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What might happen after a farmer has plowed his field?. First, seeds of all sorts may blow into the area from the wind.Some of the seeds like weeds and grass will grow.The weeds and grass will attract other animals like bunnies and rodentsThe small animals may die and begin to decompose and, alon

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Succession: The Story of How an Ecosystem Changes With Time

    2. What might happen after a farmer has plowed his field? First, seeds of all sorts may blow into the area from the wind. Some of the seeds like weeds and grass will grow. The weeds and grass will attract other animals like bunnies and rodents The small animals may die and begin to decompose and, along with the plants, enrich the soil The soil is now prime for tree seedlings to sprout and grow. Eventually, the field will have developed into a forest. This is what students developed yesterday This is what students developed yesterday

    3. What is this process called? Succession Succession is a process in which the organisms in an area slowly replace other organisms. It is how a group of organisms change with time.

    4. Two Types of Succession Succession can occur when a brand new environment is created. Examples: An area after a lava flow cools Another type of succession occurs when an environment that is already existing undergoes a big change Examples: Forest fires and a field left unplanted

    5. Pioneer Species The first species to reach an area and begin to grow are called pioneer species. They are usually grasses, lichens, or mosses.

    6. Take a Look Remember lichens? Algae + Fungus Mosses and grasses beginning to cover an area

    7. Thought Question Why do you think large trees are not usually pioneer species?

    8. After the pioneer species has been established the area will go through a number of stages.

    13. Climax Community Eventually, the area reaches a climax community. The climax community is not replaced and is stable.

    14. So How Long Does Succession Take? Well, it usually takes hundreds of years. But it depends! Succession can be sped up in areas with high rainfall, where plants can grow quickly. Where might be a place where succession occurs slowly?

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