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Identities: The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Disability

Identities: The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Disability. Teryn Robinson, Lake Forest College Jen Dugger , Portland State University. Objectives.

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Identities: The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Disability

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  1. Identities: The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Disability Teryn Robinson, Lake Forest College Jen Dugger, Portland State University

  2. Objectives • Gain a base-level understanding of the differences among sex, gender, and sexuality and understand what language is appropriate when referring to the LGBTQ community • Understand some of the key similarities and differences among gender, sexuality, and disability • Take home a number of ways in which we can support and advocate for our LGBTQ-identified students with disabilities, along with others who are non-disabled.

  3. LGBTQQIA…LMNOP Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Questioning Intersex Ally

  4. Sex http://www.med.monash.edu.au/gendermed/sexandgender.html; http://www.iamsocialjustice.com Sex refers to the medical assignment of male or female at birth based on biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs.

  5. Sex Male * External sex organs * XY chromosomes * Elevated levels of testosterone * Distinct Adam’s apple Female * Internal sex organs * Development of prominent breasts * XX chromosomes * Elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone

  6. Intersex • Could be characterized by any of the following (this list is not exhaustive): • Ambiguous genitalia • Undescended testes which could turn out to be ovaries in boys • Delayed or absent puberty • Unexpected changes at puberty

  7. Gender http://www.med.monash.edu.au/gendermed/sexandgender.html; http://www.iamsocialjustice.com Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine.

  8. Gender Male Female • Masculine • Dominant • Independent • Rational • Assertive • Analytical • Brave • Active • Insensitive • Feminine • Submissive • Dependent • Emotional • Receptive • Intuitive • Timid • Passive • Sensitive

  9. Gendering our Children

  10. Transgender http://www.glaad.org/transgender Transgender is an umbrella term often used to refer to people whose gender identity differs from their assigned sex at birth.

  11. The Transgender Umbrella Drag Performer Cross dresser/Transvestite Gender Variant/Gender Queer Transsexual Two Spirit Third gender Feminine Men Masculine Women Androgynous folk

  12. Appropriate LanguageTransgender • FTM = Female to Male • MTF = Male to Female • Transboy/guy/man • Transgirl/woman • Gender Neutral Pronouns • The pronoun associated with the person’s gender identity • They/Their • Ze • Hir

  13. Sexual Identity (Sexual Orientation) A romantic or sexual attraction to people of a certain gender Heterosexual Gay Lesbian Bisexual Asexual Pansexual/Omnisexual Queer

  14. LanguageSexual Identity Inappropriate • Self-avowed or Self-admitted • Sexual Preference • Of the other persuasion • “Playing for the other team” • Gay lifestyle Appropriate • Openly gay • Sexual Orientation • Sexual Identity • Coming out

  15. LGBTQ/Disability Intersections in Research High incidence of mental health issues in LGBTQ youth High prevalence of autistic traits in gender dysphoric youth Statistically significant number of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals with disabilities

  16. Perspectives on Being Queer and Disabled “Many LGBT establishments are not wheelchair accessible. Because of this, I cannot easily access gay establishments or be readily involved in LGBT themed events or meet other gay men the conventional way. I also think that the attitude around disability and difference in our community plays a huge role in how I have been hindered.” -Interview with Andrew Morrison-Gurza, “LGBT's Living With Disabilities: Also Here, Also Queer”, Huffington Post, April 5, 2013.

  17. Perspectives on Being Queer and Disabled “The way in which people interact with me because I’m and the way in which people interact with me when they know I’m trans are quite similar. People think that this gives them some sort of a right to my body, a right to information about it, they’ll ask personal or invasive questions and not realise why those might not be appropriate. I’ve had to work hard to reclaim the right to privacy about my body. Asking someone whether you can help them (and taking no for an answer), or asking someone their preferred pronouns, are far more appropriate than personal questions about somebody else’s body.” -theselfmademen.tumblr.com

  18. Other Perspectives on Being Queer and Disabled

  19. LGBTQ and DisabilitySimilarities • Stigma/Discrimination/Inequality • Oppression • Being viewed as having something “wrong” • Feeling the pull to conform to societal “norms” • Fighting for civil rights • Reclaiming identifying language • Individuals claiming identities to varying degrees 

  20. LGBTQ and DisabilityDifferences Individuals with disabilities are federally protected from discrimination People with disabilities are often pitied by the non-disabled while many in the LGBTQ community are denigrated for their “choice” Hyper-sexualization of LGBTQ and de-sexualization of people with disabilities Collective and individual pride seems to be more solid for LGBTQ people

  21. Advocating for Action • At the University Level: • Support an inclusive non-discrimination policy and an anti-harassment policy • Ensure that gender identity and expression are protected for all university community members to enjoy 

  22. Advocating for Action • Inter-departmentally: • Advocating for inclusive and supportive university policies for all people • Facilitating discussions that integrate various identities • Educating the university on Universal Design • Supporting construction of single-use bathrooms

  23. Advocating for Action • Within your Office: • Establishing gender-inclusive intra-office procedures • Encouraging your institution, division, department, etc to adopt gender and sexual orientation non-discrimination policies • Ensure counseling and health care staff on campus understand needs of LGBTQ students

  24. What’s One Thing You Can Do?

  25. Resources!! Reach Out USA- http://www.reachoutusa.org/ Regard - http://www.regard.org.uk/ Queer Disability: Queer and Disabled Community Discussion - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/QueerDisability/ BENT: True Stories of Disabled Gay Men - http://www.bentvoices.org/ Crip Commentary - http://www.cripcommentary.com Deaf Queer.org - http://www.deafqueer.org Passing Twice: A Proud Network of Queer Stutterers and Their Allies - http://www.passingtwice.com/ Queers on Wheels - http://www.queersonwheels.com/ Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf (RAD) - http://www.rad.org/ Nothing to Hide: Gay People with Disabilities Come Out of the Closet - http://www.neeto.ca/wordsthatwork/pages/gay.pdf The Sexual Politics of Disability, by Tom Shakespeare, et al. Exile and Pride, by Eli Clare Mean Little Deaf Queer , by Terry Galloway

  26. “To transform self-hatred into pride is a fundamental act of resistance.” -Eli Clare, Exile and Pride

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