
American Pageant Chapter 13, The Rise of a Mass Democracy
I. The Corrupt Bargain of 1824 • 4 “Republicans” for President -Jackson -Adams -Crawford -Clay B) Jackson in lead of popular and electoral vote but no clear winner C) 12th amendment-House decide-Clay eliminated as Speaker of the House
D) Clay (hated Jackson)swayed support to Adams E) Jackson lost-caused uproar as president decided behind closed doors
II. A Yankee Misfit for the White House • John Quincy Adams -shunning people -came in under corruption -commanded respect, no courting popularity -removed 12 public servants in office-no party alliance -for roads and canals, national university, etc.. in a time for states rights -would not push Cherokee Indians in the south
III. Going “Whole Hog” for Jackson in 1828 • Jackson campaign -started immediately after Adams election - “All Hail Old Hickory” -hickory poles planted for Jackson -wealthy planter -attacked Adams’ personal spending -Adams pimped a servant girl to a Russian tsar
B) Adams’ Campaign -oak -actually not corrupt -his supporters-Jackson is son of a prostitute C) Election Day 1828 Jackson-178; Adams 83
IV. Old Hickory As President • Andrew Jackson -Physically -dysentery, malaria, tuberculosis and lead poisoning -Upbringing -orphan, brawling, cock fighting -moved West-judge and Congressman -the Hermitage-elaborate mansion -Inauguration-nobodies mixed with notables
V. The Spoils System • Jackson-reward those who were loyal -throw out old rascals, bring in new -not about cleaning but about loyalty B) Scandal in Spoils System -illiterates, incompetents, crooks given office -important element in emerging two party system
VI. The Tricky “Tariff of Abominations” • Tariff of Abominations -increased tariffs to high levels -supported growing industries in North B) South -old South-sold cotton and other produce in a world market unprotected by tariffs -forced to buy manufactured goods in a market protected by a tariff -SC-denounced tariff-unconstitutional (VP Calhoun wrote “The Exposition”)
VII. “Nullies” in South Carolina • Nullification Crisis -Tariff of 1832-rid of the worst of previous tariff -1832-Nullifiers and Unionists argued in SC legislature-Nullifiers won elections B) Showdown -Nullifiers-loyal to Palmetto State -Jackson-no secession-bring their heads in
C) Henry Clay and the compromise Tariff of 1833 -lower tariff by 10% over 8 years -avoided war D) Force Bill-Congress gave power to president to collect tariffs through army and navy
VIII. The Trail of Tears A) Jackson-committed to western expansion B) 5 Civilized Tribes -Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles -adopted white ways of life (settling, laws, religion, etc…) C) “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.” -Natives won 3 cases on white encroachment -Jackson went against it
D) Indian Removal Act (1830) -move Indians to “permanent” settlement E) Trail of Tears-forced marches to new territory F) Black Hawk War-1832 -Sawk and Fox resisted relocation -crushed by army G) Florida-Seminoles moved into Everglades
IX. The Bank War • Henry Clay -put bank charter for election purposes -Jackson-sign-hate from west -veto-hate from east B) Jackson-vetoed bill-unconstitutional -bad for common people (bank controlling wealth of US)
X. “Old Hickory” Wallops Clay in 1832 • Clay vs. Jackson -freedom for Clay -go the whole hog for Jackson B) Anti-Masonic Party -3rd party-against secret societies (Jackson was a Mason) C) Jackson-219; Clay-49
XI. Burying Biddle’s Bank • Jackson-bleed bank dry -withdrawal funds -deposit money into “pet banks” -state banks-flooded country with paper money B) Specie Circular-all public lands be purchased with hard money-financial panic and crash in 1837
XII. The Birth of the Whigs • New party against Jackson in 1828 -composed of: supporters of Clay’s American system, southern states’ righters offended by Jackson, larger northern Industrialists, evangelical Protestants B) Called for internal improvements, supported institutions such as prisons and schools, and pro market economy C) Claimed to be defenders of common man
XIV. Election of 1836 • Van Buren-chosen by Jackson -agreed to follow Jackson’s plans B) Whigs-could not elect one candidate-hope for House to decide C) Van Buren-170; Whigs (combined) 124
XV. Big Woes for the “Little Magician” • Martin Van Buren -first president born under the flag -accomplished strategist and spoilsman -accomplished statesmen B) Van Buren’s downfall -democrats hatred-smuggled in by Jackson -gained Jackson’s enemies -dealing with depression drained him
XVI. Depression Doldrums and the Independent Treasury • Panic of 1837 -western lands-speculation craze and shaky currency -Jackson’s Bank War and Specie Circular fed crash -failures of wheat crops-prices skyrocketed -banks closed; factories closed; unemployment soared -Financial issues abroad-distresses linked to America -Whigs-proposed active gov’t remedies -Van Buren-moved money out of banks and into gov’t reserves
XVII. Gone to Texas • Mexico became independent in 1821 • Grant to Steven Austin-bring 300 American families to Texas-Catholics and become Mexicanized • 1835-30,000 Texan Americans-Davey Crockett, Jim Bowie and Sam Houston came • Friction between Texans and Mexicans -slavery -immigration -local rights E) Santa Anna-army to crush local rights
XVIII. Lone Star Rebellion • Texan Independence-1836 • Santa Anna-attacked Texan army-led by Houston • Alamo-crushed Texans-one left • Goliad-Americans threw down arms-massacred • Revengeful Americans came to defend their relatives and friends • San Jacinto-4/21/36 -Defeated Mexicans and forced Anna to sign two treaties (Texas independence and Rio as border)
G) US Gov’t-welcomed Texas to become part of the US -slavery became an issue
IXX. Log Cabins and Hard Cider of 1840 • Election of 1840 -Whigs-no real issues-play the image game -William Henry Harrison -Democrat-insulted the west-poking fun of log cabins and cider -Harrison won-234 to 60 with a close popular vote
XX. Politics for the People • Election point 1 -common man was center of election -aristocrat was unpopular -Daniel Webster apologized for heritage
XXI. The Two Party System • Election point 2 -two party system -both championed people -Whigs-pro national bank, use gov’t as reform, and value of community -Democrats-states’ rights, federal restraint, protective tariff, and internal improvements