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"To encourage confidence through camaraderie and determination; taking risks that ensure success!!"

"To encourage confidence through camaraderie and determination; taking risks that ensure success!!". From the 1900s to the 1920s. The Founders. Ida Wells-Barnett W.E.B. DuBois. Other Founders. Mary White Ovington Henry Moscowitz Oswald Garrison Villard William English Walling.

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"To encourage confidence through camaraderie and determination; taking risks that ensure success!!"

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  1. "To encourage confidence through camaraderie and determination; taking risks that ensure success!!"

  2. From the 1900s to the 1920s

  3. The Founders • Ida Wells-Barnett • W.E.B. DuBois

  4. Other Founders • Mary White Ovington • Henry Moscowitz • Oswald Garrison Villard • William English Walling

  5. NAACP in the 1920’s • On February 12, 1909 was founded and was initially called the National Negro Committee • In 1910, NAACP began getting involved in legal cases to address social injustice (i.e. Pink Franklin Case) • In 1913, NAACP launches a public protest against President Woodrow Wilson after introducing segregation into the Federal Gov’t

  6. The 1920’s Continued • In 1917, Buchanan vs. Warley, Supreme Court concedes that states cannot officially segregate Blacks into residential districts • In 1917,Fight and wins the battle to enable Blacks to be commissioned as officers in WWI • In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson makes a public statement against lynching after persistent pressure by the NAACP.

  7. The 1920’s • In 1920, the annual conference was held in Atlanta, one of the most active Klan areas. • In 1922, the NAACP places adds in major newspapers to present the facts about lynching.

  8. 1930 • 1st successful protests against Supreme Court justice nominees launched against John Parker, who officially favored laws that discriminated against African Americans. 1935 • lawyers Charles Houston and Thurgood Marshall win the legal battle to admit a black student to UMCP.

  9. 1939 • After the Daughters of the Revolution barred soprano Marian Anderson from performing at their Constitution Hall, the NAACP moved her concert to the Lincoln Memorial, where over 75,000 people attended. 1941 • During World War II, the NAACP led the effort to ensure that President Franklin Roosevelt orders a non-discrimination policy in war-related industries and federal employment.

  10. 1948 1945 • NAACP starts a national outcry when Congress refuses to fund their own Federal Fair Roosevelt Employment Practices Commission. • The NAACP wins the Morgan vs. Virginia case, where the Supreme Court bans states from having laws that sanction segregated facilities in interstate travel by train and bus. 1946 • The NAACP was able to pressure President Harry Truman to sign an Executive Order banning discrimination by the Federal government.

  11. NAACP - 1960 In Greensboro, North Carolina, members of the NAACP Youth Council launch a series of non-violent sit-ins at segregated lunch counters. These protests eventually lead to more than 60 stores officially desegregating their counters.

  12. NAACP – 1963 After one of his many successful mass rallies for civil rights, NAACP's first Field Director, Medgar Evers is assassinated in front of his house in Jackson, Mississippi.

  13. NAACP - 1963 NAACP pushes for the passage of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act.

  14. NAACP - 1964 U.S. Supreme Court ends the eight year effort of Alabama officials to ban NAACP activities, and 55 years after the NAACP's founding, Congress finally passes the Civil Rights Act.

  15. NAACP - 1965 The Voting Rights Act is passed. Amidst threats of violence and efforts of state and local governments, the NAACP still manages to register more than 80,000 voters in the Old South.

  16. NAACP - 1979 The NAACP initiates the first bill ever signed by a governor that allows voter registration in high schools. Soon after, 24 states follow suit.

