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Syllable Patterns: Different Medial Consonants

Syllable Patterns: Different Medial Consonants. b aske t. v c c v. How many syllables does this word have? 2 Which letters make up the first syllable? bas Which letters make up the second syllable? ket The letters, aske , form the VCCV pattern.

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Syllable Patterns: Different Medial Consonants

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  1. Syllable Patterns: Different Medial Consonants

  2. basket v c c v • How many syllables does this word have? • 2 • Which letters make up the first syllable? • bas • Which letters make up the second syllable? • ket • The letters, aske, form the VCCV pattern. • Each consonant in the middle of the word, basket, stands for its own sound. • The syllables are divided between the 2 consonants, s and k. • bas/ket

  3. bother v c c v • This word also has the VCCV pattern, but the consonants th stand for 1 sound – /th/ • When bother is divided into syllables, the consonants, th , stay together in the first syllable. both/er

  4. basketry • Can you use what you learned about the shorter word, basket, to read this word? • Does this word have the VCCV pattern? Thumbs up if yes, thumbs down if no • Do the 2 medial consonants make 1 sound or do they each make their own sound? (Remember- if they each make their own sound you’ll divide the word between them)- Hold up 1 finger if they make 1 sound, 2 fingers if they make 2 sounds. • Where would you divide this word into syllables? Turn and tell your partner • bas/ket/ry

  5. 1. Identify the VCCV pattern. 2.Tell whether the consonants stand for one sound or two. 3. Read the words aloud. Try these.

  6. bushel • bushel -yes, it has a VCCV syllable pattern. • The medial consonants stand for 1 sound. bush/el

  7. computer • Computer - yes, it has a VCCV syllable pattern. • The medial consonants stand for 2 sounds. com/put/er

  8. customer • customer - yes, it has a VCCV syllable pattern. • The medial consonants stand for 2 sounds. cus/to/mer

  9. bothering • Bothering - yes, it has a VCCV syllable pattern. • The medial consonants stand for 1 sound. both/er/ing

  10. By identifying syllable patterns, YOU can decode multi-syllablewords!

  11. As you read “When Washington Crossed the Delaware,” be sure to look for words with the VCCV syllable pattern. • Determine if the medial consonants make 1 or 2 sounds.

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