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Explore Sudan’s ICT sector growth, VoIP impacts, and key milestones in the telecom industry. Discover Sudan demographics & regulations in this comprehensive overview.
Sudanese ICT Market Development Impacts on VoIP: The Sudanese Case
Where is Sudan? • North East of African (1500 N, 3000 E)
Flag, Emblem, and National Anthem نحن جند الله ------ جند الوطن (We Are the Army of God, the Army of the MotherLand)
Sudan Demographics Profile 2012 (2011 est.) • Population: 25,946,220. • Age structure: • (0 – 14) years = 42.1% (as follows): • #(Males= 9,696,726) , (Females=9,286,894). • (15 – 64) years=55.2% (as follows): • # (Males= 12,282,082) , (Females= 12,571,424). • 65years and over =2.7% (as follows): • # (Males= 613,817) , (Females= 596,559)
...Continued …Sudan Demographics • Religions: • * Sunni Muslim, small Christian minority. • Languages: • *Arabic (official), • * English (Second language), • * Nubian, Bedawie, Fur • Urbanization • *Urban population: 40% of total population (2010). *Rate of urbanization: 3.7% annual rate of change (2010-15 est.)
Telecom Sector Milestones • 1859 – Telecommunications introduced in Sudan: • * First telegraph link between Cairo & Sawaken. • 1871–1873 Telegraph line reached Khartoum (Small unit for Post & Telegraph). • 1892 - 1903 First Telephone exchange in Sudan (Eldaba & Khartoum). • 1910 -1971 The service was run by a government body known as Posts & Telegraphs (P&T) • 1971 - 1978Telecommunication was separated from the Post service and run as a governmental • Department. • 1978 – 93 Sudan Telecommunications Public • Corporation (STPC) formed and operated.
…Continued …Telecom Sector Milestones(2) • April1993: privatization of the telecom sector & the establishment of the Sudan Telecommunications Company(Sudatel), a Fixed wire-line phone service. • 1994: Sudatel starts commercial operation. • 1996: The first mobile phone system, a GSM license, is awarded to the Sudanese Mobile Telecommunications Company(Mobitel). • 1997: Sudan’s first ISP(Sudanet) starts commercial • operation, with 128Kbps Bandwidth capacity. • 1997: Sudan’s first GSM system operator, Mobitel, • starts commercial operation.
…Continued …Telecom Sector Milestones(3) 2001: Establishment of the National Telecommunications Corporation(NTC), a new regulatory body for telecom. 2003: A second mobile-phone (GSM) license is awarded to Bashair(MTN). 2004 : A second fixed-wireless phone(CDMA) license is awarded to CanarTel. 2005: International gateways are opened for all operators(telecomsector fully deregulated). 2006: A third mobile-phone (CDMA) license is awarded to Sudani, an affiliate of Sudatel. Sudani later on built an GSM network.
# Telecom Sector Statistics(Q2, 2012) 2) Fixed phone system Subscribers = 467,541. 1) Mobile phone system Subscribers = 26,370,531. 6) Geographical coverage= 35%. 5) Phone density = 70%. 7) Population coverage= 88%. 3) Internet users = 11 millions. 4) Internet Broadband users >= 1 millions.
Coverage: Geographic coverage: 31% Technology: CDMA 1x EV-DO Subscribers:6,975,145 Coverage: Geographic coverage:33% Population coverage:28% Technology:WLL CDMA Subscribers: 314,976 Telecom Operators' Market Share:- Coverage: Geographic coverage:35% Population coverage:88% Technology: GPSR, HSPA Subscribers:12,697,024 Coverage: Geographic coverage:8.5% Population coverage:55.1% Technology: GSM / UMTS Subscribers:6,969,019 Total Subscribers: 26,956,164
(3) Why is ICT so important? # ICT provides numerous benefits & advantages resulting in considerably better: Time, effort & cost utilization &saving, Financial leveraging, Human capacity training, allocation &re- organization, Safety measures standardization, & implementation, and Environment protection & preservation
Q. What is VoIP(Voice over internet protocol)? (1) The routing of a voice conversation over the internet or through an IP based network. (2) “VoIP Services” cover a range of services: 1)Voice over broadband (VoB), i.e. international private lease circuits. 2) Voice over digital subscriber loop (DSL). 3) Voice over Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). 4) IP telephony or voice over IP-based networks. (3) VoIP is also integrated with other services ( data, video) that are available on the internet.