  17. Before taking the position as Director of the LDF, Leslie Proll was the senior staff attorney of the Washington, DC office of the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. Ms. Proll is a civil rights litigator who practiced law in Birmingham, Alabama before joining the Legal Defense Fund. She has litigated numerous cases in the areas of fair housing, employment discrimination, voting rights and higher education desegregation. She served as a law clerk to Chief Judge Sam C. Pointer of the Northern District of Alabama. She is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and of the University of California at Davis School of Law. Currently, she monitors federal judicial nominations for a number of national civil rights organizations. Leslie Proll

  18. 1981The NAACP leads the effort to extend The Voting Rights Act for another 25 years. To cultivate economic empowerment, the NAACP establishes the Fair Share Program with major corporations across the country. 1982NAACP registers more than 850,000 voters, and through its protests and the support of the Supreme Court, prevents President Reagan from giving a tax-break to the racially segregated Bob Jones University. 1985The NAACP leads a massive anti-apartheid rally in New York. 1980-1985

  19. 1986-1989 • 1987NAACP launches campaign to defeat the nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. As a result, he garners the highest negative vote ever recorded for a 1989 Silent March of over 100,000 to protest U.S. Supreme Court nominee. • 1989Silent March of over 100,000 to protest U.S. Supreme Court decisions that have reversed many of the gains made against discrimination.

  20. 1990-1995 • 1991When avowed racist and former Klan leader David Duke runs for US Senate in Louisiana, the NAACP launches a voter registration campaign that yields a 76 percent turn-out of Black voters to defeat Duke. • 1992The number of Fair Share Program corporate partners has risen to 70 and now represents billions of dollars in business. • 1995Over thirty years after the assassination of NAACP civil rights activist, Medgar Evers - his widow Myrlie, is elected Chairman of the NAACP's Board of Directors. The following year, the Kweisi Mfume leaves Congress to become the NAACPs President and CEO.

  21. 1996-1999 • 1997In response to the pervasive anti-affirmative action legislation occurring around the country, the NAACP launches the Economic Reciprocity Program... And in response to increased violence among our youth, the NAACP starts the "Stop The Violence, Start the Love' campaign. • 1998Supreme Court Demonstration and arrests

  22. Charles Hamilton Houston • You have a large number of people who never heard of Charlie Houston. But you're going to hear about him. [T]hat man was the engineer of all of it... if you do it legally, Charlie Houston made it possible.... • -- Thurgood Marshall

  23. Drive Houston as an Army officer during World War I.  He was later to write:  The hate and scorn showered on us Negro officers by our fellow Americans convinced me that there was no sense in my dying for a world ruled by them.  I made up my mind that if I got through this war I would study law and use my time fighting for men who could not strike back. Houston entered Harvard Law School in the fall of 1919.

  24. Motivation • In 1930, he applied to the University of Maryland Law School, but was denied admission because he was Black. This was an event that was to haunt him and direct his future professional life.

  25. Road To Brown 1940s • 1938: Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canadainvalidated state laws that refused African-American students access to all-white state graduate schools when no separate state graduate schools were available for African-Americans. (Handled by Thurgood Marshall for the NAACP before the formal foundation of LDF.) • 1940: Alston v. School Board of City of Norfolk, a federal court order that African-American public school teachers be paid equal salaries regardless of race. • 1940: Chambers v. Floridaoverturned the convictions — based on coerced confessions — of four young black defendants accused of murdering an elderly white man. • 1944: Smith v. Allwrightwas an early voting rights case in which the Supreme Court required Texas to allow African-Americans to vote in primary elections. • 1946: Morgan v. Virginiadesegregated seating on interstate buses. • 1947: Patton v. Mississippi ruled against strategies that excluded African-Americans from criminal juries. • 1948: Shelley v. Kraemeroverturned racially discriminatory real estate covenants • 1948: Sipuel v. Oklahoma State Regentsreaffirmed and extended Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada, ruling that Oklahoma could not bar an African-American student from its all-white law school on the ground that she had not requested the state to provide a separate law school for black students. 1950s • 1950: McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regentsruled against practices of segregation within a formerly all-white graduate school insofar as they interfered with meaningful classroom instruction and interaction with other students. • 1950: Sweatt v. Painterruled against a Texas attempt to circumvent Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada with a hastily-established inferior law school for black students. • 1953: Barrows v. JacksonreaffirmedShelley v. Kraemer, preventing state courts from enforcing restrictive covenants. • 1954: Brown v. Board of Educationexplicitly outlawed de jure racial segregation of public education facilities.

