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SECRET SIX. THE SECRET OF EFFECTIVE DISCIPLINE . How to hide your buttons from your students. Students push our buttons First they push once, the most effective teachers don ’ t react so the students push harder and faster
How to hide your buttons from your students • Students push our buttons • First they push once, the most effective teachers don’t react so the students push harder and faster • The secret of hiding their buttons from their students is they simply don’t react • Students will try to find your buttons • If you don’t react they will give up • Ask yourself these questions, • Do the student know when they get to me? • Can they tell that I am aggravated? • What do I look like when I get aggravated, upset or frustrates with my students • If your normally sign, don’t • If you normally yell, speak soft • If your mad you don’t think straight so wait calm down then react
HOW TO BE CONSISTENT WITH DISCIPLINE • The best kept secrets of the very best teacher is that they have very few discipline problems • But the very best teachers never allow those challenges to become problems • Two simple thing in common, 1- they have very specific discipline plan and 2- they enforce the discipline plan consistently • The plan includes only a few rules • Each rule has a consequence • “students want rules. They want to know exactly what they can and cant do” • Teachers should tell them up front • When a students break the rules, they know the consequence • “They nee to know that I am a professional, I am in charge and I’m consistent” • Be very calm when enforcing rules • I explain exactly what I mean, I do not tolerate teasing, and I explain what teasing is • There is no need to argue with a student ever! Bottom line
HOW TO RELIEVE STRESS WITH PSYCHOLOGY • The very best teachers are the ones who seem the least stressed and have the fewest discipline problems • Know how to use good psychology to ward off potential problems • The best part is they have fun doing it • Two example of some of these teaching having fun with psychology • Example one – Ms. Brightside saw that Monica was sewing in her class and instead of pointing her out in front of the whole class she went to Monica on the side and praised her for her sewing ability and asked Monica if she could sew on her button to her jacket and Monica did and it made her a better student • “she's been nothing but helpful and attentive ever since!” • “she’s a troubled child with a lot of problem both at home and at school. I knew that scolding her and embarrassing her in from of her peers would only breed resentment, which would lead to thing much worse than sewing which would lead to more fussing and the vicious cycle would continue. So instead I used a little psychology. I’m thinking of having her make a new outfit for me!”
Example 2 – that all student like to run errands or do a favour for the teachers • “as soon as you finish your work, I need you to do something for me. So let me know as soon as you finish thanks!” • Students get busy immediately and then the teacher actually gets to praise the students for working so hard • “I literally trick them into working” • Here are some good phases, from a good teacher • Thank you for…. • I really appreciate… • I trust that you… • I understand…. • I like the way you…. • I’m very proud of you…
HOW TO BECOME BETTER, NOT BITTER • Teacher we would consider bitter use phases such as, • I’m counting the days until retirement… • If I could just get rid of these students my life would be heaven • Kids today! You just cant motivate them • The students don’t care they’re lazy • The sad part is these teachers don’t know there is a better way of teaching because they are so bitter • The very best teacher always chose the better, as opposed to the bitter path • When a student misbehaved in the classroom of an effective teacher here what usually happens • The teacher acts instead of reacts • The teacher speaks to the student in a calm manner • The teacher never loses his cool • Good teachers choose to turn each of these situations into productive learning opportunities • Think this way: Would you prefer a better doctor or a bitter doctor, would you prefer a better spouse or a bitter spouse, would you prefer better milk or bitter milk?
How to give students what they want and need • “If you want to know what a student wants and needs, ask him!” • A survey asking students about this question was answered by students saying they would like a friendly, caring, understanding, helpful, teacher they can trust • Many teachers never take the time to ask • Even though the answers are usually the same, asking shows you care • Make a realistic chart with your promises to your students to remind yourself what you need to be in order for them to succeed
How to be self-disciplined • “If you can’t control yourself, you’ll never control a group of students” • Shows examples of a teacher with and one without self-control • By keeping her self-control Ms. Rattleless acted concerned Amy was not doing her work and finds out she had a fight with her mother that morning • Ms. Fuse Box added fuel to the fire by losing self-control and allowing Amy to push her buttons and personally offend her by creating a power struggle • Have a specific discipline plan • Enforce your discipline plan consistently • Never argue or bargain with the student
How to find good in every child • “People do better when they feel better” • Children who feel good abut themselves are much less likely to misbehave • Praise good things about a child • Get to know each individual child as a person by talking to them a lot so you may get to know their interests, hobbies, and talents • This also helps them see you as a ‘real person’ • Share your talents • When they are getting “into trouble” start by saying thank you for… • Ex/ when a child is getting into trouble at recess start by saying thank you for not bringing this into my classroom