VoIP Regulation Status: the Sudan (1) A number of presentations were given highlighting the Regulatory and Technical aspects of voice over internet protocol(VoIP) at the NTC quarters. (2)A set of amendments was proposed to the Law & Regulation of telecom services , to include VoIP , and to be “formulated textually” and put to open & comprehensive discussion . (3)A “public consultancy” was formulated and presented to interested parties, post approval from the NTC Consultancy Council. (4) Responses were received some Operators, while others asked for an extension of the period.
Continued …VoIP Regulation Status: the Sudan 5. Documents Currently available are:- • VoIP Signaling Protocol, • Regulating telephone calls over Internet Protocol • Public Consultancy “Regulations of telephone-call services over Internet Protocol”(Arabic/English). • Operators’ Responses.
Telecom Sector Overview 1) Operators & ISP’s:- • 2 Fixed-phone Operators(Sudatel &CanarTel). • 3 Mobile-telephone Operators(Zain, MTN, Sudani) • 2 ISP(Vision Valley, Suddern) 2) VoIP Status:- • VoIP is not officially Regulated. • Current policy does not officially ban VOIP in Operators’ • core networks. • Permitted in private networks. • Wide-spread gray market.
Telecom Sector Overview 1) Problem of Grey Market:- • Appreciable international traffic volume routed via VOIP. • Telecom sector income (hard cash) drops significantly. • International calls Prices are low compared to legacy calls, depriving the national economy from sizable hard-currency revenues. • Presumably will have an affect on NTC reputation in local, regional and international organizations and institutions.
VoIP Policy/regulation for Sudan # The Proposal:- 1) Issue 2 types of licenses for VoIP Gateways:- • Intra-gateway(Individual-authorization license), and • Inter-gateway(General-authorization license. 2) Intra-gateway to be licensed only to ISP’s with proven record of adherence to NTC laws & regulations. 3) VoIP QoS to be specified in comparison with toll quality. 4) VoIP Tariff to be specified for both toll quality and below toll quality. 5) All agreements between Operators & ISP’s to be under supervision of NTC.
… Continued…VoIP Policy/regulation for Sudan:- # Recommendations:- 1) Terms of Reference(TOR) for General Authorization and Individual Authorization be clearly stated & immediately issued. 2) VoIP license should be restricted to ISP’s only. 3) Intra-gateway license should not be awarded to Mobile & Fixed phone operators, to ensure government attains its full share of telecom revenues. 4) Inter-gateway license may be awarded to Mobile & Fixed phone operators, to access international VoIP gateways via their own networks. This allows their customers the use of their own devices to make low-rate VoIP ILD calls.
Actions to be Taken: # Regulating phone calls via Internet protocol (VoIP) requires concerted, relentless efforts by all stakeholders. # A few steps to be taken are below: • 1st Brain Storming meeting:(NTC Staff). • 2ndBrain Storming meeting :(Operators, ISP’s,…). • Assistance request: (ITU, ATU,VoIP experts). 4. VoIP Regulatory commission: Experts in Law, Economics& Eng., 5.VoIPcommission mission is as follows: * Device a VoIP Regulatory Framework. * Put clear rules for VoIP Interconnection. * Recommend a globally-proven Tariff Model. # Indicators for evaluating “ VoIP Status ” must be periodically gathered, analyzed and recommendations forwarded about them to NTC Directorate.
Actions to be Taken: Institute neutral consortia for VoIP development. Clearly define VoIP service & service models. Measure the impact of grey traffic. Determine desired market outcome. Develop policy. Enforce policy. # IP technology will become the future network architecture. All proper measures must be taken for the benefit of all stakeholders.
# The key regulatory challenges include:- Regulating the internet, especially voicecalls transported via the internet, (2) defining a minimum criterion for legal VoIP for equivalence to traditional voice, (3) measuring the financial and social impact of illegal VoIP traffic on licensed telecoms operators and economies in general.