  26. The NAACP of Today…

  27. Confederate Flag Protest • On January 17, 2000, the NAACP held a large scale protest in Columbia, SC. • The issue at hand dealt with the Confederate Flag being raised in the State Capitol building. • Backed by 50,000 supporters, the rally was the largest in the South’s history.

  28. Kwesi Mfume on the Flag "The NAACP believes it is time for Mississippi to have a flag that all of its citizens can support. This means one without the symbol of the confederacy," Mfume said. "Confederate flag supporters who are proud of the heritage it represents should understand that this includes the support of slavery and the belief that African Americans are not entitled to all of the protections of the Constitution."

  29. Results… • On top of that, the NAACP imposed an Economic boycott against South Carolina tourism • On April 12, 2000, the South Carolina government voted to take the flag down.

  30. Riots

  31. Cincinnati Riots • On April 7, 2001, Timothy Thomas, 19, was killed by Cincinnati police officer Stephen Roach • The murder of Thomas was just the 15th young, black male to be killed while in police custody.

  32. Rioting

  33. On April 9, 2001, 150-200 Cincinnati residents, including Thomas’ mother, went to the City Council Chambers to protest. • Following a march to the Police Department HQ, at midnight, the Cincinnati police turned off street lights and began firing protesters with bean bags and gas • The rioting took place from the April 9 to April 13 and afterwards Cincinnati imposed a city-wide curfew. • The NAACP, along with other Cincinnati civil rights groups filed a federal lawsuit against • The court decided for residents of Cincinnati and the Cincy police to form a Collaborative Effort community designed to prevent future incidents like this with the police

  34. Change in Leadership

  35. After 8 years, Kwesi Mfume stepped down as president and CEO of NAACP. • Bruce S. Gordon, replaced Mfume after a 6 month search on June 25, 2005. • Gordon brings experience in the business field as a former Verizon CEO as well as life-long racial advocacy work to the table as experience • Gordon, now takes the head of a civil rights organization which has over 500,000 members.

  36. NAACP Legal Defense Fund • The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (NAACP LDF or simply LDF) is a leading United States civil rights organization. It was founded in 1940 under the leadership of Thurgood Marshall as part of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and spun out as a separate organization in 1957. • While primarily focused on the civil rights of African-Americans in the U.S., they claim to have "been instrumental in the formation of similar organizations serving other minority constituencies in the United States," and to have "been involved in the global campaign for human rights by assisting in the creation of public interest legal organizations in South Africa, Canada and Brazil. “ • Their national office is in New York City with regional offices in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, California. They claim "nearly two dozen staff lawyers" and "hundreds of cooperating attorneys across the nation." According to their website, they have "more than 100 cases on [their] docket" and have "been involved in more cases before the U.S. Supreme Court than any organization except the U.S. Department of Justice."

  37. Every other Tuesday we collaborated with ANQ, BES, AKA, and other minority organizations to register as many students to vote as possible • Invited 93.9 to broadcast from our campus outside of Cole Field House in order to cover a wider range of people on as well as outside of College Park’s campus VOTER EMPOWERMENT UMCP(2004) Efforts • Our chapter held a live debate between the College Democrats and College Republicans in order to give those who are not clear on the issues a broader sense of what the previous election concerns were.

  38. Cultural Awareness “A Letter to the President”, an exclusive screener was held at the Hoff Theater in collaboration with Vibe Magazine. A movie which was based on the correlation between Politics, African-American urban life, and Hip-Hop.

  39. ASA Unity Basketball Tournament NAACP was able to participate in the African Student Association’s annual Unity Basketball Tournament. (We took second place which will be GRAND Champs this coming October)

  40. Community Service Activity NAACP and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. worked together in order to create Thanksgiving care packages to those needy families.

  41. THANK YOU!!!! On behalf of our National Chapter as well as the Youth & College Division, we would like to thank you all for attending our first meeting. **All pictures from last years events as well as details on upcoming events, how to join our national and local chapter, and other contact information can be found on our website: http://www.studentorg.umd.edu/NAACP

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