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Assessment for Learning: School Based Experience. Principal Liu Ah Chuen Christian Alliance SW Chan Memorial College 13/12/2013. Asse ssment & Curriculum Alignment. Learning Objectives. Teacher Perspective. Learning Outcomes. Teaching Activities.
Assessment for Learning: School Based Experience Principal Liu Ah Chuen Christian Alliance SW Chan Memorial College 13/12/2013
Assessment & Curriculum Alignment Learning Objectives Teacher Perspective Learning Outcomes Teaching Activities To the teacher, assessment is at the end of the teaching-learning sequence of events, but to the student it is at the beginning. If the curriculum is reflected in the assessment, the teaching activities of the teacher and the learning activities of the learner are both directed towards the same goal. In preparing for the assessments, students will be learning the curriculum. Assessment Student Perspective Learning Activities Assessment Outcomes Source: Biggs, J. (2003). Aligning teaching for constructing learning. The Higher Education Academy. http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/documents/resources/database/id477_aligning_teaching_for_constructing_learning.pdf
Multi-purpose of Assessment School contexts Assessment AS Learning Current status: How are we doing? Establish what needs to be done to get them there Learning Assessment FOR Learning Assessment OF Learning Establish where learners are going Establish where learners are in their learning
Assessment For, As and Of Learning LEARNING Curriculum Goal Societal Contexts Questions asked: • What do we want students to achieve? • What are the links across subjects and year levels? • What are the links between cognitive & non-cognitive outcomes? • What information about learning and teaching will we get from the assessment? • Does the assessment system align with curriculum goal and school contexts? School contexts: • School culture • Student body • Teaching staff • Resource • Parents Assessment System Planning Assessment Implementation Questions asked: • How well are students doing? • Have they reached the goals? • How to min the gap? • What do students and teachers think and do to min the gap? Assessment System Review
Assessment for Learning In Assessment for Learning, teachers use assessment as an investigable tool to find out as much as they can about what their students know and can do, and what confusions, preconceptions, or gaps they might have. The wide variety of information that teachers collect about students’ learning processes provides the basis for determining what they need to do next to move student learning forward. It provides the basis for providing descriptive feedback for students and deciding on groupings, instructional strategies, and resources. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth. (2006). Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind, p. 29.
Assessment for Learning Teachers also use assessment for learning to enhance students’ motivation and commitment to learning. When teachers commit to learning as the focus of assessment, they change the classroom culture to one of student success. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth. (2006). Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind, p. 30.
Teachers’ Role in AforL Assessment for learning occurs throughout the learning process. It is interactive, with teachers: • aligning instruction • identifying particular learning needs of students or groups • selecting and adapting materials and resources • creating differentiated teaching strategies and learning opportunities for helping individual students move forward in their learning • providing immediate feedback and direction to students
校本個案分享-通識教育科 課程設計 學習評估 教學策略 廿一世紀模式
校本個案分享-通識教育科 校本課程設計 認識公共房屋的發展及房屋政策 認識現時香港的房屋問題的現況、成因及解決方法 …… 加入所需單元知識 例如: 「公共房屋供應量不足,是導致人們被迫蝸居於『不適切居所』的主因。」你是否同意這個說法?試參考以上三則資料及就你所知,解釋你的答案。 設計學生終極習作 通識能力類別 例如:比較及作判斷 單元課題 例如:今日香港 選定課題及通識能力類別
校本個案分享-通識教育科 互評學生習作 較弱學生習作,由學生進行改寫。 老師選出三份佳作,由學生進行評分,並找出值得學習之處。
校本個案分享-通識教育科 通識教育科協作學習平台(初步完成,現進行測試) 評改系統採用現時中學文憑試「評估準則」及「評改標記」 透過系統的統計數字便能反映出學生強弱所在,從而對症下藥。
校本個案分享-通識教育科 通識教育科協作學習平台 老師可以從系統獲得全班「評改標記」的統計數字,從而選擇合適學習任務培訓學生。
運用統計模型分析學生成績從而優化學與教策略運用統計模型分析學生成績從而優化學與教策略 宣道會陳朱素華紀念中學 數學科科主任 周港輝老師 2013/12/13
新學制下學校評估文化的變革 課程設計 廿一世紀模式 學習評估 教學策略 運用統計模型
增值指標:簡介(見教育局 – 學校自我評估工具及數據)
數學科的運用 中四第一學期的 實際成績 中四第一學期的 預期成績 統計模型:回歸線 中三總成績
5個級別 顯著退步 顯著進步 平穩區域 退 步 進 步 分數 退步線 顯著退步線 進步線 顯著進步線 預期成績
跟進工作 關心學生情況,尤其是對於退步學生更加重要 了解學生進步原因,並給予適當的鼓勵 檢討教學策略
其他跟進工作 分組學習,同儕互助 • 在測考後,我們會安排「能力提升班」給所有同學; • 同學需按成績分組,每組均有能力較佳及能力稍遜的同學; • 同儕互助,合作完成指定題目; • 對於能力較好的同學,藉著教導別人 達到學習反思,進一步鞏固數學概念; • 能力稍遜的同學可以藉著提問、互相討論、研習等重溫課文概念。
新學制下學校評估文化的變革 課程設計 • 拔尖補底 • 進步/退步學生的跟進 廿一世紀模式 學習評估 教學策略 運用統計模型
進一步的討論 最終目的:找出進步或退步的學生,並給予合適的跟進工作 先檢討學科的特性,決定合適的評估方法,然後討論合適的跟進工作 增值指標只作參考